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Biggest game buying mistake?

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Anything Fallout that isn't 1 and 2, Prototype, Transformers: War For Cybertron, Heavy Rain, UFC Undisputed 2010, Mass Effect 3, Assasin's Creed, Dragon Age: Origins, anything The Elder Scrolls that isn't Morrowind and Mirror's Edge. Then there are tons of old games that I bought off of gog.com and Steam that run horribly on newer computers like Anachronox, Dungeon Keeper, a bundle with the Commandos series of old and Heroes 3.


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Anything Fallout that isn't 1 and 2, Prototype, Transformers: War For Cybertron, Heavy Rain, UFC Undisputed 2010, Mass Effect 3, Assasin's Creed, Dragon Age: Origins, anything The Elder Scrolls that isn't Morrowind and Mirror's Edge. Then there are tons of old games that I bought off of gog.com and Steam that run horribly on newer computers like Anachronox, Dungeon Keeper, a bundle with the Commandos series of old and Heroes 3.


I agree with Assasin's Creed. Luckily by the time I tried it out it was going for like £15, but man, I just didn't get it. Some of the stuff in the past was kind of cool and I liked the IDEA of it. But the stuff in the future just kept completely boring me and destroying the pace of the game and eventually the stuff in the past just got really samey.

Then I tried out whatever the one was with the villa you could customize was that had the flying machine because I'd heard that really improved on the first one. And whilst it held my attention a while longer, I still hated the stuff in the present day for the same reasons and I still eventually lost interest in the past stuff because it felt like I was doing the same thing over and over again.

I found the combat for those games to be kind of boring too. I mean it wasn't bad by any stretch of the word... but I was trying really hard not to have to fight, not because I was trying to be really stealthy, but because I'd spend the entire fight just wanting it to be over.

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When I was like, 11, I had the chance to pick up a copy of Legend of Dragoon or some other game. I can't remember what the other one was, but I got that instead. I rented LOD a few months later and loved it to bits. And I could never find it in a shop anywhere again.

It wasn't until last year (a full 10 years later) that I was finally able to find a PAL copy again. :(

Its on ps3 right now on download!

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I've made many a bad game purchase, but these are two that happened recently.

The Darkness 2. Not a horrible game by any means, but it was just SO SHORT. Finished the main story in about six hours and I have no interest in the "other" stories. I'm glad it was on sale at the time, otherwise I would've felt completely ripped off (as opposed to only slightly ripped off)

Alpha Protocol. I had already heard about the game's negatives, but as long as the story could engage me long enough, I felt as if I'd be able to look past the game's shortcomings. Entered the first proper level, got spotted by the enemy, and haven't played it since. Again, it was a cheapy, but still.

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My PSP. No idea why I ever thought that was worthwhile purchase. Think I played on it for a grand total of about a week before never getting it out again.

I would say Fallout 3 as well, but I didn't spend any money on it. And it seemed like a really cool game, I just could not get invested in it and got bored very quickly.

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When I was like, 11, I had the chance to pick up a copy of Legend of Dragoon or some other game. I can't remember what the other one was, but I got that instead. I rented LOD a few months later and loved it to bits. And I could never find it in a shop anywhere again.

It wasn't until last year (a full 10 years later) that I was finally able to find a PAL copy again. :(

Its on ps3 right now on download!

Not on the EU one, sadly. :(

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Devil May Cry was a big one for me, I jumped onboard because it was £30 for the tin edition when it came out and that series has always enjoyed good reviews (well, not 2) so I thought I'd give it a chance. Didn't really get on with it immidiately but I did come around to it some time later.

Oblivion is one that I got part way in and I just always had trouble with it. I never seemed powerful enough to kill anything. It seemed to always end up with me running into a troll and me running back to town to have a bunch of guards jump in and kill it for me.

That and the bunch of Xbox games I have because I pick them up when I see them for under a fiver. Arcade games too. And 90% of my Steam library.

Also, whilst i'm here, I will mock Ruki again for being a baby at Dark Souls!

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Now that Ellis posted, I remember two more!

-Avatar Laser Wars

-Daytona USA


What a great night, fleecing you out of your $5. You could have bought yourself a burger with that!

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Thats tragic TKz. Hopefully they get it soon.

Can you make an american account for things like that?

I've heard something about being able to do that, but honestly I want it for my PSP more than anything now and I'm not sure it'd be too compatible. Also pretty sure you need like an american credit card or to buy american PSN cards. Oh well. It coming out on the US PSN makes me kind of hopeful it'll make it over here. A lot of games don't, but I'm hoping it being a Sony game means it will.

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You know i can get you a ten dollar card from here and mail it if you ever wanted. Find out if its psp compat then if you need one and ill get on that.

Wont even need mail it just pm you the number off it once you paypal me the amount.

Go find out if you ever care to know. Then make a Canadian account.

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I'm not sure if you're limited to only one active profile or not on the PSP so it might lead to having to delete one account to sign into the other just for the sake of one game. Seems more trouble than it's worth, if that is the way it works that is.

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I'm not sure if you're limited to only one active profile or not on the PSP so it might lead to having to delete one account to sign into the other just for the sake of one game. Seems more trouble than it's worth, if that is the way it works that is.

Fuck, yeah, I forgot about that. I'd then have to choose between my current line up of games and LoD. :(

Never mind that then. Oh well, hopefully the PSOne imports section at least might include them. It'd be nice if that also meant I could finally play Suikoden too. I've always heard that was an awesome RPG (or they were) but they were never released over here.

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TKz is dead to me.

He'll be saying he hated Wet, Afrika, Bladestorm, Enslaved, Mirror's Edge and Brink next. :angry:

WET was okay and I liked Enslaved!

Man. Don't hate me Hammy. You're the only one that gets the love of Metal Gear. :(

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I bought loads of junk when I was at Gamestation. We would always buy stuff, play it for a few days then return it and swap it for something else if we didn't like it. That way I learnt that a poker game (WSOP?), Haze and Lost were useless. Numerous others as well. Haze was a disappointment especially as I stand by my belief that the first couple of missions were brilliant....until you discovered the truth (far too early) and then storyline got useless, gameplay seemed to get worse and there were glitches everywhere.

Someone, either Ellis or Liam, probably Ellis slagged me off because my first hour or so of play had me rating it as an 8. I think it is though. Thing is, after that it's about a 5/10.

Fortunately two days later I swapped it for some other new game. Probably Lost actually, which I swapped again two days later for something good.

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