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So I'm probably getting a 360


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If you're going to buy the inferior machine, you may as well wait until April 3rd to make it worthwhile. The R2D2 styled Xbox 360 drops on the 3rd of April. It's a 320 GB Hard Drive, comes with the Kinect Sensor Bar and a copy of the long-awaited Kinect Star Wars game. Also, the controller that comes in the box is gold, reminiscent of C-3PO. It will be retailing at $499.99, but it's worth it. Usually, the 250 GB Kinect Bundle with the regular toss-in Kinect games is $399.99... so for the extra $50, you're getting 70 extra gigs of hard drive space, as well as a special edition console, and a brand new $60 game.

Also, there are definitely reasons to get a bigger hard drive. The first being that the Xbox and Playstation are both media machines, and not just for gaming anymore. Not only can you download games straight to your hard drive, but you can also store movies and music on there, which can take up a sizeable amount of the hard drive if you use those features.

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In all honesty if youre getting xbox for exclusives ..... get a vita.

The list is slim. Microsoft pays for advanced dlc sony pays for exvlusives.

So unless halo gears and alan wake need to be played youve already got a system.

Fucking this x1000.

I still don't get all the hate for the PSN, most users who complain about it must be using wireless or something, I run an ethernet cable into mine and I never have an issue.

My buddy has both. Says theres no diff. Hates paying for it so sticks with sony.

Ive got ps3.

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Get a PS3, you slut.

He has one :/

But yay coming over to the 360!!! You should get Gears of War...I would run through that with you. Also, if you can get GTA 4 for cheap, we jump on there and do races once a year or so :shifty:

If you get Borderlands, I would consider picking it up again! Also...Boredlands 2 whenever that comes out :D

I am holding you to that! Gears of War, that is, I already played the shit out of Borderlands recently.

I will say it would be nice to play all three mass effects straight on one console but the needs not that great.

Get the vita. Youll have the chance to play games that are pretty great there.

But I don't want a Vita. I have no interest in a Vita. That's why the topic isn't "What console should I get?"! I'm not getting a 360 just for exclusives, I just wanted to know what ones were worth picking up. I'm getting a 360 so I'll have a console with better online capabilities than my PS3 and so I will have more than one person to play online with. It's more an investment for future game releases.

If you're going to buy the inferior machine, you may as well wait until April 3rd to make it worthwhile. The R2D2 styled Xbox 360 drops on the 3rd of April. It's a 320 GB Hard Drive, comes with the Kinect Sensor Bar and a copy of the long-awaited Kinect Star Wars game. Also, the controller that comes in the box is gold, reminiscent of C-3PO. It will be retailing at $499.99, but it's worth it. Usually, the 250 GB Kinect Bundle with the regular toss-in Kinect games is $399.99... so for the extra $50, you're getting 70 extra gigs of hard drive space, as well as a special edition console, and a brand new $60 game.

Also, there are definitely reasons to get a bigger hard drive. The first being that the Xbox and Playstation are both media machines, and not just for gaming anymore. Not only can you download games straight to your hard drive, but you can also store movies and music on there, which can take up a sizeable amount of the hard drive if you use those features.

That's all very well and good, but I don't want a Kinect. Or Star Wars Kinect. That seems like an awful lot extra money just for an R2D2 cover and a few extra GB!

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The 250 GB console is great if you're planning on downloading a lot of games, or are thinking of getting a LOT of DLC. I had a 20GB HD 360 (Halo 3 SE), and my DLC for the Rock Band games wound up eating about half of that. It's also good if you're planning on transferring a lot of music to the console, purchasing (not renting) movies off of XBox's video features, or downloading full copies of games (I did that for Assassin's Creed 2, it took up 2 GB with all the DLC). However, if you're only playing the games, getting limited amounts of DLC (no bonus content except for story-related stuff), and are only streaming media or renting videos, the 4GB console is about 1/3 cheaper. However, there are also special edition versions - Modern Warfare 3 or Gears of War 3. They cost 1/6 more than the regular, and are similar to the Star Wars bundle, but sans the Kinect, with only one game and an extra controller. I'd get a SE version only if you're going to be playing with somebody else in the home.

As for games, I'd start with some of games that aren't exclusives but that you might not have for PS3, just to get a feel for it, since the control layouts are similar in games like that (as far as I know, though I could be wrong). However, here's a short list, except for the Mass Effect series, or what I'd recommend:

- Star Ocean: The Last Hope (good RPG, though the combat system takes a bit of acclimation, and honestly, you just need some games that don't have online capabilities)

- Pick a Halo game. I'd personally go with Reach, since it's the most recent, so chances are that will have the most people on multi

- NCAA Football (most recent version). Everybody might love the Madden series, but NCAA was always more fun for me.

- If you can find a copy, pick up Knights of the Old Republic for the original XBox. It's nearly impossible unless you know of a decent used game store, but if you can, it's totally worth it. Just remember - the right and left buttons on top of the controller take the place of the black and white buttons.

- Depending on how "family friendly" you're looking to get, all of the LEGO games are fun, if a bit silly at times

That ought to get you started.

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Did someone forget to take their happy pills this morning?

I think the point people were trying to make is that it may be a waste of money to get an Xbox if you already have a PS3 or vice versa and it may make more sense to get a Vita if you are after an alternative.

You know, trying to be helpful and stuff rather than wee tickelz wasting his money. Those fucking cunts!

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There are some people giving advice about 360 purchases. It's just that some people are die-hard PS3 supporters. Personally, I've tried it, and though I like playing on my PS2, I doubt I'll ever get a PS3. I have a Blu-ray player, I have a game console with games I like, and except for the Uncharted series, I don't feel like I've missed out on any games. If TKz wants to get a new console, I say go for it - just know the reasons why.

Speaking of TKZ, I forgot something. You asked about the console coming with an HDMI cable - not the last time I checked. I'm not even sure the special edition versions come with a composite HD cable anymore. Like the PS3, the 360 was designed to work with any television with an AV jack or HDMI input, but the HD cables do need to be purchased separately.

Okay, as for XBox exclusives (because I did miss that part...)

- The most recent Forza game

- Alan Wake

- Check out the Arcade, lots of fun games there

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There are some people giving advice about 360 purchases. It's just that some people are die-hard PS3 supporters. Personally, I've tried it, and though I like playing on my PS2, I doubt I'll ever get a PS3. I have a Blu-ray player, I have a game console with games I like, and except for the Uncharted series, I don't feel like I've missed out on any games. If TKz wants to get a new console, I say go for it - just know the reasons why.

Speaking of TKZ, I forgot something. You asked about the console coming with an HDMI cable - not the last time I checked. I'm not even sure the special edition versions come with a composite HD cable anymore. Like the PS3, the 360 was designed to work with any television with an AV jack or HDMI input, but the HD cables do need to be purchased separately.

Okay, as for XBox exclusives (because I did miss that part...)

- The most recent Forza game

- Alan Wake

- Check out the Arcade, lots of fun games there

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Did someone forget to take their happy pills this morning?

I think the point people were trying to make is that it may be a waste of money to get an Xbox if you already have a PS3 or vice versa and it may make more sense to get a Vita if you are after an alternative.

You know, trying to be helpful and stuff rather than wee tickelz wasting his money. Those fucking cunts!

The guy asked questions, being helpful would be answering them, not telling him something he obviously already knows.

I'm pretty sure he'd made up his mind already, and really Quom, you of all people calling somebody out on happy pills?

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