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Stay Away From My LOST Watch Through, Charlie!


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Season 1, Episode 1: "Pilot, Part 1"

• No matter how many times I watch it, that opening shot and scene hits well, with the music really creating a sense of atmospheric mystery, horror, and confusion. Michael Giacchino is basically the most consistent staff member on the show, and he hit it out of the park in the opening scene.

• The entire engine exploding scene is great too, with the absolute havoc, Charlie looking lost, Shannon yelling like a bitch, Jack instantly taking the lead, and so on and so forth. I remember when I first rewatched the show, I was convinced that (spoiler which is revealed in Season 1, Episode 4: Walkabout, I believe, but don't click if you haven't seen LOST before)...

... The Monster blew up the engine. It's cleared up on the DVD and Blu-Ray, I believe, but a whoosh of black (which the producers later stated was meant to be just regular black smoke coming from an exploding engine.

• Every time I watch the Jack/Kate scene, I remember a story between the producers about how Boone was originally called "Five", and on this script, they used "Find/Replace" to change his name through the script. This of course, resulted in Jack accidentally counting from one through to Boone.

• General Walt spoiler for Season 3, Episode 22: Through The Looking Glass...

Damn, I forgot how tiny he was originally. Little Walt > Big Walt.

• The sounds in the forest always bother me. Originally it sounded like someone would be logging in the forest to me, plus trees go falling, so why did no-one think the same and go looking for potential people? >_>

• I like the shoe stealing scene. Don't know whether it's Kate looking so morbid, or Locke's hilarious orange smile, but I can't help but feel bad, then laugh, then feel bad for laughing >_>

• "What are you spelling man, bodies?" Hurley's intent and the final outcome is always good for laughs.

• Charlie awful singing is just... oh man it's awful. That didn't stop "You All Everybody" becoming a highly played song on my playlist when they 'released' a proper version. Wonderfully awful. And the (spoilers for Season 1, Episode 8: The Moth)...

... fact that it's later revealed their is no comeback after Charlie says they're in the middle of one makes me sad


• The cockpit! As Sean mentioned, the almost zombie film nature of this scene is just tremendous (in fact, I wanted a game more like this from the game Dead Island, but was let down). Again, the music adds incredible atmosphere, and the entire climbing up the thing, only for Charlie to slip and be forced to grab a dead man's leg adds to the zombie creepiness. Also - GREG GRUNBERG SIGHTING... aaaaand he's gone. Where? Nobody knows!

• Scared Kate hiding in the Banyan trees was something which I was convinced could keep this mystery enemy away for quite some time. Whilst it was never really confirmed, it was used as a gameplay element in the awful LOST video game. Also, LOST The Game.

• Kate/Charlie was a relationship I wanted to see when I first watched the first two or three episodes.

• Fun fact: Jack's not dead! But he almost was in early drafts! He was almost played by Michael "The Man Who Said 'No' To Bat Nipples" Keaton. Jack surviving was never really in question for me, because at the time I didn't see people allowing the guy they just spent a whole episode developing, being killed off in the first episode.

Going to take a break, then come back with Pilot, Part 2.

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This week (9th Jan - 15th) is episodes 5-8. These are White Rabbit, House of the Rising Sun, The Moth, and Confidence Man. I'll post some thoughts for episode 1-4 tonight, but since I'm posting this, I can tell you that The Moth is one of my favourite episodes of anything ever. It's the episode that turned one character into my absolute favourite and is an episode I like to watch when I'm feeling incredibly low.

About 'The Moth'..

The Locke speech about 'struggle is nature's way of strengthening' is absolutely brilliant. I'm assuming you fell in love with Charlie here, but this was where Locke became awesome for me. 'Walkabout' is brilliant, but this just adds to that for me. Then again, I didn't really like Charlie until

season 3


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About 'The Moth'..

The Locke speech about 'struggle is nature's way of strengthening' is absolutely brilliant. I'm assuming you fell in love with Charlie here, but this was where Locke became awesome for me. 'Walkabout' is brilliant, but this just adds to that for me. Then again, I didn't really like Charlie until

season 3


This spoiler includes general spoilers for the series, don't click unless you've seen at least to the Season 3 Finale.

It was Charlie. I had fallen in love with Locke much earlier, but Charlie as a character has the most development, and this is where it all began. He manages to struggle against his demons believably, falls back on them believably, and goes from drug addled fuck up to true hero by the end. Locke's speech would be great, but not nearly as brilliant if it weren't for Dominic Monaghan's cracking performance as the tortured moth.

Side fact: I named one of my cats Charlie. His name reminds me whenever I'm down to watch that episode. Kitty cat is my Locke :shifty:

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About 'The Moth'..

The Locke speech about 'struggle is nature's way of strengthening' is absolutely brilliant. I'm assuming you fell in love with Charlie here, but this was where Locke became awesome for me. 'Walkabout' is brilliant, but this just adds to that for me. Then again, I didn't really like Charlie until

season 3


This spoiler includes general spoilers for the series, don't click unless you've seen at least to the Season 3 Finale.

It was Charlie. I had fallen in love with Locke much earlier, but Charlie as a character has the most development, and this is where it all began. He manages to struggle against his demons believably, falls back on them believably, and goes from drug addled fuck up to true hero by the end. Locke's speech would be great, but not nearly as brilliant if it weren't for Dominic Monaghan's cracking performance as the tortured moth.

Side fact: I named one of my cats Charlie. His name reminds me whenever I'm down to watch that episode. Kitty cat is my Locke :shifty:

Same as Benji, spoilers up to and including Season 3 Finale.

On second, third (etc) rewatches, I've absolutely fallen in love with Charlie and the entire story arch they built for him. Almost everyone is pathetic in some way, a flaw they need to overcome, but none do it in such a fantastic 'redemptive' way as Charlie. I think Greatest Hits absolutely hammered that home for me and I was close to tears in that episode, as I have been on re-watches. Such a beautifully subtle hero, from getting Claire's baby back at the end of season 1 (Gunpowder scene!) to saving Nadia from a mugger, one of mu favourite character. I just didn't like him first time round, presumably because I disliked Claire for quite some time and they were inseparable.

Side note to yours: Have I seen this cat? Cause I'm sure I recall knowing that, but maybe I'm making it up...

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Season 1, Episode 2: "Pilot, Part 2"

• It seems weird, early on, that the flashbacks are so uninformative. I know Charlie's drug habit is his main story during the first season, but I find it bizarre every time we just get sights of the plane.

• Charlie is wearing the same shoes as I am right now! :w00t:

• Slow roasted Shannon = Delicious. Her one tangible contribution to the entire show. Also I just noticed that she utters the first of one of the show's many recurring lines - "they're coming", surprised I never clicked on that before.

• Just also noticed that Fredric Lehne (of Azazel fame in Supernatural, for those keeping track at home) has his name spelled incorrectly in the opening credits. This adds nothing to discussion, but I just noticed it.

• Michael and Walt have great father/son chemistry from the offset (spoilers for Season 1 Episode 14: "Special")...

... despite the fact they have not been together as such for most of their lives.

• "Whatever you say, Doc, you're the hero."

• I can't recall how much screen time Sayid and Hurley get together, but I know it's not enough. Hurley's incredible lack of comfort once he says he was on the Iraqui side of the gulf conflict is brilliant.

• And now we get to see Kate getting boiled! I didn't realise how much this show likes women in their undergarments so early on until I started writing down my thoughts >_>

• I'm not a fan of the makeup work on the injured guy's wound, it might be realistic, but it's not gory enough :angry:

• I hated Jin at the start. His treatment of Sun was horrendous, and it's never really justified through the course of the show (though it is explained).

• Boone was an early favourite, and Shannon is annoying as fuck. Her face after Boone asks what she's think appears to be her trying to hold in a massive shit.

• Charlie pathetic attempts to get it on with every woman on The Island make me laugh.

• "Two sides. One is light, one is dark."

• "Do you want to know a secret?" said the old white guy to the little black kid. Paedophile John Lock ahoy!

• Oh that polar bear. I remember so many theories about that, all of them ridiculous.

• Hurley is basically the most likeable character ever, but I can't recall anyone ever saying he was their favourite.

• The plane tearing apart is one of the greatest visual effects in history, and remains probably some of the best spent money in a pilot ever for me. The visual obviously re-occurs throughout the series from other peoples' perspectives, so they got the bang for their buck, but that scene was still worth every penny when they first did it.


• Sayid does incredibly fast math.

• "Guys... where are we?" Oh, my dear Charlie. You have no... fucking... idea...

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Season 1, Episode 3: "Tabula Rasa"

• The music that opens this episode, once again, is brilliant. Haunting, melancholy, and mysterious. Lovely.

• "Put your gun back in your pants, Sawyer."

• "Ohhhhh... bollocks." Bollocks became one of my most common phrase after I started watching this show. Damn Charlie.

• The whole dinosaur angle is slightly more amusing when you know that it's the same island Jurassic Park was filmed on.

• I just realised that this is generally a boring episode, which becomes a reoccurring thing with Kate episodes (both on The Island and in flash backs) for me. After the Pilot, this episode seemed to sink into a basic island survival show, and I remember wondering what the fuss had been about. Trust me, if you're watching this for the first time - this is just one bad episode, the one after this is tremendous.

• Always wished Mars had survived longer. He would've made a great antagonist during the first season, trying to take charge or undermine others who people considered leaders so that he could gain power.

• "A miracle happened to him", Walt reveals that Locke's big secret turns out not to be that he's a giant paedo. I was sure that was going to be an early story, resulting in him being one of the first people killed on The Island if they started going all Lord of the Flies.

• Topless Sun creeps me out. Waaaaaay too thin. The way Michael walks off, spine completely straight and just saying "I didn't see anything" over and over is hilarious.

• Jack becomes a murderer. "First do no harm", Doc :(

Season 3, Episode 22: "Through The Look Glass" spoiler...


"Fate" "Late". Oh Charlie. What foreboding

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I'm far behind. I'll start on this tomorrow, I'll try to do an episode a day until I've caught up. I've ordered all 6 seasons on blu ray today from The Hut (under £70, not bad) so once they arrive I can do the rest of this in style.

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Yeah, I was planning on letting you guys get a bit further ahead cos otherwise I'm going to end up on season 5 while you're all wondering who (really minor spoiler that might not even be a spoiler 'cos the idea is introduced very early in the series)

the others


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Yeah, I was planning on letting you guys get a bit further ahead cos otherwise I'm going to end up on season 5 while you're all wondering who (really minor spoiler that might not even be a spoiler 'cos the idea is introduced very early in the series)

the others


Only a spoiler if you read Matt's, but for safety sake don't open unless you've seen Season 1.

Udders!? Udders!?..*pause for effect* Udders.

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Been splitting time between FIFA and 52 so I'm a bit behind.

Tabula Rasa

Thoughts as I go:

I love how they constantly frame non-decisions as difficult moral obstacles to overcome.

"We can't lie to them!"


"Because lying is bad! Really bad, up there with talking to strangers and riding your bike without a helmet."

Then, of course, there's What Kate Did.

Lighting up a stove with no meal to cook.

The ultimate failure as a woman.

In an immediate twist of irony, everyone gives Kate the gun directly after. Well done, guys. Don't lie! It might hurt someone's feelings. But go ahead and give the convict a loaded handgun.

Them finding the wheelchair was a neat moment too, though not as neat as when you realize whose it was.

Hurley is so awkward around girls. D'awwwwwwwwwww.

"Sorry dad, I can't tell you what Mr. Locke said. He said it was just between me and him."

God I hate Shannon.

Man the Marshall is creepy.

Kate's favor request is hilarious.

Sawyer is badass, as usual. Shitty shot, though.

Locke's unlimited knowledge about everything ever is awesome.

I'm glad that the "silent footage set to musical montage" bit went away really soon.

That said, every episode should end with an ominous shot of John Locke.

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I'm still behind, but when I have a few days off I should be able to throw a few episodes down.

For now, I do what I can to keep slightly behind pace...


Thoughts as I go:

This episode begins with a shot of John Locke putting on his shoe. An insignificant moment that, by the end of the episode, becomes miraculous.

Sawyer is such a redneck.

First appearance of boar. If only someone had something to hunt with...

"They're gone... and we're not." Thanks Jack, please continue to be the only one with a realistic viewpoint.

He needs some better fashion sense though. That scarf?

Hurley's "Who is this guy?" is awesome.

I love how Jack just dresses down Kate and cuts directly through her lies. Best interrogator on the island. Well, maybe with one exception.

"Yeah, whatever, do that, whatever you want. I have more important shit to do."

What's a four letter word for Shannon?

Okay, now down. What's a four letter word for what Charlie wants to do to Shannon.

"Hey Rose. Remember me? I'm the guy who told you not to worry about the turbulence. So... yeah. Kind of fucked that one up. Whoa. Yeah, turns out I'm not a pilot afterall. Shit... yeah. Sorry. Tell you what, when we fly out of here, I'll keep my mouth shut the entire time. Not a word."

Locke... such an eternal badass. Trees rippling? Strange noises? Let's walk towards it.

God, I hate Shannon.

I love how Rose is in such deep denial about her husband being dead. Come on, get over it already.

When Locke walks out of the woods coated in blood... he just further cements his awesomeness.

Locke yelling at the bus driver is such an emotionally loaded moment. You feel sad and angry, and then you see him moving his toe and you feel... happy. Like he's finally home. He's finally found a place where he can be himself.

I don't understand why they burned his wheelchair, though. I can think of at least a dozen times they had to carry someone through the woods with a bum leg when they could have used the chair instead. Awful forward thinking.

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