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The 2011/12 Gary Speed Memorial Thread


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Which of those suggested rule changes could possibly give Wigan a better chance of winning? Those are all fairly sound ideas, and the fact that Wigan and 90% of the league are currently not achieving them doesn't change that.

A salary cap that isn't tied to turnover, which is what Whelan advocates. He's taken a club from the Third Division into the Premiership by spending a truckload of his own money and now he's reached the point where his finances don't allow the club to progress, so he wants the rules changed so that he can. Is he suggesting the changes so that he can save money? No, he doesn't want to make a profit, he wants to continue spending money and he wants Wigan to be a top club despite the fact that by any objective standards (sporting achievement, playing staff, history, finances, support) they aren't.

Last year I was totally behind Wigan staying up. I like the club and I think they've done a lot to bring good players into the PL. I just absolutely despise Whelan's hypocrisy for claiming they're the blameless David in a fight with the evil Goliaths. If you want football to be decided on the pitch rather than in the boardroom, then he is amongst the worst offenders in the sport. If you want clubs to succeed by what they do on the pitch and by the support of their fans then Wigan are absolutely undeserving of their position. They got to the PL and they stay there because of the millions that he spends on the club and yet he gets no bad press whatsoever, whereas City are seen as ruining the modern game? Hypocrisy.

Fair point, I didn't realise you'd meant a fixed salary cap, which certainly would benefit him. Whelan is a dick, I still agree with him on this one.

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They got to the PL and they stay there because of the millions that he spends on the club and yet he gets no bad press whatsoever, whereas City are seen as ruining the modern game? Hypocrisy.

I by no means know the entire story, but a question .....

Is there not a difference between investing millions upon millions in the club entirely at the 3rd tier and lifting them to the EPL .... and simply buying the club and shitting money on players ?

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Well, they are building the Etihad Campus, a £100m project which is supposedly going to include an entire 6th year college and other unidentified community facilities. I've got no idea what Whelan's done for Wigan. He also owned the Rugby League team there and the stadium they both play in, so I guess he's created jobs and upgraded facilities, but I'm not sure what'd be different to City. The vast majority of his and their money has gone towards paying for the first team. If Wigan are paying out 90% of their turnover on wages that's probably where his investment goes.

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Whelan funded the construction of the JJB Stadium/DW Stadium which when it opened in 1999 was the largest stadium outside the Premier League, and over saw Wigan going from Third Division to Premier League team in ten years.

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Supporters of both Manchester City and United are being given the chance to discard their Carlos Tevez shirts ahead of Sunday's derby.

Fans will be able to dump the items of clothing in a skip outside Old Trafford in exchange for a new club shirt.

The Argentina striker left United for City in 2009 - then upset City fans by allegedly refusing to play in last month's defeat by Bayern Munich.

All unwanted shirts will be given to local charities or sent to Argentina.

United fans are still unhappy with Tevez for leaving them to join their local rivals and, with the player's future at City uncertain, a betting company has stepped in to help.

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They've clearly realised sacking him is financial madness with the climbdown to 'refusing to warm up', if only everyone was as principled as Mike Ashley...

Nah, they just have no evidence for it and it's not worth going through all the trouble with the PFA over it. They were never going to sack him, just let him rot in the reserves until they can sell him on.

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They've clearly realised sacking him is financial madness with the climbdown to 'refusing to warm up', if only everyone was as principled as Mike Ashley...

Nah, they just have no evidence for it and it's not worth going through all the trouble with the PFA over it. They were never going to sack him, just let him rot in the reserves until they can sell him on.

Evidence of him refusing to go on the pitch? Did he go on the pitch? I rest my case yr'honour.

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Danny Graham ( :wub: ) has given Swansea the lead at Wolves.

Swansea goal: Uh-oh. This is just about the last thing Mick McCarthy needed. Mark Gower clips the ball over the Wolves defence and Roger Johnson tries but failes to acrobatically clear. That leaves Danny Graham clean through and he is able to slip the ball under Wayne Hennessey from close range. Swansea lead... and the natives are getting restless.

Wolverhampton: Hennessey, Stearman, Berra, Johnson, Ward, Jarvis, Henry, O'Hara, Hammill, Doyle, Ebanks-Blake.

Subs: de Vries, Craddock, Hunt, Vokes, Milijas, Doherty, Guedioura.

Swansea: Vorm, Rangel, Monk, Williams, Taylor, Dyer, Allen, Gower, Britton, Sinclair, Graham.

Subs: Tremmel, Orlandi, Routledge, Lita, Moore, Richards, Moras.

Referee: Michael Oliver (Northumberland)

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...aaand it's 2-0.

Swansea goal: More problems for Mick McCarthy. Big problems, in fact. His Wolves side pushed up in search of an equaliser, and they are ruthlessly punished here. Angel Rangel releases Danny Graham down the righ and his precise low cross is swept home by Joe Allen. That brings loud jeers from the home fans, and even some tears too.

Wolves are going down for sure unless they improve remarkably. McCarthy could be gone soon at the rate.

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How the hell have Swansea let Wolves get it back to 2-2!

Wolves first goal: Finally, Wolves bare their teeth. Sam Vokes swivels to fire goalwards from a corner and Michel Vorm can only parry his shot, allowing Kevin Doyle to follow up and hammer home a low finish. Game on? You bet.

Wolves second goal: The goal that saves Mick McCarthy's job? Possibly. Kevin Doyle turns provider this time, raiding down the left and pulling the ball back for Jamie O'Hara to sweep his first-time shot into the roof of the net.
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