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RoHitman Reigns

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I've made it to day 8 in Papers, Please and everyone in my family is hungry and cold, and my son is sick.

Fuck this game :(

Something that really helped me and might help you:

Your family can afford one day without food, or one day without heat, without it being a problem. They only get hungry/cold if they go two consecutive days without.

THEREFORE...save vital money by alternating which of these you pay for each day. Go without heat on Day 1. Go without food on Day 2. Go without heat again on Day 3. And so on.

This may be enough to pull your family through on your limited budget, even allowing you scope to pay for occasional medical needs.

Or maybe not. :shifty:

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How good is FTL?

It's a lot of fun. but also fucking hard, even on easy.


Remember that it's randomly generated, as opposed to the story mode of something like Cloudberry Kingdom, which can be mastered once you learn the rhythm of things.

It's quite easy to feel like you're breezing through FTL until you reach the final boss level and realise you haven't upgraded your ship sufficiently (or, more likely, in the correct way) to make a dent in its defences.

It can be mildly frustrating when you first discover this. :shifty:

I've only gotten to the final boss twice. Both times I never managed to land a hit.

I beat the boss a couple of times, with maxed shields, cloak, and a very carefully-selected array of weapons that had to be used very strategically to wear them down (fired with precise timing so that they would hit their shields with appropriate intervals so that the last shot or two might actually hit the hull).

On most playthroughs though I simply wasn't lucky enough to find Stores selling the right things at the right times when I would have been able to afford them...so I had no chance.

There's a final boss? I think I tend to die about three sectors in >_>



I was just about to ask about this game. Thanks guys!

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No one in Democracy 3 likes my pro-science policies. Like, ever. I made the UK not a technological backwater and somehow it ruined everything still. I am terrible at this game.

We cook our bangers and mash over an open fire. That your so called 'oven' and 'stove' and be gone, heathen.

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No one in Democracy 3 likes my pro-science policies. Like, ever. I made the UK not a technological backwater and somehow it ruined everything still. I am terrible at this game.

It gives me a whole new appreciation for politicians >_>
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No one in Democracy 3 likes my pro-science policies. Like, ever. I made the UK not a technological backwater and somehow it ruined everything still. I am terrible at this game.

It gives me a whole new appreciation for politicians >_>

I fixed all the country's problems in my first term and got re-elected like eight times. Clearly I am a legendiconstar.

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No one in Democracy 3 likes my pro-science policies. Like, ever. I made the UK not a technological backwater and somehow it ruined everything still. I am terrible at this game.

It gives me a whole new appreciation for politicians >_>

I fixed all the country's problems in my first term and got re-elected like eight times. Clearly I am a legendiconstar.

President Sting, the first president walking around in t-shirts.

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Boo and also hiss, I missed Papers, Please on sale? I've been meaning to pick it up! Blah!

EDIT: Oh shit, it's still on sale for $4.99. That's like $3 more than I have after buying Monaco >_>

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There are difficulty settings?

Also I picked up Year Walk and gave it a go and Jesus Christ that was a mistake this game is supremely messed up holy shit guys I think I'm in love

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I will personally buy a copy of To The Moon for anyone on my Steam friends list who wants one. Just say the word.

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