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The Continuing Chronicles Of Jay Feaster's Incompetence


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I would play him on the powerplay, and if I am sticking him on the fourth line, give him line mates that aren't Orr and McLaren.

And the third line doesnt have to be a shut down line. It can be a scoring line playing sheltered minutes. Thats what it was for Carlyle earlier this season, with Kadri playing with Frattin and Kulemin or MacArthur.

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You're just reposting stuff you've taken from the PPP guys on twitter again. I worked hard with you on this Toe, I thought we were past it. I'll offer you the same thing i've offered them. I'll trade you guys straight-up for what we've got now.

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I don't have Twitter. My opinions are my own.

All I know is that Carlyle starting playing Grabbo at the end of the third and throughout overtime, and he made a few great plays that almost won the game for the Leafs.

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He is doing the same drop passes that have always pissed me off, but he is a good player on both sides of the puck. For most of this year, the line with Grabbo and Kulemin has been used more as a checking line, getting most of their face-offs in the defensive zone. Now Kulemin is playing as the defensive conscience on the Kadri line, which I like. I just don't like seeing one of the better overall Leafs getting 10 or 11 minutes per game.

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I have Gamecenter, i'm watching these games. He doesn't play that third line role, and he's been outplayed by Bozak and Kadri. What would you have him do, play him on the wing?

Dude, seriously?

I disagree with some of the stuff being slung around at PPP about Bozak being terrible because the numbers don't support it, but where Bozak is getting to play with one of the league's finest forwards, Grabovski is getting absolutely no fucking help. His Corsi numbers aren't good, but there's one Corsi-related stat that speaks volumes here - despite having almost 110 points in his last two years, Mikhail Grabovski has been given the worst teammates on the entire squad by a country mile. There are precious few players who can look good when playing with people like Colton Orr and Frazer McLaren - we're talking Crosby, Kane, Toews, maybe Ovechkin, maybe even Kessel - and criticising Grabovski for not being one of them is ridiculous in the extreme.

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The Winter Classic is super fun, lets do it 6 times!

January 1st: Toronto Maple Leafs Vs Detroit Redwings @ Michigan Stadium

January 25th: Anaheim Ducks Vs LA Kings @ Dodger's Stadium

January 26th: New Jersey Devils Vs New York Rangers @ Yankee Stadium

January 29th: New York Islanders Vs New York Rangers @ Yankee Stadium

March 1st: Pittsburgh Penguins Vs Chicago Blackhawks @ Soldier Field

March 2nd: Ottawa Senators Vs Vancouver Canucks @ BC Place

I say bring it on, just because I want to see the oddity that is hockey outside in California, and it's the only way the Islanders will ever get to play in one.
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The Leafs sucked hard last night. :-(

I watched that game in Mexico. It ruined my vacation.

But, as long as we win two, or Winnipeg loses two, we clinch :D


Also, regarding Grabbo on the 3rd/4th line....I am just more annoyed that Orr and McLaren play every game. Ideal line-up here!

JVR-Bozak (until we replace him)-Kessel



Hamilton-McClemment-??? (Ashton, if he wasn't injured?)

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