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The Budweiser FA Cup

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Nolongerboro get Notts County at home, disappointing as I'd rather a Boltonalike as think we could get an upset on them but there's less of a "WTF? This Stevenage team just don't stop harassing us" with teams our level. Should be okay though if we play to our best.

Watford/Spurs has the potential to be painful though...

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Seeing that made me smile.

Like it did every time Robbie Fowler scored during his second run at Liverpool (he scored on his return too, but it was ruled offside).

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I hate hate hate that Im stuck at work and missed it. Anyone who watched was it a proper good goal? Hopefully someone will have it up on youtube soon enough.

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Rare feel good moment in football. Even some Spurs and Leeds fans should've smiled at that.

Bet the Irish didn't. :shifty:

Seeing that made me smile.


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I only managed to see a really crappy video of YouTube as most others have been removed but he looked slightly offside?

I don't really care if he was offside or not, but still.

Nah, timed it perfectly.

Like others have said, absolute feel good moment and I was loving every second of it. Purposefully went to my mates to watch this (mostly because he has ESPN) and totally worth it. Had a few bets amongst us, the successful one being that my mate Tom would have to name his kid Thierry or Henry if his girlfriend went into labour within 24 hours of the match (we can only hope, and he claims he'll stick to it).

This is why I watch football, and I expected Henry to pump the club up but it's even better than I could've hoped. Oh to be an Arsenal fan that was in full support mode during the Invincibles era and then to watch this.

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I love how over the top the media have got about Henry scoring against an out of form Championship side who are awful in defence, good finish and impeccable timing of the run too, though. Arsenal didn't deserve to win that, for all their possession, they didn't ever look like scoring until Henry's goal. Stupid that Henry got man of the match too, should've been Tom Lees, the lad cleared up everything thrown his way and was a rock at the back.

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