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Paradox games but definitely NOT GAMES OF THRONE


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So what's the verson of the mod you're using? It seems like I can only play 3 scenarios and the characters are all limited. No small houses and only main characters. I think its the Dance of Dragons, Roberts Rebellion and War of the 5 Kings. Is there another version or something?

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The whole game is great for things like that. The GoT mod is great for laughs and something a bit different but the game gives you the tools for that sort of thing brilliantly as well. Just use the Ruler creator and create any scenario to roll with. Create a viking with all the financial and diplomatic sense of an infant and shove him in the middle of India and let the game take its course.

Isn't there a convertor so you can take your CK2 game and move it into EU4 as well? Although I might have dreamt that...

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Early game they are, but as time and technology moves on, they fall far behind reformed cultures and religions.

This, pretty much. It's a chore to beat up the norse when one of the warrior kings decide to gobble up the entirety of Sweden, because they can get tribal holdings.

But when those big lords croak, the entire place is in flux and will be a shithole for a decade or so as they start to infight for power.

So yeah, fighting the Norse is a no no and the best thing you can do is just... let them do their thing and accept that they're raiding your coastlines. Once religions start reforming and the rest of Europe catches up on tech, they tend to become a lot weaker.

The reason they're OP because at that time they were OP and the dread of the world. Nobody wanted to fuck with the Vikings and they kinda did a lot of things. They didn't turn into legends because they loved to braid the shit out of their hair.

And finally, tribal holdings can sally forth those big tribal armies for one big reason, and that is to try to maintain some sort of status quo in those regions until technology becomes advanced enough to run through the unwashed masses. Those areas were in flux for centuries before they got ''tamed'', and I feel it's a nice challenge for even big rulers to cut their teeth on.

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1) If I bang my aunt, will our kids be born with flippers?


2) Is there a rhyme or reason why the option to have the Faceless Man kill someone comes up? I saw it once, couldn't afford him, and the option hasn't been back since. I'd like to have it handy just...just in case. :shifty:

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