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Does anyone play digital versions of games? Humble Bundle have a good deal on this month including Wingspan which I've been meaning to get a proper copy of for ages. Can you play local multiplayer, and is it something you could connect to a TV or a "pass the laptop around" job? At the price it's a bit of a no brainer so I'm likely to buy, but just in case anyone else had.

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1 hour ago, Colly said:

Does anyone play digital versions of games? Humble Bundle have a good deal on this month including Wingspan which I've been meaning to get a proper copy of for ages. Can you play local multiplayer, and is it something you could connect to a TV or a "pass the laptop around" job? At the price it's a bit of a no brainer so I'm likely to buy, but just in case anyone else had.


49 minutes ago, Krabby said:

Interested in this answer as well @Colly!

Lucky you have someone who moderates with the Wingspan digital team here, haha.

Wingspan is one of the better digital versions that you can come across - the studio that makes it does some great work, and I've been enjoying the digital adaptation and the expansions since they've been coming out. When people have issues it tends to revolve around the types that have 3-10 asymmetric games at once on the go - I haven't had any issues playing locally, etc.

Now you could do pass and play if you wanted to - a lot of people get the achievements by playing all 5 characters, etc. But if people have it on other devices (it's on pretty much every console at this point) you can do crossplay with ANY of those. I'll play on the PC, while my wife plays on the Switch for instance. You could do local on the TV if you didn't mind seeing each other's cards I suppose though.

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Presumably we'd have to buy multiple copies for that (particularly for Switch, not sure whether we could install across various laptops through Steam)? Pass and play probably works for us.

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1 hour ago, Colly said:

Presumably we'd have to buy multiple copies for that (particularly for Switch, not sure whether we could install across various laptops through Steam)? Pass and play probably works for us.

Yeah that'd be a multiple copies situation.

Wingspan (unless you get VERY competitive) isn't a game where I consider seeing the other person's hand to be a huge deal. It's mostly multiplayer solitaire even if the things you do have an effect on the other person (the cards left in the tray, the food left in the feeder) - but unless the other players are malicious it's just how the gameplay works. Even when I'm at the table I never look at the other player's boards.

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