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2012 NFL Season


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Seen those simultaneous catch instances go either way (regardless of whether or not a defender had it first). And as has been said, cry interference all you want, that never gets called in that situation. It doesn't seem nearly as bad as giving Harborough 400 timeouts and infinite challenges, and multiple two minute warnings and such. I guess I read all the hype before I saw the call. From the sounds of it, both teams were equally screwed on calls up to that point. As frustrating as it is, we needed something like this or there'd be no chance of getting the real refs back. Can't say I'm too disappointed to see Green Bay get gipped, but at the end of the day, you don't let your all-star QB get sacked 8 times and expect to win a game.

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Yeah, that definitely wasn't a simultaneous catch. That was Godlen Tate reaching in after the Packers already had the pick.

Not saying it was a simultaneous catch, I'm saying I've seen calls made like that before.

The scab refs can barely mark off a first down without tripping over their own dicks, of course they're going to have trouble with this.

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Goodell needs to call a special meeting of the owners and either convince them to end the lockout or hand in his resignation. The NFL also needs to apologize to the players and the fans and maybe even refund the fines they've given coaches for criticizing the replacement refs.

If its true that some of these replacement refs were former LFL refs who were fired for incompetence, then whoever picked those refs to be replacements needs to be fired.

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So the NFL reviewed the play and says its a simultaneous catch, thus saying 99% of the people are wrong outside of Seattle

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So the NFL reviewed the play and says its a simultaneous catch, thus saying 99% of the people are wrong outside of Seattle

And several former refs who have reviewed the play on different shows have all said it was either offensive pass interference, an interception, or both. The NFL is just covering their asses.

They had a retired ref who lives here on the local one hour 5 o'clock news show who pointed out that when he was still working, he had to work 95 games before he was even eligible to work postseason games. Think about that for a second and realize what that means if these scrubs are still around by then.

Edited by GhostMachine
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One comment I read somewhere said that the NFL is about as legit as Pro Wrestling with these replacement refs. So, I've thought of a way to make football more entertaining. I'm just surprised I didn't come up with this when the XFL was around.

(And this is all tongue in cheek, of course, but here we go:)

1. At the beginning of the game, the starting QBs meet at the 50 yard line for either a Test of Strength or a Chop battle. The winner's team gets the ball at their own 25 yard line or can defer and the other team starts with the ball on their own 20. Normal kickoff to start the second half.

2. Chop Blocks are legal on punters and kickers only. Lariats are only legal on WRs and TEs as well as kick returners. Spears on RBs and kick returners. Otherwise, any pro wrestling move goes, except Release German Suplexes (too dangerous to use), which are outlawed.

3. Anything illegal in Pro Wrestling is illegal in Pro Football, except QBs, Centers and Safeties are allowed to use Asian Mist.

4. 2 pts for sacking a QB. 3 pts for a Lariat, Powerbomb or DDT on a receiver. 4 pts for a German Suplex on any Back (including the QB).

5. In the event of a tie, there is no overtime. Instead the head coaches compete in a Steel Cage match on the 50 yard line.

6. All referees who make calls that were challenged and overturned in a week compete in a Ladder match on Monday Night Football. The losers are suspended without pay for a week.

7. No fair catches.

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So the NFL reviewed the play and says its a simultaneous catch, thus saying 99% of the people are wrong outside of Seattle

I think only 20% of the people in Seattle tops think it was the right call. The general reaction here has been "well that was bullshit but I guess we'll take it?"

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So the NFL reviewed the play and says its a simultaneous catch, thus saying 99% of the people are wrong outside of Seattle

I think only 20% of the people in Seattle tops think it was the right call. The general reaction here has been "well that was bullshit but I guess we'll take it?"

Well I read an article on yahoo sports that said after members of the Seahawks saw the repllay they admitted they shouldn't have won

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