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It's a name given to a comic book character that was created in, like, the 50's. Everything was silly back then.

J'onn is an awesome character and apparently because he's got a silly superhero name he doesn't get to appear in any movie is silly. Just call him J'onn J'onzz then.

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Martian Manhunter is a pretty silly name, though. :/

If we start debating which superhero names are and are not silly, we'd probably be here forever. It's one of those things that not unlike wrestler names, you get used to the character and like them. So their silly 60/70/80/90s name doesn't matter.

Pretty sure that's half the reason new characters don't often end up with successful solo books these days. On one hand give them a modern sounding/cool sounding name and it's probably not catchy enough. On the other call them something like Power Lady (sorry, fist thing I thought of) and it sounds ridiculous.

Edit: What everyone else said...

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I wasn't being that serious guys. In fact, he's one of my favorite characters on the latter seasons of Smallville but I'd be lying if I said I didn't roll my eyes when I first saw his name.

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Plus to truly take off you'd need to grab the attention of kids, and all kids seem to want to do today is play Angry Bird or something.

I know it was a typo, but I'm now picturing a new comic book where the hero is a singular Angry Bird. Probably that red one.

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What're some of the last few characters to really catch on in a modern setting from the two big companies? Sentry was pretty great, but got a ton of hate. I never really got it, because it was a great take on the Superman trope.

Everything else has been a re-imagining or new spin on a pre-existing character. Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel becoming the awesome Carol Danvers of the last decade, Hawkeye into Ronin, Red Hulk and Red She-Hulk.

EDIT: Best I can come up with are Deadpool (90's) and X-23... but X-23 is a bit of a stretch, as she's not really caught on or featured as much in the main series.

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Not a hero, but I need more Paste Pot Pete in my movies. Just saying.

Definitely can be done. Probably just have to say he's a terrorist called <insert his real name here>

I mean they managed to make a pretty damn cool version of Batroc the Leaper.

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It's got a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes so far, 49 fresh reviews, 3 rotten.

Edited by Cloudy Rocker
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I should say a million bad reviews wouldn't stop me seeing it and I think I'll love it from what I've seen so far.

Anyway expanding on their review.

-They loved most of what the first class crew did and also said Jackman was the best he's ever been at being Wolverine.

-They disliked most of what the original cast did but seemed to single out Storm and Kitty Pride for being bad.

-They thought the basic premise of the story was great and the atmosphere of the 70s was very well done.

-They felt the basic premise got lost in a jumbled mess and felt the movie was a little stop/start.

2.5 stars but I'm not sure if that was out of 4 or 5.

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-They disliked most of what the original cast did but seemed to single out Storm and Kitty Pride for being bad.

TBH I literally cannot imagine Storm (Halle Berry or otherwise) doing anything that could hold my interest, ever. I struggle to think of another semi-main character who I find less engaging...and that includes the likes of Cyclops when he's in full JEEEEEAAAAAAN mope, because although that's usually terrible it's at least something I can view as a bit of a trainwreck, rather than Storm's whole heap of...nothing.

But I will not hear a bad word against Shadowcat! I will find a way to love her, even if she might be objectively awful in this movie! :shifty:

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I don't see what the big deal is. There isn't a movie on the planet that hasn't gotten a negative review. The feedback thus far has been really positive. Don't stress over one bad review.

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-They disliked most of what the original cast did but seemed to single out Storm and Kitty Pride for being bad.

TBH I literally cannot imagine Storm (Halle Berry or otherwise) doing anything that could hold my interest, ever. I struggle to think of another semi-main character who I find less engaging...and that includes the likes of Cyclops when he's in full JEEEEEAAAAAAN mope, because although that's usually terrible it's at least something I can view as a bit of a trainwreck, rather than Storm's whole heap of...nothing.

But I will not hear a bad word against Shadowcat! I will find a way to love her, even if she might be objectively awful in this movie! :shifty:

"X-Men: Come the Apocalypse (#1.10)" (1993)

[Gambit has just torn a hole in the surface of the pool table]

Storm: Gambit, the term "rec room" does not mean you must wreck it.

Gambit: Storm makes jokes now, what's next?

One of the best lines in the original X-Men cartoon! :angry:

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