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The 2012 January Transfer Thread

Crybaby Bunting

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Ravel sounds like a complete retard anyway, let the boy go:

@rioferdy5 I ever taken your watch:/ because a lot of silly immature people with no life with a lot of time on theRe hands seem to think so?

People that make silly lil lies up have nout goin for them in theRe lives . grow up find something better to do & stop causing trouble

Not surprised Pienaar might be on his way out. I never understood why the Spurs signed him in the first place considering the amount of quality players they already had on his position. What Spurs needed at the time was a good winger to back up Lennon/Bale (still do actually).

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Any of you that are wanking over him even really seen him play? From what I can work out he's almost 19, played about an hour of competitive football and doesn't even seem to have figured too much for England's youth set up. Plus you're quite happy to let him go for peanuts, seemingly, refusal to sign a new contract or not.

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Seen him in the u18's and reserve teams several times, aswell as his few cameos for the first team. I know it's not the same as Premier League action, but he can only be better than the people he's playing against, and most of the times I've seen him play, he's been head and shoulders above the other twenty one on the pitch.

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I've seen Morrison play alot and he is quality, when he concentrates on his football there isn't a player like him in the reserve leagues at the moment. It's just his off-field antics and his attitude that has continually let him down else he would have been in the first team squad by now. Hopefully he can sort it out and realise his potential but at the moment I don't hold much hope for him.

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