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The Continuing Chronicles Of Jay Feaster's Incompetence


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Was hoping Philly would go 0-4, but New York played horribly last night. Was watching the highlights of the other games on the NHL Network, Edmonton was robbed out of their goal, but they still managed to win. And Chicago is looking great so far.

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NYR can't seem to play full periods of hockey, or second periods. They can't win games playing a total of 1 period of decent hockey. I know it was a back to back game, but they looked lost on the 5-3, it takes the momentum away from them instead of giving them momentum.

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NYR were dominated for the first two periods, they got a bit better in the third, but yeah, they looked lost on the 5-3. I missed their game against Boston, but watching the games against Pittsburgh and Philly, they been dominated during the first two, and can't seem to get it together enough in the third.

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The Red Wings had a great showing last night, much better effort than their last couple of games. Howard looked a lot more comfortable too. Pretty good game as well. I don't think the Red Wings end up with a top seed in the playoffs, but if they keep playing this way, I'm sure they'll end up somewhere in the playoffs.

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Yeah, they were real lucky to have a 2 goal lead after the first period. 2 bad breakdowns left lundqvist hung out to dry. Esp on grabs goal. Though, I don't think he really had a shot on the second one either.

Rangers signed Jason Arnott to a 1 year deal.

The sharks are rolling with the top line. Pavelski was originally given another 2 assist, but then they took his second away because the puck was tipped and then shot by the Marleau - who came in and stole the first goal from Pavelski lol. The line is rocking on the powerplay.

Pacioretty had immediate surgery. He's out for a while.

and Bouwmeester scored.

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I've already had about three people tell me that Bouwmeester has been our best player this year.

Maybe if you only watched tonight's game.

If tonight was indicative of what he's going to provide for the rest of the season under Hartley, then I'm all for Jay Bo. But one game does not a leader make. If he's going to stay in Calgary and keep playing the minutes he's being given, he needs to consistently perform like he did tonight. Maybe he's feeling the heat under the new coaching staff, maybe the real Jay Bouwmeester stood up, or maybe tonight was an anomaly.

Either way, the chain is only as strong as its' weakest link, and with the money, minutes and responsibility he's been given, Bouwmeester has been the weakest link for the Flames since he arrived.

As goes Bouwmeester, so go the Flames. He showed up tonight, and we won. It wasn't all on him by any means, but he's given hefty minutes. When he doesn't show up, that's 20 minutes a game that we're essentially playing short-handed. But when he does show up, like he did tonight, he makes things happen. The score could easily have been 7-3 if a few more of those bounces went our way.

Kudos to Jay for a good game tonight. My Flames are finally on the winning side of things this year. Here's to hoping that they can both keep it up... and if they can't, I'll be the first one in here ranting about players that need to be shipped off (for the good of the team, and in Bouwmeester's case, the player). Like I said earlier, the guy is loaded with potential. Maybe he just needed a different system. Maybe he'll do better somewhere else. Either way, whatever happens, I hope that what's best for the team is Jay Feaster's number one priority.

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Haha. I wasn't calling him good or that he won the game for you guys. Just thought it was funny that he scored right after you bashed him. Kinda' like Gaborik scored a hat trick after I called him a prop who just stands around doing nothing.

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Pens win ^_^ Heck of a game, they could have been better on the powerplay, but Fleury was on tonight, and the defense was solid as well. Senators played really well too. Look forward to the next game between these two.

Edited by Baby Hewey
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Haha. I wasn't calling him good or that he won the game for you guys. Just thought it was funny that he scored right after you bashed him. Kinda' like Gaborik scored a hat trick after I called him a prop who just stands around doing nothing.

Gaborik was dynamite for New York against Toronto. He was easily the best player on the ice in my eyes.

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He's been real good the last 3 games, and that makes it so frustrating when he disappears for long stretches. He really is a good player when he's skating and going to the net.

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