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Hamster's top 20 board games

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I can higly recomend you guys Shadows over camelot and ticket to ride!



Next a cardgame topic!

I own that game! I played it once!

The traitor won, the dirty bastard :( It seemed super hard and such, but didn't turn out to be that difficult.

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I can higly recomend you guys Shadows over camelot and ticket to ride!



Next a cardgame topic!

I own that game! I played it once!

The traitor won, the dirty bastard :( It seemed super hard and such, but didn't turn out to be that difficult.

You should play it more often, it´s kinda like a smaler version the werwolf/mafia games. Great social dynamics... i remember games were we just suicided ourselfs becaus everyone thought everybody was the traitor and in the end no one got the card. :mellow:

In the beginning it can even be hard to win the game wen you knowingly play without a traitor. - And if your team gets to good you can buy the adone to make it a bit harder.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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I have a copy of Reels and Deals i've been wanting to play with someone, too :(


I'm coming to Perth for a visit soon, we'll play then.

Hell, give me a date and I'll come down for a (board) gaming day with Lukie too :D

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No Stratego. :angry:

I used to have this massive Civil War strategy board game called War Between The States. Had it for several years but only managed to play it twice, both times took from around 8 PM to 9 AM or so, and only got through about 3 months of game time. It got destroyed when my house caught fire, but I don't want to buy another because I have no one to play it with.

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  • 2 months later...

My copy of Twilight Struggle (2011 reprint) has been dispatched!! :w00t:

Though it has to come over the Atlantic, so who knows how long it'll take to get here.

Now I have to somehow try and trick Stokerina into Not Hating the game so that she'll play it with me more than once... :shifty:

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Let her play as the Soviets. They're more likely to win until you both understand how the game works properly. They're stronger in the early game but later on the Americans get stronger and the Soviets are hampered by events like Glasnost.

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Yeah, I picked that up when I looked up some reviews to wile away the weeks spent waiting for them to put the game into production.

I shall have to ignore my knowledge of history and do stupid things. Liiiiike...put a whole load of US influence into Cuba on my first turn. :shifty:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally got the game yesterday, and Stokerina and I had a little play in the evening. It was a semi-tutorialish affair where I only explained different things she could do as we went along. The only thing I left out altogether was The China Card, which I'll introduce next time.

But yes, we got four turns in and she (the USSR) was ahead by 6 points at that time. She enjoyed it!

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