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The Budweiser FA Cup

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CARROLL IS A GOD /End Liverpool interviews. Perfect player for Stoke when he gets moved on though.

Hardly. He did very well, worked his ass off and was part of both of Liverpool's goals. Probably deserved a goal from that chance that struck the bar.

His problem might be that he's being forced to do too much work and is less focused on scoring goals. Might have been worth sticking him on DeGea for every single corner/set piece just to unsettle him.

Adam and Kuyt coming on were game changers. Charlie Adam had his best game for Liverpool, in my mind, when we played United in the league. I guess he might be more up for it against United or something.Carragher was making the midfield drop too deeply because he's old and slow and used to playing CB. Kuyt probably had his best game for a while which was helped by him playing in a position that suited him a lot more than playing up front alone. He needs people around him to either feed or feed off of.

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Great win today building on from midweek. Bit of a crap game like because after we scored just defended and played generally woeful for the rest of the first half gifting them a goal but the thing that helped was the switch of formation and taking off Maxi (Who was utter garbage today) and Carragher. Carroll had a really good game just hard for the lad when the first half the players weren't pushing up and trying to get onto his flick ons.

Bit unlucky United but really it was just sidewards passing and nothing of real intent.

But yeh the minority always make the majority look bad but United aren't Saints themselves with some Hillsborough chants today.

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