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Sim City 5

Herr Matzat

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I'm thinking it'll be some iPhone/Android game or some crap.

Would like it if they gave us a selection of maybe 20 £20~ games to pick from. Though because I got it off EA Russia it better be something I can translate >_>

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So there is no way to play this offline? At all?

Wait. There's a cracked Diablo III, there will be a cracked SimCity.

Legitimately, no.

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I read an article yesterday that really summed up how I felt about this whole thing - and it basically boiled down to the way that EA is doing this, it feels like you're renting the game instead of owning it with the constant internet connection and future expansion packs in line with The Sims series.

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This is EWB Region (EU West Server 6)! Isn't it lovely? Me and Matzat have been playing it, we've got plenty of room for more.

He's made it invite only so add me (danhutd) or Matzat (DoktorRadon) on Origin and we'll invite you.

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