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Bruins in two games!

*clap clap clap-clap-clap*

Bruins in two games!

*clap clap clap-clap-clap*

Why not in one? Gets the Leafs to the golf courses quicker! Bozak has been working on his putting all season!

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Worst player for the Leafs tonight, for me, was Mark Fraser, by far. He made so many small mistakes that shouldn't be made at this level, and he handed the puck over far too often. I sit him for game 2.

The Leafs need to focus on getting the puck to the net. That should be the mantra going forward. Put the puck on net, because getting outshot 2-1 isn't going to win you games.

I say keep going with James Reimer, but if the rest of the team lets him down again in game 2 and the Bruins take a 2 or 3 goal lead, put Scrivens in net. He looked a little bit off tonight, but he gave them a chance to stay close and the rest of the team let him down bad.

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Reimer was not the issue tonight. The puck was in Toronto's zone too often, and the shot totals were totally in Boston's favour.

Oh, Reimer was pretty solid. He just got hung out to dry too much.

This is a series that hinges on Toronto's confidence though, and if the team is going to flop, Reimer should probably be rested. So if the team flops out of the gate in game 2, maybe pull him, rest him, and hope that it wakes up the other players.

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Are we the only two Pens fans on the board, Hewey?

I believe so, but, what can ya do? Haters gonna hate :shifty:

I like watching Pittsburgh. Definitely helps that they snagged Iginla at the deadline, because I really want to see him get a Cup finally.

It's ridiculous that Gryba got two games when Ference only received a one game suspension for what was a deliberate hit to the head. They really need to stop punishing the result instead of the action. Whether it's a penalty or a suspension, that can completely turn the tide of a game, or in the playoffs, an entire series.

Hockey is a rough game. People are going to get hurt. It's Brendan Shanahan's job to make sure that it happens as little as possible by disciplining players that break the rules. I don't see any rule that Eric Gryba broke.

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I've been backing Pens all year. I'm an Avs fan primarily, but Pens are my 2nd favourite team. Plubby would know why.

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