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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


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Sniping is fucking horrible in this game. Firstly there doesn't seem to be any decent places to snipe on any maps, secondly, it's so fucking slow to zoom in and thirdly the Barrett (at least doesn't penetrate through any cover no matter how flimsy).

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Sniping is fucking horrible in this game. Firstly there doesn't seem to be any decent places to snipe on any maps, secondly, it's so fucking slow to zoom in and thirdly the Barrett (at least doesn't penetrate through any cover no matter how flimsy).




Sniping is awesome. There's plenty of good places to snipe on almost every map. Zooming is pretty good, if you need to be quicker there's a perk that speeds up LT. The Barrett is a power hungry beast and can smash through anything, though I dislike the gun personally.

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Well I've not found these places, apart from on Resistance and one other I can't remember the name of. I'm slowly getting used to the scoping but I still think it's a little slow, I don't have a chance to fire a bullet (never mind try and aim) before I'm killed if anyone spots me. And yeah, I've shot people stood behind a car through the car windows a few times now and they don't die :/

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Well I've not found these places, apart from on Resistance and one other I can't remember the name of. I'm slowly getting used to the scoping but I still think it's a little slow, I don't have a chance to fire a bullet (never mind try and aim) before I'm killed if anyone spots me. And yeah, I've shot people stood behind a car through the car windows a few times now and they don't die :/


That shit is important. Just be ready to crack off two shots. I don't recommend the Barrett, it kicks way too much. I like the bolt action, but there's longer between shots.. but any of them is better than the .50 cal.

Any building with a window over looking the map is good if you wanna get up high. Generally try and pick one that has few entrances. Betties and claymores (and I.M.S.) are your friend to keep yourself protected. Honestly, as a sniper, just stick to the outskirts if you're on the ground and scope into the battleground. I've been kicking ass as a sniper recently just by picking my spots and shots. Be careful on your location and don't take a shot if you don't think you can hit your target.

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Sniping is fucking horrible in this game. Firstly there doesn't seem to be any decent places to snipe on any maps, secondly, it's so fucking slow to zoom in and thirdly the Barrett (at least doesn't penetrate through any cover no matter how flimsy).

That's because sadly, not everyone can play as a Sniper the way it's intended. If they have the speed any faster, people will be easily quickscoping non-stop.

And with the not penetrating cars thing, it's not really supposed to. The firing through walls thing only works on certain walls and certain objects obviously, stuff like sheet metal and flimsy wood. And yeah, like Summ said, there's plenty of spots for sniping if that's what you want to do, it's not just about finding a spot but making somewhere into one. Grab yourself the bouncing betty (or preferably claymore if you've unlocked it) and an IMS and pretty much anywhere with only two or three entrances is sniping heaven.

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Quickscoping is the fucking devil. Ruins the game somewhat.

Also, a key thing is stay hidden. Show as little as yourself as possible. If you can get away with just showing your gun and a bit of your head, then do it. After you've took your shot and got the kill, move from sight completely incase someone checked where the shot came from.

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I have, from memory..

Assault - currently an ACR with a grenade launcher secondary, the XM25.

Scar - silenced Scar. Set up for S&D.

Sub CQB - PPM90M1 silenced. Pretty much also set up for S&D.

Rush - MP5 with rapid fire. For games when I need to be quick. CTF and such.

Sniper - says it all. Currently using the last sniper rifle.

AntiAir - G36C with a rocket launcher, the Javenlin.

Other guns get rotated in, the Type 95 and M14 recently. Type 95 is great silenced on maps where there's a fair bit of range. The M14 is great. It has good power and accuracy, but has the downfalls you'd expect of a single shot rifle.

The Scar and the PP90M1 are definitely my two favourite guns.

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Sniping is fucking horrible in this game. Firstly there doesn't seem to be any decent places to snipe on any maps, secondly, it's so fucking slow to zoom in and thirdly the Barrett (at least doesn't penetrate through any cover no matter how flimsy).

That's because sadly, not everyone can play as a Sniper the way it's intended. If they have the speed any faster, people will be easily quickscoping non-stop.

And with the not penetrating cars thing, it's not really supposed to. The firing through walls thing only works on certain walls and certain objects obviously, stuff like sheet metal and flimsy wood. And yeah, like Summ said, there's plenty of spots for sniping if that's what you want to do, it's not just about finding a spot but making somewhere into one. Grab yourself the bouncing betty (or preferably claymore if you've unlocked it) and an IMS and pretty much anywhere with only two or three entrances is sniping heaven.

I'm pretty sure a sniper bullet could penetrate glass and still kill :/ Unfortunately I'm only level 31/32 at the minute so I haven't unlocked betties or claymore :( Nonetheless, I'm slowly getting the hang of it, even if its much mor

e annoying than MW2.

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Guest twisted_time48

What level is everyone? I used a 2 hr x2 XP prestige token to get to level 23, and have the Scar-L at level 18. I use the support class, b/c I can't keep a killstreak. Oh yeah, I've only played 3 hours. Am I bad?

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