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Grand Theft Auto V


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With San Andreas being my favourite GTA game due to the vast scope of what was going on in the world (I loved the highways, countryside and back roads into little homesteads) so, after much consideration, I shall buy this. You lot have helped to sway me too.

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I just read this, and it sounds awesome:

Maybe you and some buddies want to throw on a couple masks and hold up a convenience store for a quick bit of cash. Easy money, right? Well, the player who physically receives the money from the cashier gets to decide how it's split between the team. If your buddy stiffs you on your share of the profit, you can either chase him down and steal it for yourself or keep your hands clean by hiring a hitman to take him out--it's your call. The game even tracks who your rivals are and lets you know when they've come online so that you can exact a little vengeance.

Before the game even releases, I am going to say: Fuck you, LL. Give me my money!

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Being on this media blackout is nice and all but it's almost working against me. Like, since I'm not really seeing any of these confirmed features, I'm starting to speculate about what could be in there. Like, maybe if they bring back bikes from SA, they could go one further and add skateboards!

Or, since they already programmed them for RDR, let's just have horses in the game.

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I just read this, and it sounds awesome:

Maybe you and some buddies want to throw on a couple masks and hold up a convenience store for a quick bit of cash. Easy money, right? Well, the player who physically receives the money from the cashier gets to decide how it's split between the team. If your buddy stiffs you on your share of the profit, you can either chase him down and steal it for yourself or keep your hands clean by hiring a hitman to take him out--it's your call. The game even tracks who your rivals are and lets you know when they've come online so that you can exact a little vengeance.

Before the game even releases, I am going to say: Fuck you, LL. Give me my money!

I'm gonna love using you as my heist bitch.

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