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1 hour ago, JMarushin said:

Anybody play Frostpunk? it's on sale for 10 bucks right now and I am considering picking it up

I have not played it, but have watched a LOT of streams of someone playing it to completion and well beyond into the ridiculous challenge territory.

For 10 bucks, i'd definitely go for it if you're the type that likes resource management type of building games. It really goes a long way in making you try to figure out every step of the way whilst building your frosty coal-burning city.

There's also not many outright 'bad' decisions you can make, just different ways to get to the goal. As long as you can manage the overall hope/despair of your survivors you can pretty much get away with sending the kids to mine coal and serve man in the absence of less morally dubious foodstuffs.

You can pretty much go both ways in terms of building your town up, and straddle a vague zone of grey morality all the same. Be a survival utopia where the kids get taken care of by going to school and making everyone happy and hopeful, or decide that those tiny hands can wield tiny pickaxes for everyone's survival. Bot have suitable pro's and con's.

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So I'm gonna be having my first Twitch stream this Sunday, hopefully making it a weekly thing. Are there any games you guys think would be really entertaining to see someone who's pretty bad at video games play? I've got a few ideas in mind, but I'm mostly just looking for fun games to dick around in, I'm not trying to be the best gamer on Twitch or anything like that

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2 hours ago, thepunkrockicon said:

So I'm gonna be having my first Twitch stream this Sunday, hopefully making it a weekly thing. Are there any games you guys think would be really entertaining to see someone who's pretty bad at video games play? I've got a few ideas in mind, but I'm mostly just looking for fun games to dick around in, I'm not trying to be the best gamer on Twitch or anything like that

I'm going to be dead honest and go with the boring safe option of "Play a game you want to play".

You could try things others are suggesting to you, but that doesn't neccesarily mean that you will enjoy yourself. And first and foremost, streaming has to be about you enjoying a game and wanting to share that enjoyment to the rest of the internet.

Pick a game you have a good history with, so you have some idea what you're doing, and can orate about if people show up with interest about your stream and the game itself.

And one of the most important things (for me, at least) is watching a stream who is enjoying themselves. Not someone who is going through the motions because a viewer suggested x-y-z and he's not really feeling it, but he's doing it anyways because it'd be rude to just drop it.

So I honestly suggest going with any game that you personally love, and perhaps giving people a choice out of that list if you want to give people a choice. Focus on making the weekly thing a part of your free time, rather than a chore you'll have to get through.

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Oh definitely. I don't think I would ever play a game that doesn't sound fun to me. I just have the current issue of only really playing a few games. So I more meant what kind of games are people playing that are fun and might be streaming friendly. I mean, I could always just play through Final Fantasy X for the 6 millionth time, but I'm interested in trying out new games, and I figured people in here would have a bunch of great options. I'm also trying to get friends that I have that already stream involved as much as possible, since playing with friends is often the best way to play, but I don't know many multiplayer games

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39 minutes ago, thepunkrockicon said:

Oh definitely. I don't think I would ever play a game that doesn't sound fun to me. I just have the current issue of only really playing a few games. So I more meant what kind of games are people playing that are fun and might be streaming friendly. I mean, I could always just play through Final Fantasy X for the 6 millionth time, but I'm interested in trying out new games, and I figured people in here would have a bunch of great options. I'm also trying to get friends that I have that already stream involved as much as possible, since playing with friends is often the best way to play, but I don't know many multiplayer games

So I'm basically in two minds here.

It CAN be fun to play a game you've never tried before - one of the first things I played through was the RE2 remake and I think it was fun to watch, and I also had someone in chat who just so happened to help me when I felt stuck - and it was short, sweet and kind of action packed. It fit the bill, but just note that you might play a game different on stream than you would casually. Normally, I would go everywhere, try to find everything but when I'm on stream I kind of feel a push to keep moving, etc.

Now if it's a game you've played before, you might look at chat more and you might feel more comfortable in knowing what to skip and not skip. If you're playing a game like Final Fantasy you can try to do a no-gil, no-items and stuff like that run if it's something that you've played a million times before AND you can talk about the game, why you like it, certain points that come up and stuff like that.

Either is fine, just think about what you're going to want to do. If you have some games bought and on your backlog, post 'em up here and maybe I can say what I've seen in other streams regarding them.

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In Rimworld I find myself routinely culling my animals.  I killed off my entire population of ducks and goats because their populations exploded and they were consuming more hay then I could produce, eating more then my boomalope herd was eating.

Also bought 2 huskies, a male and female, because who the fuck doesn't love huskies?  Well eventually my husky and fox population got WAY too big, so culled most of the huskies and foxes to where I was back to just a male and female of each.

My boomalope population is also ever growing, but I don't cull those because...well I tried once and had to reload a save because the result burned down half my base...

Also I cannot figure out how electricity works in this game.  I have like 5 geothermal plants, 4 solar panels, 4 chemfuel generators (thus the boomalope herd) and I think 15 batteries, yet every night half of my colony loses power

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I tried many times to run an animal heavy colony and they all ended up in the same places as yours, culling the herd or it getting culled through outside forces or a particularly nasty plague.

I just don't think most animals are useful enough in the game to keep around, even if you get a sizable force of grizzly bears or tigers they tend to get minced by any competent raiding force, and they don't breed fast enough to keep it up to strength.

There's also the part where i'm a gigantic sentimental softie, and I just struggle sending innocent animals to the slaughter just so my colonists get 5 seconds of extra tea time.

As such I only run populations that have a monetary value: Boomalopes/rats for the fuel to make mortar shells with, Muffalo or maybe megasloths for quality fur (especially because I like cold biomes), and possibly some egg laying or milkable animals for a little bit of extra food production.

I did hear snakes make for an excellent siege-breaker, they breed like mad, lay a tonne of eggs, and gestate quickly. They're flimsy, but they'll quickly overwhelm most forces through seer numbers.

24 minutes ago, Lint said:

Also I cannot figure out how electricity works in this game.  I have like 5 geothermal plants, 4 solar panels, 4 chemfuel generators (thus the boomalope herd) and I think 15 batteries, yet every night half of my colony loses power

How many heaters/coolers do you have, and are they running at all times? Maybe you have them a little bit aggressively set. If you have both heaters and coolers hooked upto the same buildings, make sure the cooler is +1c above whatever the heater is set to, to avoid them fighting each other.

In summer, you can also manually disable the heaters and vice versa for winter to save that little bit extra.

I think the biggest power sink in Rimworld is the sun lamp which uses 2900(!!) watts when they're active. Any stationary scanning devices also use a great deal of power 24/7.

Also check if all your circuits are hooked up correctly, and you can click on the batteries to see how much power is drawn vs. how much power is being produced and/or saved.

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Just had my first encounter with the Viper King. Holy fuck that was a creepy mission :( . I mean, the Chosen are just "BLABLABLA THE ELDERS BLABLABLA COMMANDER BLABLABLA XCOM BLABLABLA GIFTS". But those Vipers coming out of the fucking woodwork...yikes. Talk about giving you a slight case of ophiophobia :( . 

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@Jasonmufc I do have quite a few heaters and coolers, so I'll need to check out how their set up because I'm sure there are conflicts with how they are set.  Here is my battery room


Also, you might notice I have 16 "tattered apparel" complaints.  If I clear forced clothing and make new clothing, will the unhappy people automatically equip new clothes?

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8 minutes ago, Lint said:

@Jasonmufc I do have quite a few heaters and coolers, so I'll need to check out how their set up because I'm sure there are conflicts with how they are set.  Here is my battery room


Also, you might notice I have 16 "tattered apparel" complaints.  If I clear forced clothing and make new clothing, will the unhappy people automatically equip new clothes?

Can you alter outfits in base game Rimworld, I think you should be able to. I'd just go there and set the default outfit to be at minimum 51% quality. Then when it hits 50% they'll rip off their old clothing and replace it with whatever is available.

Flipside is that if you don't have clothes, they'll go naked.

I guess you could also go into the pawn inventory and manually strip them, but it won't stop them from picking it back up immediately.

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1 minute ago, Jasonmufc said:

I guess you could also go into the pawn inventory and manually strip them, but it won't stop them from picking it back up immediately.

That has happened many times, including deciding to go naked...which they then complain about...

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Xcom 2 Long War gets pretty wild out of nowhere, I just had two missions against 27 enemies in a row and I'm only starting to upgrade my gear.  Thankfully I got pretty lucky with one of the missions and the other I was able to freeze 5 units at once to make a 9 advent squad actually manageable.




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Yeah, I'm considering it after I finish my current (newer) campaign. The six sparks were just too dominant. 


Although, this is basically how I feel whenever the Warlock shows up:



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