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Metal Gear Solid 5 Confirmed


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Never got round to finishing MGS4. :shifty:

Me neither, working through HD collection in time order so looking at going on to play through 4 properly now I've got that motivation to do so. As for solving the cut scene to gameplay ratio, if you're as bad as me you spend waaaaay more time playing the game then watching cut scenes :(

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Never got round to finishing MGS4. :shifty:

Me neither, working through HD collection in time order so looking at going on to play through 4 properly now I've got that motivation to do so. As for solving the cut scene to gameplay ratio, if you're as bad as me you spend waaaaay more time playing the game then watching cut scenes :(

Oh I dragged my ass in MGS4 and got killed like a dozen times in the first act. Constantly bugged people on the comm and everything.

To be honest though the cutscenes weren't that much of a bother until what I recall was the end of the third act. There's probably been DBZ fights that took less time to finish than that...

Not that it was a bad game mind you... I just wanted to actually play more of it.

Granted this is from the guy whose favorite game of 2011 was Catherine....

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