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Are you always happy when a show gets renewed?


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There were some legit moments in ER that choked me up. Obviously when Greene died, and I think the new doctor with Parkinson's was pretty compelling as well.

I'm kind of indifferent in general regarding shows carrying on past their prime as I'll just stop watching, but it absolutely kills me when good stuff doesn't carry on. I've been watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip for the past week, and I cannot fathom how it didn't get picked up for a second season. I get that it was up against 30 Rock and I presume it was pretty expensive, but it was so good!

Because NBC paid a shit ton for the show in a bidding war with CBS, the show had a large and expensive cast and the ratings stunk. Not to mention, because the show had such struggles in the ratings, it had the rep of being a failure. I love Sorkin, but the show wasn't that good. The pilot was great, the Nevada Day two-parter may be my favorite episode of TV ever and "The West Coast Delay" was great, but as the season went on, the political crap took the fun out of the show. The Matt/Harriet dynamic did not work at all as Matthew Perry and Sarah Paulsen had no on-screen chemistry and a fight about one line about gay marriage lasted 22 episodes. Also, how Jordan changed her mind about Danny from "You're a creepy stalker" to "I love you, let's get married and will you father my bastard child" in the blink of an eye on a roof was insulting. The finale was essentially a 5-parter and I cannot imagine a situation in real-life where Bob Wright would have ponied up $10 million to get Jimmy Fallon's brother back from a militant militia in Afghanistan.

It seems like "The Newsroom" will be the type of show that Sorkin has wanted to do forever with the blend of politics, media and pop culture and picked a network where being culturally relevant matters as much as ratings.

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Most of the hate of latter scrubs is justified. Problem I have is some people who seem to be implying that the show as a whole sucked because of the last few seasons, rather than that it was a good show with a few bad seasons tacked on unecessarily at the end.

I can understand the sentiment. A bad ending can sour your experience re-watching the rest, because the show felt like it outstayed it's welcome. Quality over quantity, but if you can have both then that's great too.

This happened for me with Dexter (which I can't believe hasn't been mentioned yet). Season 6 was so bad that I don't know if I can go back and enjoy the first 4 seasons again, when it was one of my favourite shows on TV. I didn't hate Season 5, but in retrospect I think they should have done the endgame there after the high point that was the Trinity Killer season. I cringed when I found out it was going at least 8.

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Oh, totally agree on Dexter. The last season or two after Trinity has pretty much killed my interest in the show and made me not want to watch the past seasons again. Definitely should have ended after Trinity. The fact it's going until season 8 is awful, but then it's Showtime so I won't be surprised to see a season 15.

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Stop after Season 4 ends. If the ending makes you want to continue, watch Season 5 as well as something of an uninspired epilogue. But be prepared for a fairly decent drop in quality. Don't even bother with Season 6.

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1 through 4 are excellent and the quality reminds at a high standard. Just 5 and 6 are the ones that (unless you're in love) you don't need to bother with.

Edited by Devil In Jouzy City
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With the way season 6 (an awful season) ended...it gives me hope that season 7 should be extremely interesting at the very least. The first few episodes are going to be must-watch, and hopefully from there they maintain the momentum and have their best season since 4.

I agree with Season 3 though...I just couldn't get into that story at all.

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I liked them all. Some clearly dip lower in quality than others, but it's never really outlandishly shit, that I can recall.

Until 6.

And I must admit that I will watch S7, mainly because the season finale was just enough in those last 30 seconds or so to make me have to come back to see how that shit is resolved.

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I liked them all. Some clearly dip lower in quality than others, but it's never really outlandishly shit, that I can recall.

I feel the same way, I liked season 5 and thought it was good, even though nothing could follow 4, and 6 wasn't that bad.

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