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The Budweiser FA Cup

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Great finish for Park there, perfect strike.

I figured it'd be Mata who made a difference for Chelsea, need to see the penalty claim though since it sounds like Sturridge went down to Hill's challenge very easily.

All this goddam pretty passing play... Just lump it forward FFS.

Shut up Myke :@

What? I knows what I likes. Or what I am used to >_>

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It was likely a dive by Studge. But you know, it wouldn't be the first QPR/Chelsea game decided by a BS penalty this season.

Ramires stretchered off and the commentators suggest that Romeu would be the like-for-like replacement...showing this guy doesn't have a clue what Ramires plays like, despite having watched him for the last 75 minutes. Hope it isn't as serious as it looks.

It is Romeu who comes on, but he'll slot back deeper to where Meireles has been playing, while Meireles will move forward into Ramires' place.

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Good stuff so far from us. Felt like the game needed that goal too, because Liverpool snatched one from the corner and decided to suddenly stick every man behind the ball, the leveller should force them to come forward and retain the ball more and hopefully open up the game.

Welbeck has struggled to get much service up top, would fancy possibly Berbatov midway through the second half alongside him.

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Enrique was caught out allowing that cross get in. Liverpool need to retain possession and shut down Giggs and Scholes. Carragher won't have the legs for that, he can do fuck all anyway

This fucking booing of Evra and "Klanfield" jokes on Twitter are literally the worst things, both sets of fans are being as bad as each other.

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I'd just like the whole thing to go away and it won't because Suarez will probably play against United in the league.

I find the Liverpool/KKK references to be pretty damn distasteful because there is a whole mess of difference between the Suarez/Evra thing and the actions of the fucking Klan.

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Great finish for Park there, perfect strike.

I figured it'd be Mata who made a difference for Chelsea, need to see the penalty claim though since it sounds like Sturridge went down to Hill's challenge very easily.

All this goddam pretty passing play... Just lump it forward FFS.

Shut up Myke :@

What? I knows what I likes. Or what I am used to >_>

Hope for better! Damn Orient and their route 1 tactics.

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