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Grand Theft Auto V


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Got it at midnight, played a couple of hours then slept, now I have work and then my niece's birthday party, so I won't get to play until around 9 :(

First impressions - not as slick looking as I was expecting, but it plays well. I died/failed a mission more times than I care to admit in the couple of hours I played, because the game's physics ridiculously punish small errors, but in a way that's tolerable. Really want Android to release the iFruit app so I can help train Chop when not playing the game. Characters seem a bit generic so far, but I'm kind of liking Franklin as the everyman.

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I was just offered a cookie in line by some kid too young to be buying this game.

Little did that kid know that offering Ruki a cookie would be the first and last mistake of their young life.

"Want a cookie, mister? Wait. I said one! What are...nooooooooooooooo!"

And as Ruki devoured the child and his cookies, his wanted level rose to 2 stars.

Oh, and of coooooooooooourse I wake up ridiculously early and can't fall back to sleep, ensuring a nice long and ultimately frustrating wait. If it doesn't turn up today, I will have been trolled so hard by life.

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