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"its a really fun game and then suddenly zombies pop up out of nowhere and its shit" is a pretty great description for Saints Row 3 TBF.

No, it isn't. :/

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For those who have played Uncharted 3, is there monsters in that one too like there have been in the prior 2? I love these games but zombie creatures and demon yetis have been my least favorite thing about the prior 2.

You're not one of those "its a really fun game and then suddenly zombies pop up out of nowhere and its shit" people are you? My mate swears the games are like that, ignoring the fact that the monsters are built up from the very beginning, are very much a part of the genre that the games belong to and actually provide some variety. But, you know, he's wrong.

No, I just wasn't expecting them I guess.

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Can we list our backlog of games so I don't feel so bad about falling behind, and so I can add a few more to my list as I see titles in your lists that I forgot about? I've started every single one of these games only to get lost in something else.



Bioshock (yes the 1st one) &Bioshcok Infinite

Assassins Creed 3 & Brotherhood

Need For Speed : Most Wanted

Far Cry 3


Alpha Protocol



Infamous 2

Dead Island & Riptide

Sure I'm forgetting a few. I really want to get the Assasins Creed saga out the way but I spend so much time exploring in open world games that I need to set aside a week of dedicated gaming just for 1 of the titles.

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Too many steam games.

I would say Persona 4, but I got 75-80% of the way through, and then my save game got corrupt. So I watched a Let's Play.

Other than that, I am all caught up on my gaming.

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I intend to restart Mass Effect when I'm off work next week. Got about a third of the way through before, haven't touched it in years. Probably should finish Amalur too, considering how much I love that game. Put at least 90 hours in, think I'm about 2/3 through, not counting DLC.

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Don't judge me, but I actually took off for vacation from 6/28 through 7/8 just so I could play through Last Of Us, Far Cry 3, ME2 and ME3.

It's so tough being a gamer with all these incredible games coming out every month. Beyond Two Souls is going to devour my time as well and all these free games!

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PS Vita:

Persona 4 (I'm about 1/6 of the way through.),

Uncharted Golden Abyss,

Little Big Planet,

Gravity Rush,

Rayman Origins,

Mutant Blob Attacks.

Plus the other free games that I may or may not ever play (Sine Mora, Ninja Gaiden)


Pokemon Black, White, Black 2, White 2, Diamond, Pearl, Heart Gold & Soul Silver. >_>

Chrono Trigger

Dragon Quest


Star Ocean The Last Hope


Kingdoms of Amalur

Saints Row The Third

Battlefield 3


Bioshock Infinite (about halfway through, need to finish it myself rather than watch it played),

Spec Ops The Line

The Witcher 2

And the other 50,000 games I got on deal and never installed.

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Todays Gamers suck at Super Mario.

It may come as a shock to some of you that most gamers today can not finish the original Super Mario Brothers game on the Famicom. We have conducted this test over the past few years to see how difficult we should make our games and have found that the number of people unable to finish the first level is steadily increasing.

This year, around 90 percent of the test participants were unable to complete the first level of Super Mario Brothers. We did not assist them in any way except by providing the exact same instruction manual we used back then. Many of them did not read it and the few that did stopped after the first page which did not cover any of the game mechanics.

We watched the replay videos of how the gamers performed and saw that many did not understand simple concepts like bottomless pits. Around 70 percent died to the first Goomba. Another 50 percent died twice. Many thought the coins were enemies and tried to avoid them. Also, most of them did not use the run button. There were many other depressing things we noted but I can not remember them at the moment. […]

Some of the people seemed to be unaware that this was an actual old game that existed as they asked if the retro-style graphics were supposed to be a throwback to old Nintendo games. Some missed the point of the questionnaire completely and said that the graphics and music were terrible and needed to be improved in order for the game to sell. They also wanted a deeper storyline and voice acting.


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PS Vita:

Persona 4 (I'm about 1/6 of the way through.),

Uncharted Golden Abyss,

Little Big Planet,

Gravity Rush,

Rayman Origins,

Mutant Blob Attacks.

Plus the other free games that I may or may not ever play (Sine Mora, Ninja Gaiden)


Pokemon Black, White, Black 2, White 2, Diamond, Pearl, Heart Gold & Soul Silver. >_>

Chrono Trigger

Dragon Quest


Star Ocean The Last Hope


Kingdoms of Amalur

Saints Row The Third

Battlefield 3


Bioshock Infinite (about halfway through, need to finish it myself rather than watch it played),

Spec Ops The Line

The Witcher 2

And the other 50,000 games I got on deal and never installed.

You've got a lot of work to do.

I want to get Witcher 2 but I never played the 1st, do I NEED to?

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You don't need to have, but fuck that game is hard. It might just be me, but I couldn't get to grips with the combat at all. A lot of people praise it as one of the best action RPG's ever, but I just couldn't get the hang of it.

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I'm going to go waaaaay back in my backlog and finally play through and beat both GTA: Vice City and San Andreas. I made it really far in both games but never finished either. Might as well get some mileage out of still having my PS2, right?

Going back now, the driving in Vice City is so crazy awful. Everything feels way faster and looser than I remembered.

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I'm going to go waaaaay back in my backlog and finally play through and beat both GTA: Vice City and San Andreas. I made it really far in both games but never finished either. Might as well get some mileage out of still having my PS2, right?Going back now, the driving in Vice City is so crazy awful. Everything feels way faster and looser than I remembered.

I love the PS2 era games. Vice City is my favorite, the world was just amazing fun. I spent many hours driving around blasting Flash.FM in my Red Infernus. San Andreas was so massive but I think that may be part of its downfall since there was so much going on. It wanted to be a Action RPG when all I wanted it to be was filled with a great story and side missions.

The driving is wanky in Vice City though.

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Mass Effect 3 (I own it, I just refuse to play it until I play through 1 & 2 on my PS3 first)

Assassin Creed 3 (Couldn't get into it.)

Saints Row 3

Far Cry 3

Max Payne 3

Skyrim (I'm Level 30, But I still gotta finish the Main Quest. Which I'll get back around to.....eventually....)

.....I'm starting to sense a pattern here

There's probably a few others as well, but My Girl decided to pack away my games in preparation of my move, so I can't remember what else I need to finish.

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