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Hades is a really good video game. I just beat it on my 28th run. And I did back-to-back victories over that asshole dad of mine. 

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15 hours ago, apsham said:

I love the way that it pushes you towards trying new things and tactics.

Interesting. Why do you think that? 

I tried using all the different weapons, but I really got addicted to the Bow. I have only exclusively played with the bow like 90% of the game. And I find that I have fallen into a pattern of really only selecting certain Gods and boosting those benefits. 

Example - I always start the game off with the trinket that allows me to visit Dionysus right away and select his grenade cast. After that, I basically make sure that either my attack or my special are deflect (preferably special) and try to either get Doom or Hangover as the other. Dash can go either way, but I prefer the knockback. 

Maybe I should try a different weapon, because I now find the game way too easy. I have cleared the last 4 attempts even with the difficulty mods on. 

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52 minutes ago, RPS said:

Interesting. Why do you think that? 

I tried using all the different weapons, but I really got addicted to the Bow. I have only exclusively played with the bow like 90% of the game. And I find that I have fallen into a pattern of really only selecting certain Gods and boosting those benefits. 

Example - I always start the game off with the trinket that allows me to visit Dionysus right away and select his grenade cast. After that, I basically make sure that either my attack or my special are deflect (preferably special) and try to either get Doom or Hangover as the other. Dash can go either way, but I prefer the knockback. 

Maybe I should try a different weapon, because I now find the game way too easy. I have cleared the last 4 attempts even with the difficulty mods on. 

Well, the game rewards you each time you clear a boss with its particular rewards - whether that be blood, diamonds, etc. - but it only does so once. So you can get a max of 6 Titan Blood, 6 Diamonds and 6 Ambrosia before you beats Hades for the first time (which gives you another Titan Blood) and then you can beat him with all the weapons for a max of 12 but then you've kind of maxed out on that stuff.

Using the system that unlocks after you beat Hades for the first time however, you can start earning rewards again at each level of that... so there is a true and real incentive to get good and use all of them.

The weapon aspects are really cool too - and why I want more Titan Blood. I started to use the Aspect of Poseidon for the Stygian Blade and it changed the way I approached the game entirely. Before then, I never used the cast all that much - but the special power of Posedion is to make them detach from the enemy with a special attack - meaning that I could build a character that worked towards that and instead of using the attack at ALL I was starting to use ONLY the cast and special attack and built a powerful character out of leaning towards Artemis and getting her boon that does damage to an enemy when the cast objects leave the enemy's body. Doing that and with the right combos, I was able to do stuff like take out the Hyrda heads in a couple of hits, etc.

Every weapon's aspects follow a pattern too. The first one is just an improvement on how it works already, the second one gives you a benefit when you do something in particular and the third one generally changes the way the whole thing works. I'm working on the Aegis right now which I hated before.. but with the right aspect, I am doing crazy good with.

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Avengers got the first DLC character pushed back to November at the earliest and the next-gen upgrade officially pushed to 2021 sometime. The new update they released yesterday introduced a new outpost (big whoop), the "prologue" to Kate Bishop's content (but there are only TWO (!) Tachyon Rift missions and  they're timed - 1 minute for online, 2m40s for solo).

I'm not ready to say this game is dead, but they aren't doing much in the way of making people want to come back. At this point, what they should have done was just delayed the game game until Q1 2021.

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I was gonna pick this up when I had a PS5 but the recent reviews and content delays aren't making me want to rush to it.

Immortals: Fenix Rising is jumped way up my radar recently. That and Spiderman would see me through Christmas along with my ps4 backlog.

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48 minutes ago, Jericode said:

I was gonna pick this up when I had a PS5 but the recent reviews and content delays aren't making me want to rush to it.

Immortals: Fenix Rising is jumped way up my radar recently. That and Spiderman would see me through Christmas along with my ps4 backlog.

I'd wait for it to go on sale. The campaign is actually really good, and made me love Ms. Marvel even more than I already do. She's easily the highlight of the entire game.

But the multiplayer aspect leaves a lot to be desired. Still some bugs and glitches, some missions towards the end of the multiplayer campaign are strictly solo and/or require you to have AT LEAST one fully leveled character (there's a certain mission type that is solo where it's beneficial to have a full roster of lvl 50/power 150 characters). The challenge cards pay for themselves, but you have to really farm and grind to make a dent in those things. LOTS of repetition in enemy types and only two bosses (that you encounter in the solo main game). Only about 8 different locations on the map - some have a lot of missions, some only have TWO, and the level design from one NY area to another NY area aren't super different, if at all.

If you can find this for like $10-30 somehow, or on eBay or whatever, I say do it, because that's a good value for it. I'm positive most places will slash the price HARD come Black Friday or Christmas.

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13 hours ago, Bobfoc said:

There's a Pac-Man battle royale game coming. Unfortunately, it's only on Stadia to start with, but it's bound to come to other platforms at some point in the future.

This is interesting. 

Pacman battle royale sounds interesting if it is on one big board. Less interesting if everyone had separate boards and send ghosts to my board. 

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12 hours ago, King Ellis said:

Does Stadia have 100 players to fill a battle royale?

No, but it makes the inevitable tournament quite a sight.

"And Tacos_Tacos_Tacos_Tacos is our first elimination... AND WE HAVE OUR GRAND CHAMPION FOLKS!"

On the plus side, Billy Mitchell can finally win a competition.

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Somebody was speculating on YouTube that they weren't happy with the hand to hand combat after people were criticising it during a gameplay video. It did look quite shit and very basic to be honest.

This was before the new delay was announced. But they do seem to be working on stuff for a day 1 patch as it did go gold earlier in the month.

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I'm sure they're probably desperate to get the game out by Christmas, but I'd much rather they took more time to allow those working on the game to finish it without nearly killing themselves with the crunch process. To them, the human cost is presumably worth the Christmas income, but it isn't to me as a consumer.

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Honestly, every new story about Cyberpunk lowers the price I'm willing to pay for it. I was definitely at "oh, I'm going to preorder this" two years ago and now it's "if the reviews are great I'll maybe buy it for $30."

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