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Fund the Angry Video Game Movie

Herr Matzat

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He did so many great videos for free over the years (well, yeah viacom likely payed a bit for the gametrailers stuff n spike but still!)... time to give some back i say!


Thanks so much to everyone who has donated so far, but please continue to spread the word. We've reached our initial goal, but we still have a long way to go. At this point, we have a unique opportunity on our hands to do something special.

In a time when Hollywood is only interested in the next remake or sequel, AVGN fans have made a statement by helping us raise over $75,000 in just 10 days for a movie WE want to see. But we can't stop there. With continued support, there's a chance that Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie can be entirely funded by you, the fans! So please, keep donating, spread the word, and stay tuned to our campaign for new perks and excited progress.


Over the past 7 years, James Rolfe's "The Angry Video Game Nerd" series has amassed a huge internet audience worldwide. The show generally revolves around retro game reviews that involve bitter rants against games he deems to be of particularly low-quality or poor design. With over 670,000 YouTube subscribers and 30 million hits monthly on his own company website (cinemassacre.com), James sets out to culminate his popular internet franchise with "Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie."


The film is an epic comedy/adventure tale with certain B-movie styles interjected within. James Rolfe joins forces with longtime friend and fellow University of the Arts alum Kevin Finn. Over the past few years they wrote the script, and while the "AVGN" video series continued, this big project has been brewing behind the scenes. Now it's time to pull the trigger. Production is set for Spring 2012.

Fan support over the years has made The Angry Video Game Nerd such a successful and lasting web series. Now, as the audience clamors in anticipation for Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie, we need your help. Every dollar we collect in donations will go a long way towards helping us make this movie the right way, free from the commercial demands studios would force us to obey. Please feel free to continue donating even though we've reached our initial goal, as $75,000 is only a portion of our budget. We will continue to award perks after we've reached our goal. Please be sure to include your email address if you'd like to collect perks. Your donations are very much appreciated.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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  • 3 weeks later...

I like AVGN, he's the only online "critic" I still watch. There are more than enough fanboys (which between him and TGWTG, I find baffling... Is it a "hey, this guy is just like me, except he makes videos" connection or something?) throwing away their money to get it made though.

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I love his videos. Sadly, I dont have the money to donate. If I did, I probably wouldnt though since there is another internet series that has my devotion far more. Im unsure about an AVGN movie, but considering the guy is so into films I think I can trust him more to make a decent movie.

Ive begun to lose interest in TGWTG and have since turned to two other review series on his site that do reviews in a less over the top manner most of the time. I love their yearly anniversary videos, though, and I still look out to see if TGWTG does a review for a movie I know of or have seen.

Ill eagerly await for the AVGN movie, me and my $0 donated.

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TGWTG is pretty awesome - but his videos are way too long for me to sit down and watch casually.

I think it is just that his gags are becoming 'too much' for me at times. His videos can be good, but there are more times now that I cringe at a gag or dont find it good/funny. I've started watching and looking forward more to Phelous' and Film Brain's stuff on his site now.

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Asides AVGN and TGWTG Pat the NES Punk ( http://thepunkeffect.com/?cat=4 ) is pritty neat aswell. He did a cool vid with James just a short while ago. I like him because he´s not just doing the angry reviewer deal.

I agree that the hidden nerd video is pritty lame... but to me it´s more giving something back than buying something.

Pat the NES Punk vs AVGN (it´s a good one, and fairly new, watch it!)


And some more on the AVGN Movie.

"That Guy with the glasses" casting call for the AVGN Movie.


Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I love his videos. Sadly, I dont have the money to donate. If I did, I probably wouldnt though since there is another internet series that has my devotion far more. Im unsure about an AVGN movie, but considering the guy is so into films I think I can trust him more to make a decent movie.

I really like some of James Rolfe's older films. If he had the proper backing, he could make some great retro-horror. I'd donate to something like that for sure, but not for AVGN as he has people donating thousands of dollars already. Why on earth these people don't spend thousands of dollars on something for themselves, or even funding their own web series, is beyond me.

TGWTG is pretty awesome - but his videos are way too long for me to sit down and watch casually.

I think it is just that his gags are becoming 'too much' for me at times. His videos can be good, but there are more times now that I cringe at a gag or dont find it good/funny.

NC worked when it was ten minutes, pointed out the main beats of a film, a big joke or two to differentiate the review from the others (e.g. the Bat Credit Card) - done. I'm surprised he's seemingly maintained an audience by putting stuff out that's two/three times as long and half as funny, I really am.

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I'd say the problem with NC, alongside the fact his jokes are getting fairly weak, is that his material is running out quickly. I think it's about once every two months he does something that I even recognize a little bit. The idea of someone who critiques on things from their childhood is one with a limited shelf life, but it seems like he's probably making enough money from it that he's definitely not about to stop now. So instead, he's moving onto crap that no one knows that's an easy target, which is a lot less entertaining and doesn't really inspire me to find the half an hour to watch it each wednesday.

To his credit he did try a Let's Play recently to try and shake things up a little, but he tried to do it the same way as his videos and it ended up just being awful. I don't see why he doesn't just say fuck it and move on to films released between 2000 and 2010, at least he might get a few more viewers then as it's not like anyone really cares about the other guys on the site, apart from maybe Nostalgia Chick on the basis that BREASTS~

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I love his videos. Sadly, I dont have the money to donate. If I did, I probably wouldnt though since there is another internet series that has my devotion far more. Im unsure about an AVGN movie, but considering the guy is so into films I think I can trust him more to make a decent movie.

I really like some of James Rolfe's older films. If he had the proper backing, he could make some great retro-horror. I'd donate to something like that for sure, but not for AVGN as he has people donating thousands of dollars already. Why on earth these people don't spend thousands of dollars on something for themselves, or even funding their own web series, is beyond me.

Pfft, no one has even bought the $20k package yet!

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No one donated thousands of dollars. I think the biggest ones are around 200$, and no one bought the "role in the film" perk wen they put it online.

For the rest i´ed say it´s a question of what you can aford and how much you value the free entertainment he has given you over the years. AVGN is a "show" that has several Million viewers, you can see how there are a cupple of people that might have more options to chip in than others.

as it's not like anyone really cares about the other guys on the site, apart from maybe Nostalgia Chick on the basis that BREASTS~

I wouldent say that. The Chicks videos usualy are of good qualety aswell. Lot´s of the casters have a good fanebase and i personaly like to watch Linkara, the NC Chick, Phelous and Spoony. (even if not every movie might be a 100% winner, esp. with Linkara who suffers the most from "i need to be angry" syndrom)

With James you bviusly get a ton of other cool stf like his boardgame reviews or the allways great Monster Madness in October.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I like that the Chick has started to be more informative with her reviews rather than make a joke about every single thing in it. She actually has more of an intellectual beat with her videos now, at least the ones Ive seen that are more recent. Plus she is rather hot, though I miss her glasses.

I have the same problem with NC in that now a lot of the time Ive never even heard of the movie he is reviewing, but I havent heard of some of the movies that Phelous and Film Brain put out either and enjoy those reviews. It isnt entirely awful, but I miss the reviews that are older. It's becoming a case of some of the youtube shows I used to watch that I stopped watching (Ray William Johnson specifically; his videos arent bad, but certain things in his newer videos bug me too much). I only watch his NC stuff, though. I never watch his Bum Reviews because they really do not appeal to me. Plus the character seems like it is very one dimensional, in that I assume he just spouts about a movie being the greatest, over emphasizing certain scenes, and asking for money.

AVGN is nice because sometimes his videos have a little story to go with it and it is no longer about him getting a swear in every other word. Plus reviewing a plethora of games doesnt hurt either, and I doubt he will run out of material anytime soon.

If I had the spare change, though, I would donate to Zombie Orpheus Entertainment/Dead Gentlemen Productions for their Journey Quest internet series, because the whole D&D/fantasy thing they do is great.

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I liked Spoonys FF reviews, even if I don't agree with them at all, but almost everything else he's done I just end up finding boring or I just completely disagree with him to the point I don't really want to watch the review. Despite that he's usually the funniest in the Anniversary videos they do, which have been fantastic. I like Nostalgia Chick okay, but god, her horrible troll of a friend really puts me off the reviews, especially when she's featured a lot. There's a reason everyone on TV is pretty looking, because no matter how much you want to know the information being conveyed, you don't really want to stare at someone nasty looking to find out about it. >_>

Maybe that makes me a terrible person, but she's also got an annoying voice, so it's not totally about her looks. Kinda.

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Nella or whatever her name is? I dont mind if she isnt a super hot model or anything. I'd like to do some sort of internet thing, but Im not the best looking person either so it is nice to see people who aren't a knockout. It somehow makes sense to me <_<.

She isnt the best person to watch, though, especially during the time where the Chick did a multipart story where Nella turned evil and was featured very prominently.

And I think I was turned off Spoony since the first time seeing him I think was when he did a review of Impact and found it atrocious. The review, not Impact, which is saying something. Though I do enjoy his cameos in other videos and he is good in the anniversary movies.

Edited by Vitamin E
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I think that was the one I watched, the Tron review. It was awful. And yeah, I realize I'm a terrible person for thinking it, I'm sure she's lovely, but she's not very attractive and she's not very entertaining, at least one of which is required really if I'm going to pay attention to the video. It's why I can watch some of those IGN videos. The woman clearly has no idea what she's saying, but it's informative and she's nice to look at, so it'll do. >_>

And yeah, the Spoony wrestling stuff is awful because he's just a massive fucking smark. Full on 'LOL JOHN CENA CAN'T WRESTLE' levels of smark.

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