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Paradox games but definitely NOT GAMES OF THRONE


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Started a Muslim game in Granada. Gained independence. Took over most of Spain and Portugal. Kicked the Catholics out. Formed Hispania. Converted the whole empire to Sunni. Italy went Iconoclast. Invaded. Kicked the Pope out of Rome.

The Papacy is now based in Wales.

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Started a Muslim game in Granada. Gained independence. Took over most of Spain and Portugal. Kicked the Catholics out. Formed Hispania. Converted the whole empire to Sunni. Italy went Iconoclast. Invaded. Kicked the Pope out of Rome.

The Papacy is now based in Wales.

Just like real life

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See, I'm pissed at my game because for some reason, whenever I start up a normal version of CK2, I get some kind of popup message about my character, except it's blank, and there's no button to acknowledge the message, and thus, I can't play. 

Doesn't happen with Game of Thrones, though. 


Also, I'm slightly upset that William Wallace isn't in the game :( . 

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I'll give it a shot, I probably should have done that sooner, but I've been mainly intrested in GoT that it didn't bother me that much. I mean....Dragons or following the orders of the Pope? Which would you pick? :shifty: 

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I actually rather prefer the vanilla game but it seems metalman, Gazz and I may be minorities in that respect. The GoT mod is cute for the first 15 or 20 minutes, then it's just "oh hey look this thing happened differently than in the show/book". I rather like taking on the task of trying to rise in rank as a lowly Duke or some such in Germany circa the 900s, or trying to unite all the Viking clans. It's much more fun I think.

Edited by Pentacloudy Jr.
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The AI can be retarded sometimes....

Win war for independence....become a vassal of the lord you just defeated in a war. Rinse, repeat....



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Speaking of retarded AI....Dany's husband is in on a plot for me to kidnap her o_O 


Who the hell did she marry, Jerry Lundegaard? 

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Normal CK is going to be a cakewalk after playing Game of Thrones. I was amazed at the sizes of the armies (being used to GoT numbers), and the fact that becoming a heretic lets me declare war on whoever. 

For shits and giggles, I'm going to take a GoT character, make them as close as I can in ruler designer, give them the right stats/traits, and have at it. So far I'm considering Tywin, Baelish, or Aegon I. 

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Becoming heretic also means that they can all declare war on you. It'll be a Holy War and you're going to get trounced by every Catholic ruler in Europe.

Catholicism is boned in my save. Since I control Santiago and Rome, moral authority is about 30%. I control Hispania and Italy. Aquitaine is Iconoclast (Orthodox heresy) somehow. Tengri, Norse and Slavic are all reformed so the Catholic kingdoms (West Francia, Middle Francia, Germany, Bavaria and Frisia) are all getting Holy war smashed from all directions.

The King of England is German too, you can imagine how popular that is.

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