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I bought a Nintendo 64 and have been playing tons of Mario Party and Mario Kart, im thinking of buying just a ton of old school games so if anyone have an suggestions that would be great :D

Bit of a long list but you grab any of these you wont be disapointed (excluding titles already mentioned)

1080: TenEighty Snowboarding



Blast Corps

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Diddy Kong Racing

Donkey Kong 64

Excitebike 64

F-1 World Grand Prix / F-1 World Grand Prix II

Jet Force Gemini

Mario Golf

Mario Tennis

Mickey's Speedway USA

Perfect Dark

Pokemon Snap

Rayman 2: The Great Escape

Ridge Racer 64

Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars

Star Wars: Episode I: Racer

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Super Mario 64

Super Smash Bros.

Turok / Turok 2

V-Rally Edition '99

Vigilante 8

Wave Race 64

WCW vs. NWO: World Tour

WCW/NWO Revenge

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A terrible old wrestling game you've probably never heard of

I think I had this!

In the grand tradition of all of my C64 games being shitty cassette copies, which my brother had written whatever name first came to mind to describe them, I never knew what the vast majority of my games were actually called - particularly as a surprising amount of them had no title screen. I think this one was "SHIT FIGHTING".

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Just seeing these reports of Destiny having a budget of $500m and needing to potentially sell 15-16m copies just to break even, it kinda feels like stating the obvious but man that has the potential to crash hard. I know it's meant to be a big long term franchise though so maybe things will be easier once they use this initial launch to establish a fan base and I guess they do have all of that Call of Duty money to fall back on so it's not like this is going to kill them or anything. Still, that's an outrageous budget.

15-16 million? Jeeze. That's a bit ambitious. GTA, a well known (and great) game was the only game last year to break 13m in sales (in fact, it doubled). (at least, according to this one website)

I don't know...that seems a bit too risky. And I personally don't know if I want to get Destiny...just seems like a less comedic Borderlands.

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I bought a Nintendo 64 and have been playing tons of Mario Party and Mario Kart, im thinking of buying just a ton of old school games so if anyone have an suggestions that would be great :D

Bit of a long list but you grab any of these you wont be disapointed (excluding titles already mentioned)

1080: TenEighty Snowboarding



Blast Corps

Conker's Bad Fur Day

Diddy Kong Racing

Donkey Kong 64

Excitebike 64

F-1 World Grand Prix / F-1 World Grand Prix II

Jet Force Gemini

Mario Golf

Mario Tennis

Mickey's Speedway USA

Perfect Dark

Pokemon Snap

Rayman 2: The Great Escape

Ridge Racer 64

Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars

Star Wars: Episode I: Racer

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Super Mario 64

Super Smash Bros.

Turok / Turok 2

V-Rally Edition '99

Vigilante 8

Wave Race 64

WCW vs. NWO: World Tour

WCW/NWO Revenge

Ooh, forgot about 1080 F1 and V-Rally.. man, I loved them.

Never got Excitebike in Holland which sucked 'cause all the magazines did seem to write about them. :/

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It came out towards the end of the N64's life so finding a copy can be a bitch even more so in Europe since it was delayed, I'm lucky to have grabbed it as part of a bundle at a car boot :P

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Just seeing these reports of Destiny having a budget of $500m and needing to potentially sell 15-16m copies just to break even, it kinda feels like stating the obvious but man that has the potential to crash hard. I know it's meant to be a big long term franchise though so maybe things will be easier once they use this initial launch to establish a fan base and I guess they do have all of that Call of Duty money to fall back on so it's not like this is going to kill them or anything. Still, that's an outrageous budget.

They're banking hard on people that weren't 360 last time caring about a game from the Halo guys. I'll admit I'm interested, but I've still yet to see anything that promises to live up to the expectations. But hey, Borderlands with a serious story and better gun mechanics could be fun. Maybe I'd finish this one if it had all that. >_>

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I bought a Nintendo 64 and have been playing tons of Mario Party and Mario Kart, im thinking of buying just a ton of old school games so if anyone have an suggestions that would be great :D

Ogre Battle 64

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I bought a Nintendo 64 and have been playing tons of Mario Party and Mario Kart, im thinking of buying just a ton of old school games so if anyone have an suggestions that would be great :D

Bit of a long list but you grab any of these you wont be disapointed (excluding titles already mentioned)

fucking long list without the zelda games

How could you forget the two Zelda games?!

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Fecking GAME (the shop not a specific game), went to on of their quiter branches and saw they had a copy of Metal Gear Legacy took it to the desk and noticed 2 copies in their drawer, then the fecking thing wont go through their computer and they cant sell me the game, I've been hunting that game down since it came out and I got blocked by a fecking barcode machine....FUCK GAME!

Edited by TheWho87
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Decided to check out Darksiders II finally after Bound by Flame turned out to be a bomb. It's alright! Holy shit, the PC port is crappy though. Screen tearing and low res textures all over the place. :(

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Decided to check out Darksiders II finally after Bound by Flame turned out to be a bomb. It's alright! Holy shit, the PC port is crappy though. Screen tearing and low res textures all over the place. :(

Bound By Flame is shit? Well, that's one PS4 game I don't have to get!

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It's mostly unbalanced, apparently. Random enemies take forever to kill for no reason, for example. Otherwise, it seems to do what it can for an indie title, but the budget just kind of shows sadly. :(

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It's an old school FPS! Run and gun rather than wait behind your buddies as they open doors for you! Health packs that you can't take around with you! Armour and dual wielding everything! Will probably pick it up later tonight.

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