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Are you always happy when a show gets renewed?


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I think a good example of a show ending when it should've was The Shield. Season 7 was awesome and I wish Season 5/6 were done together because Season 6 wasn't really good, and it would've been a bit better. But the writers strike (I believe?) got in the way of that and overall Season 7 ended with really the best show they've ever done and that's more then I can say about most other shows.

Incorrect, The Shield should have never ended. Ever.

A great example of this is The X-Files, which absolutely should have ended when Duchovney left.

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I think the better question is what series can you think of that was just the right length? We can all name some, but they're few and far between. I think the vast majority of series get cut off before their time or go on far too long.

I'd say 2 series that were just the right length are The Sopranos and (potentially) 30 Rock, as it ends next season and is still in a good position. I have no doubt that some of you will disagree with those choices, though.

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I absolutely disagree with 30 Rock. I haven't cared at all about this season and last one was fairly uninteresting too. But then, I'm not saying I think it should've ended there, but I'm definitely not enjoying it anymore.

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I think the better question is what series can you think of that was just the right length? We can all name some, but they're few and far between. I think the vast majority of series get cut off before their time or go on far too long.

Rome ended right where it should have. I'm sure they could have cobbled something together for another season and not killed off Vorenus, but they got a lot done in those two seasons and I've always been happy with it. Garth Marenghi's Darkplace is another one. The joke would have gotten old if they'd done much more than the short season they did, but it was brilliant while it lasted.

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I absolutely disagree with 30 Rock. I haven't cared at all about this season and last one was fairly uninteresting too. But then, I'm not saying I think it should've ended there, but I'm definitely not enjoying it anymore.

I don't think every episode this season was brilliant (though some really were), but it's maintained a certain level of quality throughout its run that few other series can claim. This is indeed the season that some people wondered if it was getting stale, but things went in a fresh, new direction almost immediately after those thoughts started popping up. Now they've got one more season to wrap things up, which is a scenario that should inspire more than weigh down.

It's not by any means my favorite show ever, but its run seems almost perfect when compared top my actual favorites (The Simpsons, House, potentially Community, etc.)

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It really depends how bad the show has become. Most shows I love, even when they lose some quality over the years, I'll still watch them because I'll enjoy them. I'm pretty good at differentiating the good old days from the newer episodes, and I don't feel like the show has depreciated in value just because the new episodes aren't so good. I still love the first three-five seasons of Scrubs. After that it gradually got worse and worse, but I still watched it because I was invested in the characters (even if some of them, like Carla, seemed to be repeating herself like an Arnie soundboard) and the show was still decent enough to enjoy. The same can't be said for Heroes. It got fucking terrible. I stopped watching it and now I think back on it like 'lol, Heroes'. I still love the first season, but after that it got pretty bad pretty fast. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think shows should stop just because they aren't as good as they were. Diehards will always watch and I don't think the overall legacy will be tarnished too much because there were two bad seasons out of seven, or whatever the number may be. For me House is a good example. I think if you go back and watch the earlier episodes, there's a clear difference in quality. I still liked the recent seasons because even bad House is good television for me. But when something's got to the stage that even diehards are questioning the quality it should finish.

Edited by Pesci
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Family Guy

That is all.

Was about to say the same thing. It should've stayed cancelled. Family Guy went from relentlessly hilarious to the worst thing on Earth since Hitler over the course of season 4.

Red Dwarf I agree with too. Should've died at series 6.

AND agree with The IT Crowd. Series 4 was a bit shit really.

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I saw the title of the thread an instantly thought of Supernatural.

I'd say Season 3 of Arrested Development. It had some great episodes, but on the whole it was a large step down from Season's 1 and 2. For me, when the show was cancelled after Season 1 it was an incredible show that was going to be remembered as something truly special. When it was cancelled again after Season 2, I felt like it was a great show that ended at the right point. Season 3 was "just" a quite good comedy show with some great and some duff episodes.

Also, Family Guy. Love Season 1 and 2 and bits of 3. Can't stand the rest of it at all.

While I'm on comedies, Roseanne went a season too far.

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I have never been more upset than when ABC picked up that abortion of a 9th season of "Scrubs" after Bill Lawrence left the show and gave it a fitting finale.

What are you talking about? There are only 8 seasons of Scrubs. And the finale was perfect, a great way to cap off a great show.


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I think the better question is what series can you think of that was just the right length? We can all name some, but they're few and far between. I think the vast majority of series get cut off before their time or go on far too long.

I'd say 2 series that were just the right length are The Sopranos and (potentially) 30 Rock, as it ends next season and is still in a good position. I have no doubt that some of you will disagree with those choices, though.

The Wire.

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If I like a show, I am never in the "it's better for it to end before ___" boat because - yeah, it's just more of that show to watch. And even if it's never as great as it was in its prime, at least it's still there and I'll always have the older episodes anyways.

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I think Arrested Development got cut off at the best point. I disagree that it got bad in Season 3, I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I think if it went on any longer it would have been a huge mistake. It coming back for a 10 episode season is interesting to me and I think I actually prefer a set up like that. It gives the writers, producers, actors, etc. time to step back and think of new approaches to the characters and stories.

As for shows that went on far too long - I gotta say ER. That show could have been cancelled way before it was. When nobody from the original cast was on, it looked desperate.

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I'm assuming the finale of the real Scrubs is the one with JD watching the projections on the wall? Because yes that was a really nice moment even if I'm not a huge fan of Scrubs, though I do like it.

Oh man Heroes. The first season was amazing. The second was pretty good. Three I had no idea what was going on. Four I didn't bother with.

I watched the Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie episode of The Simpsons only the other day, and it's scary how much they've managed to predict their own future (as well as most of the issues that have been discussed in this thread).

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As for shows that went on far too long - I gotta say ER. That show could have been cancelled way before it was. When nobody from the original cast was on, it looked desperate.

I was just coming in here to post this exact thing. First thing that came to mind. Carter in Africa? :puke: And then it went on for yeeeeears after that.

Watching Arrested Development for the first time ATM. Halfway-ish through season one. Liking it a lot, but is there a suitable ending point where I should cut my losses? I had no idea it survived cancellation twice.

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As for shows that went on far too long - I gotta say ER. That show could have been cancelled way before it was. When nobody from the original cast was on, it looked desperate.

I was just coming in here to post this exact thing. First thing that came to mind. Carter in Africa? :puke: And then it went on for yeeeeears after that.

Watching Arrested Development for the first time ATM. Halfway-ish through season one. Liking it a lot, but is there a suitable ending point where I should cut my losses? I had no idea it survived cancellation twice.

I'd watch it all. There's one particular storyline in the third series I really don't like, but there's still some awesome moments and really good episodes right up until the end.

As for shows that I think ended at just the right time, two series for the UK version of Life on Mars was perfect.

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