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The 2011/12 Gary Speed Memorial Thread


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Aside from the fact Newcastle are now a point behind Liverpool, I'm happy United lost because I want Man City to win the title this year, purely because I like to see different teams winning the league every so often(which to be fair is down to how Man Utd have been so utterly dominant in the Premier League era of English football), even if it takes the club being oil-rich to get it up there.

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Bolton at home is our next game, I'd bet alot of money on that we won't be losing that. One thing we've done over the years is bounce back well from setbacks, I for one ain't giving up the title race yet unlike some so called United fans.

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When Cabaye lined up that free kick my first thought was, "I fancy him here.." and I even thought he might score from the free kick too.

Niklas Bendtner was arrested again apparently for a brawl. Jokes about 'probably miss and hit the wrong person' etc. here.

But apparently it was around September last year and he was released without charge so I'm unsure why it's cropped up in some media outlets now when it's a total non-story?

EDIT: Story in todays Chronicle here


Third/fourth paragraph before they mention he was released and would not be charged and the fifth paragraph before they say it occurred in September 2011. Sheesh.

Edited by IAceI
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Kick It Out's Lord Ouseley has labelled Liverpool "hypocritical" over their handling of Luis Suarez's eight-match ban for racially abusing Patrice Evra.

Liverpool players wore T-shirts in support of Uruguayan Suarez - a move Ouseley has called "dreadful".

Lord Ouseley also said Reds striker Suarez's apology was "lamentable".

The anti-racism campaign's chairman said: "Liverpool need to take a hard look at themselves. Suarez's attempt at a belated apology is lamentable."

Liverpool are not appealing against the Football Association suspension and £40,000 fine imposed on Suarez by an independent commission for his comments towards Manchester United defender Evra at Anfield on 15 October.

Suarez did not mention Evra by name in his apology and has also stated that he would carry out the suspension "with the resignation of someone who hasn't done anything wrong".

Kick It Out had previously commended Liverpool for choosing not to appeal against the ban.

A statement on its website on Wednesday said: "We commend Liverpool FC in bringing closure to this matter, reaffirming its commitment to an unequivocal, zero-tolerance approach towards discrimination in football."

However, Lord Ouseley, who was chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality from 1993 to 2000, wrote in the Guardian: "Liverpool need to take a hard look at themselves and how they have responded to the complaint and the investigations into the allegations of abuse in the Patrice Evra/Luis Suarez case.

"Throughout the entirety of the proceedings, over the past three months, all we have heard are denials and denigration of Evra.

"Since the publication of the 115-page report of the findings of the FA's independent commission, Liverpool's vitriol has increased.

"Suarez's attempt at a belated apology is nothing short of lamentable.

"I cannot believe that a club of Liverpool's stature, and with how it has previously led on matters of social injustice and inequality, can allow its integrity and credibility to be debased by such crass and ill-considered responses.

"Liverpool have been particularly hypocritical. You can't on the one hand wear a Kick It Out T-shirt in a week of campaigning against racism when this is also happening on the pitch: it's the height of hypocrisy.

"Liverpool players wore a T-shirt saying: 'We support Luis Suarez', seemingly whatever the outcome. This was a dreadful knee-jerk reaction because it stirs things up."

Piara Powar, executive director of Football Against Racism in Europe, believes the FA would be within its rights to charge Liverpool and its manager Kenny Dalglish over their handling of the situation.

"Liverpool have constantly undermined the investigation and its outcome," he told BBC Sport.

"They have been disrespectful to the FA and questioned its integrity and neutrality.

"If a manager had done that in a post-match interview the FA would have brought disrepute charges."

It is understood that the FA has no plans to charge either Liverpool or Dalglish.

Fixtures Suarez will miss:

  • 3 Jan: Man City 3-0 Liverpool (Premier League)
  • 6 Jan: Oldham (FA Cup R3)
  • 11 Jan: Man City (League Cup)
  • 14 Jan: Stoke (Premier League)
  • 21 Jan: Bolton (Premier League)
  • 25 Jan: Man City (League Cup)
  • 28 Jan: FA Cup R4 (if Liverpool beat Oldham)
  • 31 Jan: Wolves (Premier League)
  • 6 Feb: Tottenham (Premier League, if Liverpool lose to Oldham)

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So he meant cordial.

That rather shatters the wonderful illusion he had created.

At least he wasn't talking about the Lil Wayne version of syrup


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