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The Carling Cup 2011/12 Thread


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Away goals are shit, let's be honest. Stupid rule.

This, surely if you go to Barcelona and keep them to 1-0, that's just as good as keeping them to 5-4?

I see the theory behind away goals, as it means most first legs don't just end up 0-0 through lack of attacking intent....but yeah, the rule is balls.

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There was a really good article about away goals being shit in the Blizzard or something, in which the writer argued that away goals actually serve to limit attacking play because the home team is far more inclinded to defend than the away team is to take any risks.

I think basically the away goals rule is an archaic thing that once worked - in the days before convenient flights without stopovers, a trip across Europe or whatever would be a real slog, so it helped if the away team got a bit of help to compensate for it. No need now obviously.

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Great game to have gone to last night, team and the crowd were fantastic especially Bellamy (again) who had a blinder. Great response from the team after the shockingly shit performance in the league in the past two games. Joe Hart having yet another amazing game as well for City if it was any other keeper could have easily been a few more goals.

Ref was shit in terms of both teams, there was a stupid incident right in front of me were the ball blatantly hadn't gone out for a throw in and Lescott just picks it up on the pitch and runs to the sideline to take a throw. But then again Phil Dowd has always been a notoriously shite ref.

Just happy we've reached our first final since Athens in 2007 and first time getting to Wembley since 96, hopefully try and get a ticket and experience my first final seen as though there were a few times when I couldn't make it to the Millennium Stadium.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick question.

I've qualified for a ticket now because the FA have given us 2000 more tickets, problem is the seats are meant to be restricted view. I've never been Wembley before and have no clue about what restricted seats in Wembley are like.

Was wondering if anyone had any info cause I'm debating whether it'll be worth going if A) the seat is crap, B) how much the tickets are and getting down and C) If we get to the semis of the FA cup I can just go then.

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I can't think what would block your view at the new Wembley. It might just mean that you're really high up, which is quite a way up (about 15 escalators if I remember rightly) but it didn't take away from anything for me.

Of course we did win which might have been a factor.

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I can't think what would block your view at the new Wembley. It might just mean that you're really high up, which is quite a way up (about 15 escalators if I remember rightly) but it didn't take away from anything for me.

Of course we did win which might have been a factor.

I think if you're really far back the roof blocks off your sight of the fans stood directly opposite you (and I suppose if you were on the very back few rows, you might struggle to see corners and such.

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