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The Continuing Chronicles Of Jay Feaster's Incompetence


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Cory, pay attention. This is how you save the puck.

Yeah cause he did so much better :lol:

 	Player 	        Team	GP 	GS 	Sv 	Sv%	W 	L 	OT 	GA 	GAA 
24	Roberto Luongo	VAN	1	0	10	.833	0	0	0	2	3.64
29	Cory Schneider	VAN	1	1	9	.643	0	1	0	5	11.11

Luongo was better.

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Tonight was better for GameCenter, I was actually able to watch a bit of Rangers Bruins, Sharks/Flames and Oilers/Canucks, picture was pretty clear on my Nexus and the connection held. No idea why I was blacked out of the Stars/Wild game though, I guess it's being shown as-live tomorrow or somethingover here.

Did anyone use GameCenter last year and can confirm whether or not you can actually watch playoff games? I've heard you can't because they're all nationally televised and as such are blacked out. Yet playoff games are advertised as part of the GC package.

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Rangers looked like absolute crap in both their games. I think Lundqvist should've had the 3rd goal against the pens, although I really can't fault him on the other 6 goals he let in this weekend. The bottom D pairing is a joke. Bickel is a liability any time he's on the Ice, and there was absolutely no grit this weekend. On the positive, Nash looked like a beast. He has no fear crashing the net. This is going to be a long season for them.

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I've seen some really good and inspiring things out of Calgary in the first two games (losses) of the season. I have, however, also seen Jay Bouwmeester.

He's been a momentum killer for us in the first two games of the season, and it's a recurring theme from his tenure with the team.

Gomez and Redden have been bought out. I think that officially makes Jay Bouwmeester the biggest waste of space and money in the NHL.

He was brought in to provide offense from the back end. That hasn't happened, but that would be fine if he was giving us a solid defensive game. He isn't. Even that would be okay, if the guy would lay out some opposing players once in awhile. Only happens when he gets mad, and even then, never clean hits. It's always Bouwmeester, right in front of an official, throwing a ridiculously stupid cross-check that puts us down a man in a very inopportune time.

The guy needs to go. If Feaster can't trade him, bury him in the minors or buy him out. We have a small window here to show Iggy and Kipper that we can win, and if we can't, it's only a matter of time before one (or both) of them ask to be moved... and I wouldn't blame them.

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