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Paradox games but definitely NOT GAMES OF THRONE


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No matter what happens, if you're Robb or Jon in either scenario, short of constent assistance from you, Stannis cannot hold the throne. Mace will rally around Dany, himself, Edric, or....someone from the books, and the cycle repeats.

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Yup Im learning the hardway with Robert, in his 40s and still the King. At least I had several bastards with him to make it entertaining. Also killed Balon's heir right in front of him in trial by combat. So torturing Balon in prison and killing his heir right in front of him was interesting at least. <_<

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The biggest problem with that is the opinion modifiers. Pies folks off fucking with a Lord Paramount, even with cause, and the factions pop up. 


My best Robert game had him die (in a hunting accident) at 59, with a ton of kids. One bastard was Lord Cpmmander of the Kingsguard. His heir, the actual child of Bobby and Cersei, was named Durran. Anyway, passed of Stannis by taking Dragonstone from him, but then took Storms End from Renly, as well as Renly's other titles, and gave them to Stannis. 


Found out about Jamie and Cersei. Jamie lost trial by combat to Barristan, and was sent to The Wall. He became the 998th Lord Commander.Cersei joined the Silent Sisters.


Robert had like four marriages, the last one being to...Stannis's daughter. The Mannis hooked up with Arriane Martell. Raised Robb as my ward, Ned died in a duel...it was a good reign. Even had Oberon somehow join the Kingsguard. But still, all those bastards....

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The biggest problem with that is the opinion modifiers. Pisses folks off fucking with a Lord Paramount, even with cause, and the factions pop up. 


My best Robert game had him die (in a hunting accident) at 59, with a ton of kids. One bastard was Lord Cpmmander of the Kingsguard. His heir, the actual child of Bobby and Cersei, was named Durran. Anyway, passed of Stannis by taking Dragonstone from him, but then took Storms End from Renly, as well as Renly's other titles, and gave them to Stannis. 


Found out about Jamie and Cersei. Jamie lost trial by combat to Barristan, and was sent to The Wall. He became the 998th Lord Commander.Cersei joined the Silent Sisters.


Robert had like four marriages, the last one being to...Stannis's daughter. The Mannis hooked up with Arriane Martell. Raised Robb as my ward, Ned died in a duel...it was a good reign. Even had Oberyn somehow join the Kingsguard. But still, all those bastards....


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SDM's Opinion of Mick: -15

Double Posted: -10

Spelling Errors: -10

Used The Slang "Mannis": -10

lol Mick: +5

Memories Of That Time He Nuked Himself: +10

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add_diplomacy 1984 100

Diplomacy of Mick increased by 100!

Send SDM Gift 
"Send SDM a gift of 75.6 gold. This will increase his opinion of you by 75"



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So, Conclave meshes pretty well with the AGOT mod. It takes away one of the larger annoyances (trying to get a fucking law passed when you sit in the Iron Throne), and instead your council votes on it. Which is awesome if they like you. 


Then again, some folks will want council seats (or more). A wise king knows what he knows and what he doesn't. A wise young king listens to his counselors and heeds their advice until he comes of age. And the wisest kings continue to listen to them long afterwards. Your brother was not a wise king. 

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Installed the GoT mod but the region names are all still European even though the Kingdoms are all GoT ones. Anyone know what I've done wrong? Tried Google and Reddit but couldn't find anything.

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Scotland doesn't exist. I de jured the whole kingdom into the kingdom of England centuries ago. Nor Wales.

They absolutely battered me, I went from the King of England to the Count of Dublin as it was my only overseas territory.

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Littlefinger in A Feast for Crows mod is one of my favorites. Getting the Riverlands + Marrying Sansa + Pressing her claim and destroying the Boltons + Saving the realm against the White Walkers single handed. Too bad I had 6 kids and all but two of them died from illness or stillborn. :|


Then my first child, my heir, my daughter, has a matrilineal marriage to some low born, has a kid and then dies when the kid is born. Kid survived at least.  Made the mistake of following some old man to Valyria to get a blade...learned my lesson. 


So started a new campaign with AFFC as Jon Snow-Stark and got the North back under him. The Boltons are dead...now the Freys are next.

Edited by Alex.
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