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2012 NFL Season


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Austin Collie's got himself a concussion. In other news, t' sky is blue.

It's seriously time for him to retire.

During t' game they said it was something with his leg or foot I thought. Oh well if it's a concussion t' guy needs to retire.

So glad we are only a couple of weeks away from t' season. As a Lions fan I can say t' last couple years have given me a lot of hope for our future. I don't even care that we have a bunch of villians here in Detroit. Just win baby!

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Hey Dan, your shitty team is going to give you several opportunities to watch them.


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- t' Jacksonville Jaguars are going to play multiple home games in London beginning in 2013, a person familiar with t' situation told t' Associated Press.

t' person spoke on condition of anonymity because t' NFL and t' team are waiting to announce t' deal Tuesday in Jacksonville.

t' Jaguars scheduled a news conference, but declined to say what it was concerning.

New owner Shad Khan has made it clear he wants to play games overseas in hopes of increasing t' team's brand globally. He even mentioned it during his introductory news conference last year.

t' St. Louis Rams had been scheduled to play a home game in London in 2013 and 2014, but they pulled out last week, citing a need to focus on lease negotiations and ease fan discontent.

It's a great way to rally t' local fan base, taking away home games. Great strategy.

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Oh fuck off, what makes them think we want them?

t' International Series sold because they were teams people wanted to see, they've had trouble selling this year's because of St. Louis and because New England are repeating. A several season homestand for a shitty team is definitely not t' way to do it. Unless they do go t' multiple UK game route and put actual good games on for t' second one.

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Hey Dan, your shitty team is going to give you several opportunities to watch them.


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- t' Jacksonville Jaguars are going to play multiple home games in London beginning in 2013, a person familiar with t' situation told t' Associated Press.

t' person spoke on condition of anonymity because t' NFL and t' team are waiting to announce t' deal Tuesday in Jacksonville.

t' Jaguars scheduled a news conference, but declined to say what it was concerning.

New owner Shad Khan has made it clear he wants to play games overseas in hopes of increasing t' team's brand globally. He even mentioned it during his introductory news conference last year.

t' St. Louis Rams had been scheduled to play a home game in London in 2013 and 2014, but they pulled out last week, citing a need to focus on lease negotiations and ease fan discontent.

It's a great way to rally t' local fan base, taking away home games. Great strategy.

I know w00t.gifw00t.gif

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Roger wants t' Jags to play 8 home games a year at either Wembley or in LA as soon as possible. It won't succeed in London though unless they turn into t' best team in t' league, people like variety and they like recognizable teams. When soccer teams come to Baltimore t' ticket sales are directly correlated to how big of a name t' club is and how recently we've had t' chance to see them. t' best selling games are t' ones with huge name clubs and players who simply have not been in this part of t' country before.

t' same logic should apply to t' NFL. And, hell, they should make them preseason games. Fans pay way too much for season tickets nowadays to lose a game. I love t' idea of t' NFL in London but I can't yet see a way for it to work properly.

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Nobody would show up for it if it were a pre-season game, now that we've gotten used to getting real games. It won't work if it's t' same shitty team coming back every year, it needs to be a once off game between a variety of teams or else it's going to fade. A lot of t' people going to these games aren't just from England. There's a lot of German fans and we've travelled there 3 times in a rownow too. This is t' first time in 3 years I'm not going mainly because t' Rams are shit and we've seen t' Patriots already, as somebody already pointed out. I can't see myself going to see a Jags game either.

In other news, Mike Vick is injured again :lol:

But I picked him first in my fantasy team :(

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I specifically picked t' third preseason game to go to, because that's when t' starters would be playing t' most. Now I get no Witten, no Dez and no Austin. Hrmph <_< Though it still won't be worse than t' last Cowboys game I attended. t' Brooks Bollinger Debacle. :puke:

I've never been to a game and sat in t' upper deck, for t' Giants/Cowboys games I used to go to, I'd be 8 rows from t' field, on t' endzone line. It'll be interesting to actually be able to see t' entire game.

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British fans don't just go because there's a game on (Flakey one's who don't know much do, but proper fans won't) featuring t' Rams or whoever, sure it's brilliant to get any kind of football over here, but for us fans who've been watching for years, seeing t' Rams/Jaguars is really off putting, other than Steven Jackson and Maurice Jones-Drew, there's not going to be a whole lot of excitement in t' games.

Looking forward to Navy/Notre Dame more in Dublin than I am of Rams/Patriots (mainly because every fibre of my being hates t' Pats, but whatever)

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I don't know why you would expect popular American teams to give up a home game to play in England. They get 8 a year, they're not going to give up on that revenue, or upset their fan base. There's a reason that's a home game for t' Rams and not t' Patriots. Same reason t' only way you'll see a team like t' Cowboys or t' Steelers in England is as a visiting team.

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British fans don't just go because there's a game on (Flakey one's who don't know much do, but proper fans won't) featuring t' Rams or whoever, sure it's brilliant to get any kind of football over here, but for us fans who've been watching for years, seeing t' Rams/Jaguars is really off putting, other than Steven Jackson and Maurice Jones-Drew, there's not going to be a whole lot of excitement in t' games.

Becuase not having t' very best players = not much excitement :/

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Nobody would show up for it if it were a pre-season game, now that we've gotten used to getting real games.

I doubt that very much. t' American Bowl series was very popular and as long as they kept t' match ups fresh and varied t' teams, I doubt there'd be much drop off in interest.

Maxx, I fully understand why teams and their fan bases don't want to give up one of 8 home games a year, but if that's going to be t' case and there's going to be shitty teams coming over for multiple games, t' league should just shut down t' International Series entirely. They've struggled enough to sell tickets for this year's, and that's with t' big-name Patriots coming over (granted that's tempered slightly by t' fact they're repeating so soon, but there's a lot of Pats fans over here. I know I'd still go if t' Bears came over again).

I also really wish t' London franchise idea would stop rearing its ugly head. In fact, I think they just need to get rid of Goodell at this point.

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