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The Continuing Chronicles Of Jay Feaster's Incompetence


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If Bob McKenzie is talking about it, this got a whole lot more legitimate. Unless he's shooting it down, of course.

Honestly, I don't see the point. He'd just be a figurehead. MLSE will still have their fingers all up in this pie, and nothing much will change. I mean if the Leafs had acquired Gretzky like twenty years ago.... But now? Meh.

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Nice road win for the Leafs. I liked what I saw from Reimer, and Gardiner was good. The fourth line got caught for long shifts a few times and the powerplay was a bit iffy, but otherwise the Leafs looked good. I just hope Lupul isn't out for too long.

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The parade is back on!!!

And looks like Lupul is out for awhile...like...weeks :(

but yeah, really liking how the Leafs are playing. Never letting in more than 2 goals, a few players are PPG (Kuli, Bozak, Kadri, Kostka, and I think JVR). I know it's still early, and the Leafs usually do well early on, but it's still awesome :D And Komi is actually, you know, playing not bad.

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Fleury was good. None of the goals he allowed were weak. Heck, on the first, his own defenceman knocked him out of the net.

And anytime Calgary loses, it is a good day.

Edited by Toe
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It was an exciting game. Some bad calls both ways, but the refs were locked out too, so I'll give them a month before I start blaming them for shit.

Flames haven't been as good as they need to be, but there's been steady improvement every game as they get used to Coach Hartley.

I'm still adamant that Bouwmeester has to go. Wideman has taken his minutes and is providing what we were supposed to get out of Bouwmeester. At least 3 of every 4 defensive lapses that cause a goal against this season have been with him on the ice and out of position.

Scoring hasn't been an issue this year. The pucks are going to the net and chances are being created. Where we've fallen apart is in the back-end, and I believe very strongly that moving Jay Bo is the right thing to do. Even if an NHL defenseman doesn't come back the other way, we've got TJ Brodie and Derek Smith in the 6/7 position, and both of them have been extremely solid for us thus far. Move Bouwmeester, either for a backup goalie, shut down d-man, big center or just draft picks. Dsitribute his minutes appropriately based on what the top 6 looks like after the move, and we'll be okay.

He's the weak link on the roster right now, and I really do believe that it would be a case of addition by subtraction. If we can get a roster player for him that can help us out, then that would be awesome, but really, a couple draft picks to help stock the cupboards would give us more than he is currently.

He's ripe with potential. He showed what he could do with Florida, and I think he could flourish somewhere else. But for whatever reason, he just isn't performing up to snuff in Calgary. He's supposed to be a top 2 guy, but he's barely pulling in at 5 or 6 in terms of who's playing best on defense in Calgary.

I'm also sick of hearing the argument that he eats up minutes, and is thus worth having. It's a crap argument. Lots of guys can handle playing those minutes. Sure, they may not perform as well as they would with less minutes, but neither is Bouwmeester, and he's eating a large portion of the salary cap right now. Besides, like I said earlier, Wideman has now become a top 2 guy in terms of minutes played, and Bouwmeester has dropped to 3 or 4. So we have Wideman and Giordano eating minutes, good ol' reliable in Cory Sarich, TJ Brodie and Derek Smith are playing well, and Chris Butler is hanging around too. Don't forget Anton Babchuk, who may still find a place anchoring the power-play when he returns. We don't need Bouwmeester. He needs a fresh opportunity in a city that doesn't want him gone.

This is a make or break year for Jay Feaster. He needs to be active in shaping this club. He needs to keep us in a position where we can challenge for a playoff spot, but look to next year and know that we will be better. Just signing Iginla won't do that. In fact, if he doesn't commit to moving out the bodies we don't need and filling the holes we do have, signing Iginla will do nothing but ensure that Jarome doesn't win a Stanley Cup.

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