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The 2011/12 Gary Speed Memorial Thread


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Good on Venkys! There's too much knee-jerking on the go. He needs at least five years to show his capabilities.

Steve Kean IN!

5 years! With that amount of that he could be the next sir Alex. Not. Pffttt

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Tbh if it means Blackburn having a higher chance of getting relegated, I'm all for Steve Kean getting a contract extension.

I dunno why I don't like Blackburn but for some reason I just don't

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Tbh if it means Blackburn having a higher chance of getting relegated, I'm all for Steve Kean getting a contract extension.

I dunno why I don't like Blackburn but for some reason I just don't

Maybe because they have won the premier league.

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:lol: owned by jocky, it don't get much lower than that!!

Also, insulting Blackburn = a punishment coming your way from RW....

Slightly Harsh!

It's really not.

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You're already making me angry with posts in The Ring, dear god do not ruin my beloved Sports Bar as well :angry:

I'm all for giving managers a chance (hell, right this minute I'm arguing why AVB should stay in his job to a Chelsea fan) and I feel sorry for Kean but I cannot fathom why anyone would look at how he is doing and think "well, that merits a new contract!"

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Getting pretty bored with some Chelsea fans calling for AVB out. I know Chelsea aren't exactly have a great run of form at the moment, but you've got to give AVB some time and I think Chelsea need to almost have a transitional season. AVB needs a year or two to build the squad he wants. I hope Roman doesn't fire the guy before the end of the season, short of a disaster.

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The fans calling for AVB out are the same fans who thought Lampard was completely past it, then he scored a hat-trick against Bolton and then he was suddenly an indisputable legend again. In other words, none of them can see beyond the end of their nose.

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The fans calling for AVB out are the same fans who thought Lampard was completely past it, then he scored a hat-trick against Bolton and then he was suddenly an indisputable legend again. In other words, none of them can see beyond the end of their nose.

I really dont think hes going to get the time to show what he can do. Id Like to think that he wont get the bullet but if Valencia were to get a win and put them out of the champions league I reckon he could be shown the door.

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Unfortunately part of me thinks Abramovich is one of those who can't see beyond the end of his nose. There's alot made about Roman and his attitude to managers and the like, but one thing I think is at least unanimous is that he really, really wants that Champions League title - so should Chelsea fail to qualify, then I could see Villas-Boas being shown the exit.

Are Chelsea willing to pull the plug on a £13m manager this early though? You'd like to think now. There's comments that he's out of his depth at this level, I don't think he's out of his depth as such but I think he's perhaps a little young and naive at the minute for a top Premier League club. From what I've heard, and it is all hearsay, it's very much the boys club at Chelsea with Terry et al still running the show. Like I say, it's all what I've heard so it would be unfair to assume that this is the case - if it is wrong I'm sure Stokerino would be able to correct me, but I'd say there is an aspect for Villas-Boas where he's perhaps finding it harder to gain the respect of certain players, certainly moreso than he would have found in Portugal with Porto.

I'd like to think he'll be given some more time and some backing to put his own mark on the team, I know the majority of ignorant fans scoff but his achievements in Portugal with Porto shouldn't be ignored. I just worry how a manager who loves to play with a high line is going to deal with having John Terry as a central defender. One of them is going to have to oust the other one, and I suspect Terry won't be budged so Villas-Boas may have to tinker with his tactics a little - playing with a high defensive line like he wants to do and including Terry in that line up is a recipe for disaster.

If Abramovich is accepting that this is very much a transitional period for Chelsea, then perhaps more time will be giving to Villas-Boas and he'll be allowed to stamp his authority on the team by ensuring that the replacements for the ageing players such as Drogba, Lampard, Terry and even Cole are nearly ready to come through and make their mark.

That said, if he is shown the door I suspect there could be an opening up on Wearside in the not too distant future and I, for one, would more than welcome his appointment and I actively endorse it here. Now, time for my medication.

Edited by IAceI
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