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EWB Minecraft Battle Royale (The Thread!)


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We playing tonight then? Me and Mrs. TKz are down for another game or a few, Kirkles said that he was filling up a few maps so maybe we can play more than one tonight?

10pm if we do?

And anyone with problems about this sort of stuff has clearly never played the Hunger Games with admins in, just saying. You want something to complain about, play those. >_>

If we're adding rules, I'd say a grace period would be nice. Let everyone go explore a bit before anyone kills anyone. It makes it more fun for everyone.

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So a quick analysis of last night's Battle Royale:

The main issue people seemed to have was that once it got down to three, it was taking so long for the remaining competitors to find each other, which led to TKz putting stuff in to try and force them to find each other. From what I saw from above, I'd say there were two ways the problem could have been prevented;

1) Danger Zones. The whole point of introducing more and more of them as the program went on in the book and film was to force the students closer together as their numbers dwindled so that people couldn't hide on the edges of the island. As it was, while he did move about, Ellis was able to spend long periods of time holed up in locations like the lighthouse and the barn, where he even encountered Mrs. TKz but they didn't attack each other because she saw the ambush coming. If there had been danger zones, eventually Ellis would have been forced out, or Mrs. TKz would have been forced to attack because of dwindling supplies (talking long-term here). I admit that if ADG can get a plugin to simulate the zones better like he mentioned, it'll be easier all around.

2) Don't let people go into the sea. Kirkland spent a long time offshore that I saw, and at least one time I saw him where Ellis would plainly have seen him had he been on land. I'm not saying it's necessarily an unfair strategy to use, but if your goal is preventing situations where people are wandering around looking for each other at the end of the game, why effectively make the map significantly bigger? And, of course, there's precedent in the book and film as people were killed if they went too far from the island's edge. Just my two cents.

Yeeeeah, no. You realize there is loot in the sea,right? The reason I swam in the sea so much is I had no map to see where the hell I was so I had to explore the sea. I've killed in the sea so the whole "it's avoiding people" isn't an issue.

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... yeah, try reading what I actually wrote Kirkland. The point is that if the sea is available to be entered, the total map area increases which increases the chances of people not encountering one another. Thus, a simple way of reducing the likelihood of lengthy endgames where people wander around not able to find each other is to stop people going into the sea. You encountering and killing people in the sea has literally no relevance to the argument.

I have no idea why people are interpreting my criticism of the game setup as attacks on their personal playing styles. I just don't want to be in the position I was yesterday where I was stuck watching people wander around the island for like an hour without encountering each other. If that's the kind of game you want to play, more power to you I guess.

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Personally I've got no problems with people exploring the sea, like Kirkles said there is stuff out there and like I said yesterday, I usually use a boat to safely get from one side to the other. I think we just need to agree to try and stick to the island and to enforce danger zones when it's down to 2-3 people. I think the idea of enticing people to come to the center is a good idea too though when there's only two people left.

Maybe when it's the final three ADG could make the sea a Danger Zone too? It'd make sense seeing as there's loot out there.

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That could work. I don't know about enticing people to the centre when there's only two people left, though, cause then every game would end the same way. People should have the option to just call the other guy out if they want, but having the game be able to end anywhere adds more variety and once danger zones shut off the directions people can go in, they should inevitably encounter each other anyway (like they did in the first couple of games).

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Eh, not so much. Danger Zones don't really stop people from going all over the map, just from entering the buildings.

I wouldn't mind the idea of the island becoming increasingly hostile though. Maybe start setting forests on fire and stuff to draw people together. If one person doesn't want to fight the other yet, they're going to need some convincing or the game could take forever.

Anyway, are we playing tonight?

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You don't need to set stuff on fire so long as I keep getting a flint and tinder from the dispensers or from a chest!

Chasing after Kirkland whilst he was climbing trees so I could burn him down so nearly worked! :shifty:

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We playing tonight then? Me and Mrs. TKz are down for another game or a few, Kirkles said that he was filling up a few maps so maybe we can play more than one tonight?

10pm if we do?

And anyone with problems about this sort of stuff has clearly never played the Hunger Games with admins in, just saying. You want something to complain about, play those. >_>

If we're adding rules, I'd say a grace period would be nice. Let everyone go explore a bit before anyone kills anyone. It makes it more fun for everyone.

Got Kirkland's map uploaded three times but only have zones set up on one of them right now.

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Well, I'm down for playing 1 with and 2 without if you guys are. Honestly, I know there's some kinks, but I've just really been enjoying the whole thing so far. Even when I've lost I've enjoyed it, so I'm happy with whatever makes everyone else happy and keep playing.

So, who's playing? I know me and Ticklette will be, Kirkland I'm guessing is too. If Kirkles added stuff why don't you join the game ADG and the first person to die can be the admin? That could be fun! And you don't have a big advantage either.

TEOL, Kats, Ellis, you in? C'mon. I know you can't quit before you win at least one Ellis. :P

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Eh, not so much. Danger Zones don't really stop people from going all over the map, just from entering the buildings.

I wouldn't mind the idea of the island becoming increasingly hostile though. Maybe start setting forests on fire and stuff to draw people together. If one person doesn't want to fight the other yet, they're going to need some convincing or the game could take forever.

This isn't Hunger Games. :P

All the convincing people should need is hunger, I'd have assumed.

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You don't need to set stuff on fire so long as I keep getting a flint and tinder from the dispensers or from a chest!

Chasing after Kirkland whilst he was climbing trees so I could burn him down so nearly worked! :shifty:

The only reason you didn't get shot in the face while I was in the trees was that TKz and Ms.TKz were flying around me and I couldn't pick you out.

Also, stocking a second map atm. Should get done before game time if people in this house leave me alone.

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