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The Continuing Chronicles Of Jay Feaster's Incompetence


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So what's the deal with Vancouver? Have they said anything else about trading Luongo?

Only that they won't give him away for anything less than the moon, and that there are more people interested than anyone thinks, and that some interest is way out of left field. That there are good offers on the table, but nothing that makes Gillis pull the trigger just yet.

In short, there has been posturing by Mike Gillis. A few new teams kicking the tires recently, but nothing major. Toronto is still the most probable destination if he does get traded, but Gillis thinks he can out-wait everyone and maximize his return. I think he's going to be kicking himself in the future for not taking a better deal than he ends up with.

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Vancouver's Stanley Cup runs of late have been known for their diving escapades.

Without anything to show for it, they've decided to ramp it up a notch with some good ol'fashioned violence.

So next time you ref an NHL game, don't swallow that whistle, give the Canucks a call. Or they WILL destroy you.

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Dear Leafs,

Hi there! Longtime fan, first time writer. I just wanted to say: please don't get embarrassed tonight. If you lose, at least make it an interesting and close game. With games against the New York teams, you've hurt my heart...please don't do that again.



PS: Let Phil the Thrill score his first (or first three) tonight. I feel bad for the guy.

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Honestly, Bozak has no spot on the leafs, except as a stop-gap while we wait for a true #1. He's not good enough for L1, Grabo's set on L2 with JVR and Kulemin. I want Kadri to have more time on L3; he's got far more upside than Bozak does. Bozak's too soft for L4. He's expendable, really.

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I think if they want Kadri to be a centre, why not try him on the Kessel line for a game or two and see if there is some chemistry?

I would love to see Kadri on Kessel's line (I think they actually are on the 1st PP unit, but Kadri is on the wing).

Try a top line of JVR-Kadri-Kessel.

Also, apparently Lombardi went down with an injury. Glad we got something out of him! We should send them in the Tinman :shifty:

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Thor sucks. If I can have a superhero on my hockey team, I want Superman. His slapshot would probably kill, and he could check people through the boards and into the stands.

Have you met Captain Dion (kinda sounds like a super hero)? He broke a guys arm with his shot!

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