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Sons of Anarchy: Season 4 **SPOILERS**

MalaCloudy Black

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Clay better end up dead by the end of the finale.

As good as this season has been, I'll find it hard to come back and watch next season if Clay ends up surviving. I just don't think they can pull this punch without losing a lot of the storyline's weight.

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Yeah. I really don't want to see Clay live, go underground, and season 5's plot revolve around Kill Clay.

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Jax, Opie and the rest of the crew struggling to run the club in the wake of Clay's death. No one other than Jax has any idea what sort of shit the Prez has to do, and even then, I would argue that he doesn't really know much about how to run a club. Struggling to make the club what JT envisioned, the backlash from other chapters (and even members of SAMCRO) if Jax et al decide to try and get out of the gun business. There's a lot of ways it can go without it being Find Clay/Kill Clay.

Sutter and FX have both said they want the series to end after season 7, so there's still a lot of room for development.

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That just feels like an easy, cop-out way to do things (to me), though.

Also, what was the deal with Romeo saying that Otto hadn't flipped on the club? Unless there's a scene we weren't shown (possible, given the end to season 3), Otto flipped. Lenny got his yard and visitation rights. My assumption is that Romeo was just lying in order to not delay the meeting between the Cartel and the Irish Kings, but wouldn't the Cartel get caught up in that mess too (unless, and this is just a crazy theory, that's Romeo's plan and he's actually a fed on the inside of the Cartel)?

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honestly, I hope next season is the last. This season has been so intense from start to finish. Most others, they started and ended strong and got a little dull in the middle. This one has been so intense start to finish. I don't see how they can keep this going. Season 6 will probably be a disappointment after this season.

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I have a feeling that (theory only)

Juice has told the club what is happening and Jax is using that to try and eliminate their connections with the Mexicans and the Irish to get them olut of the gun running.

Not sure what else could happen. I haven't thought it though very much :P

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I thought about that as well, but they just used the exact same thing at season 3's end with the club having known the entire time that Jax was talking to Stahl. I don't think they'd use that same trope again to end season 4, would they?

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If anything, I'd say...

Juice could be trying to pull off a solo swindle. Not let the club know, and at the same time, keeping the feds well away.

Also, I have a horrible feeling Tara's gonna die. Just a gut feeling.

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I was thinking the same thing re: Tara. Either Niner retaliation or the Cartel finishing the job. Otherwise, if Jax kills Clay, what reason would he have to stay in Charming? If Tara is murdered, however, he has all the reason in the world to stay in Charming and hunt down her killer.

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I think Juice is between a rock and a hard place. I don't think they're doing the same thing with Juice as they did with Jax last season. Don't think Juice is nearly as head strong for that. I also don't think Juice gave up the real details of the Irish deal. And to be honest, I think Clay will survive by using Tara as his bargaining chip and noting that if he dies, Tara dies along with him because of the Cartel.

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My memory is hazy, but when Gemma showed Jax the letters didn't she mention that there was a hit out on Tara?

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I guess that's an acceptable reason to keep Clay around.

That shot at the end of Tara with her arms around Jax morphing into the photo of John & Gemma was pretty cool. And I agree, it was a bit of an anti-climactic finale - especially compared to previous finales - but I'm fine with it. Augghhhh, now we've got to wait another 10 months or so for the next season. :(

Next season should be pretty good, though. You've got the club trying to make the Gallindo/Irish stuff happen, Laroy and the Niners will probably be out for blood, and didn't they say Laroy's girlfriend is the daughter of a big-time gangster in Oakland? I'm sure he and his guys will be after SAMCRO as well. Should be interesting.

And was Juice watching The Shield in his holding cell? :D

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