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The 2011/12 Gary Speed Memorial Thread


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Yeah we had most of the difficult games at the start and now in the middle of a lovely run of games with: West Brom, Bolton, Stoke, Sunderland, Chelsea (home - 3pts then), Norwich, Swansea, West Brom, Everton and Wolves before we play Man City on 22nd January.

We could quite easily be 2nd by then.

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And that!

That performance last year was ridiculous.

Also, just looked at our end-of-season run-in. It's lovely. Swansea (H), Sunderland (A), Norwich (H), Bolton (A), QPR (A), Blackburn (H), Aston Villa (A), and Fulham (H). Really optimistic for the top four, for the first time in years, I see no real flaws in our team. We just have to keep it together.

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Would surprise me. He's been rejecting moves to other clubs, including his old favourite PSG, for a while now and everything I've read has seemed to indicate that he's intent on seeing out his contract to the summer. I'd expect a move to the US after that.

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No it's becoz it's fkin true lol

1412 GET INVOLVED: Arsenal.com on Twitter Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger on Jack Whilshire's bet with Spurs fans: "Jack made a contest [his bet regarding Tottenham] I hope the charity will get a lot of money because Tottenham have a lot of fans. #bbcsportsday"

Go fuck a railroad spike, old foreskin face.

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Supposed to be getting a bit of a pay rise as well ain't he Steve Kean?

Also why is Benoit Assou Ekotto knicking my old gimmick of always putting "haha" after most stuff but changing it to lol....bastard

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Yeah, Spurs just need to avoid their horrid run of form they sometimes get (last year towards the end of the season.) It must be quite nice as a Spurs fan knowing you have depth to your squad as well. I mean, you've got a clear first 11 which is very rarely changed - but have the likes of Sandro, Kranjcar, Dos Santos and on his day, Pav or Defoe to come on. A few young kids coming through as well who're getting a good run out in the Europa League.

Arsenal are on a great run of form at the moment and Van Persie is on fire, but I do worry about the depth of the squad if they got hit by a few injuries, especially RVP. That being said, they do have Wilshere and someone else to come back.

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