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Guest Ringmaster

So when were Villa good?

Oh, right...

I can accept Chelsea/Man Utd/Arsenal/Liverpool fans abusing Spurs, but when a perenial midtable team tries it, it's just not right...


Edited by Ringmaster
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Former West Brom star Cosmin Contra has branded prospective Spurs signing Edgar Davids as a 'psycho'.

The two came to blows whilst facing off in Serie A and have an ongoing feud that is yet to be resolved - with the Romanian full-back now warning the Spurs faithful that the Internazionale star has an inflated ego and is 'a violent man'.

The iconic Davids is set to complete a move to White Hart Lane in the near future, quite a considerable coup for the London side as the tenacious midfielder lists Milan, Barcelona and Ajax amongst his former employers.

However, their unbridled joy at seemingly securing the signature of the European Cup winner, who attended the club's friendly with Reading on Saturday, could be tempered by Contra's scathing assessment.

"Davids seems to believe he is someone far more important and special than he really is," Contra is quoted as saying in the News of the World.

"He is arrogant and gives the impression that everyone else is a nothing.

"His new club should watch out, Davids is actually a bit of a psycho, a violent man who can hold a grudge."

Former Bianconeri team-mate and Italy number one Gianluigi Buffon has also advanced concerns about Davids' influence on the dressing room, although the dominant custodian was more measured in his evaluation of the vastly talented star.

"Edgar snaps sometimes, he is on a knife-edge and you never know what is going to happen next," said Buffon.

"You have to take the good with the bad and that can be difficult.

"He can lose control but I think he is the first to realise that when it happens he is the one who suffers."

Davids left Holland's Euro 1996 camp after an angry dispute with coach Gus Hiddink, and Spurs will be hoping that his return to England proves less troubling and controversial.

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If we're going to take shots at perennial mid table sides, can it be Birmingham?

At first I thought it was just Contra being a bit of dick, but the part with Buffon made me think a bit.

Why wouldn't you believe Contra?

Summers is BCFC4LIFE.

I will kill you.

Edited by Summers
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I quite like abusing Newcastle these days, they used to have it good.

Davids, in my eyes, is passionate - this move will be great for players like Carrick, who'll get to learn from one of the best midfielders of his generation. If he's a nutter, it's not like we'll lose a transfer fee.

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Apparantly Spurs are the most supported English side in Holland.

Can't quote the source right now but it wasn't my mate down the pub or our official website!

Davids has been one of the players I've most wanted to sign for Spurs for a long time, along with Hideotoshi Nakata. Basically in the Spurs set up Davids has a real chance of doing well and providing a solid bakcbone to the midfield.

I also heard we were after Andy Van Der Meyde. Chances?

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At first I thought it was just Contra being a bit of dick, but the part with Buffon made me think a bit.

Why wouldn't you believe Contra?

Mostly beacuse Contra and Davids have an ongoing feud, so my first reaction was that Contra might be exaggerating slightly.

Or be honest, because he knows what he's talking about?

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Just had a quick look on the Spurs website and Jol says Davids will play today against Porto as will Robinson meaning that he should be fit for Portsmouth next week. Stalteri will also play after recovering from injury.

I think there are still some tickets left so I might pop down to see how the 'Pitbull' does.

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£25 for East and West Stands and £20 for North and South.

It's quite a bit for a friendly, but Porto are a good team and we'll probably field quite a strong side.

As it turns out I'm not going because mates are on holiday and my Dad can't be bothered so I'm not gonna go on my own.

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