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The 2011/12 Gary Speed Memorial Thread


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The situation just needs to die down. Suarez got found guilty of racially abusing Evra, FA clearly said and Evra himself said they don't think Suarez is a racist yet now everyone labels him a racist thats pretty smearing.

Evra's had all of this pressure on him and getting booed at Anfield (Which can easily be turned around to another club and another player for example Titus Bramble and Bolton if a Bolton player said something to Bramble, I bet Bramble would get booed by the Bolton fans. Look at the QPR/Chelsea game)

Today the issue could have been put at rest but alas its not. Mistake in having the handshake, Suarez is a cunt for not shaking his hand, Evra is a cunt for celebrating directly in front of Suarez. Suarez not shaking his hand was alot worse than Evra doing what he did but atleast have some common sense and be the bigger man.

We as a club could have handled this situation so much better but Kenny hasn't, the club hasn't and Suarez certainly hasn't.

Its the same with fans thought there is a stupid minority who seem to be saying racist stuff like the Chelsea ones who were singing stuff on the train, or the Liverpool one doing monkey gestures or the Man.U fan saying stuff about Jones against Stoke. It's a bit of an embarrassment that in 2012 we still have this problem in football.

Anyway fuck it I cba talking about this anymore. Blackburn doing really well atm, I bet somewhere Neil Warnock has a smile on his face.

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Bit late to the party but Suarez was a massive cunt and (here's something I'd never thought I'd say) I agree with everything Ferguson said. Suarez was an utter disgrace to himself, Liverpool and football as a whole but Evra's behaviour wasn't acceptable either, he was clearly trying to elicit a reaction, until that point he'd been the bigger man, there was no need for him to stoop to Suarez's level.

In other news, what the fuck Blackburn? :unsure:

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Wow, Plubby. So, racial abuse and celebrating a massive win in front of your own supporters are 'identical'? Have you been drinking?

Where did the racial abuse in this match happen?



I honestly don't know how I can break this down any more than I already have, but i'll try. All I have said is that nothing Suarez has done gives Evra the right to do what he did. I'm not defending what Suarez did initially back when he was suspended. Nowhere in the text of what I have written even remotely implies that, and how dare ANYONE suggest that I was.

As I previously posted: If you look at this whole thing from Black-gate to tunnel at OT: One bout of cuntishness does not justify another in return. Suarez was charged, found guilty and served his time. Deservedly so. That should be the end of that. The FA knows a fuckton more about this than any of us do. It's great that we all hate racism, but we are not qualified to state that based on what happened, the matter is no longer closed. That's done now.

But then you look at this match in isolation. Evra, in what is a clear attempt to say "I wasn't happy with what you said. But let's allow bygones to be bygones; The FA has dealt with it, let's move on." attempted to shake Suarez's hand who refused. Clear Dick move.

Evra then went and pointedly celebrated in front of Suarez. He had an entire pitch to do it in, and he had already celebrated away from Suarez. This is equally disrespectful as Suarez's no-handshake. Evra does not get a free pass because Suarez was rude to him. I agree with what Hamster's point was (now that I do not misunderstand it) - it was clearly wrong to do what he did, but I can see why he did it.

You can't have it both ways. You can't continue to vilify Suarez and canonize Evra, just because Suarez called him a NGH or whatever. This is showing a lack of respect to the FA's disciplinary process.

You also can't selectively accuse people of disrespect. In today's match - what they did to each other was equally wrong, and it is foolish to suggest otherwise.

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Wow, Plubby. So, racial abuse and celebrating a massive win in front of your own supporters are 'identical'? Have you been drinking?

Where did the racial abuse in this match happen?



I honestly don't know how I can break this down any more than I already have, but i'll try. All I have said is that nothing Suarez has done gives Evra the right to do what he did. I'm not defending what Suarez did initially back when he was suspended. Nowhere in the text of what I have written even remotely implies that, and how dare ANYONE suggest that I was.

As I previously posted: If you look at this whole thing from Black-gate to tunnel at OT: One bout of cuntishness does not justify another in return. Suarez was charged, found guilty and served his time. Deservedly so. That should be the end of that. The FA knows a fuckton more about this than you do. It's great that we all hate racism, but we are not qualified to state that based on what happened, the matter is no longer closed. That's done now.

But then you look at this match in isolation. Evra, in what is a clear attempt to say "I wasn't happy with what you said. But let's allow bygones to be bygones; The FA has dealt with it, let's move on." attempted to shake Suarez's hand who refused. Clear Dick move.

Evra then went and pointedly celebrated in front of Suarez. He had an entire pitch to do it in, and he had already celebrated away from Suarez. This is equally disrespectful as Suarez's no-handshake. Evra does not get a free pass because Suarez was rude to him. I agree with what Hamster's point was (now that I do not misunderstand it) - it was clearly wrong to do what he did, but I can see why he did it.

You can't have it both ways. You can't continue to vilify Suarez and canonize Evra, just because Suarez called him a NGH or whatever. This is showing a lack of respect to the FA's disciplinary process.

You also can't selectively accuse people of disrespect. In today's match - what they did to each other was equally wrong, and it is foolish to suggest otherwise.

How can you look at the event in isolation though when clearly the refusal of a handshake shows that Suarez does not think the matter is over?

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Wow, Plubby. So, racial abuse and celebrating a massive win in front of your own supporters are 'identical'? Have you been drinking?

Where did the racial abuse in this match happen?



You can't have it both ways. You can't continue to vilify Suarez and canonize Evra, just because Suarez called him a NGH or whatever. This is showing a lack of respect to the FA's disciplinary process.

I honestly don't get that. Yeah, he got banned, yes her served his time, but people surely still have the right to think that anyone, ANYONE that steps onto a football pitch and commits and act of racism is worthy of negative opinion.

I doubt anyone has sat there and thought 'oh, he has served his eight game ban, that's good enough for me'.

It is almost like you are trying to equate the FA ban to prison, and expect that someone who has 'done their time' has been rehabilitated and should be left to get on with things. To me at least, a bizarre way to look at things.

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Wow, Plubby. So, racial abuse and celebrating a massive win in front of your own supporters are 'identical'? Have you been drinking?

Where did the racial abuse in this match happen?



You can't have it both ways. You can't continue to vilify Suarez and canonize Evra, just because Suarez called him a NGH or whatever. This is showing a lack of respect to the FA's disciplinary process.

I honestly don't get that. Yeah, he got banned, yes her served his time, but people surely still have the right to think that anyone, ANYONE that steps onto a football pitch and commits and act of racism is worthy of negative opinion.

I doubt anyone has sat there and thought 'oh, he has served his eight game ban, that's good enough for me'.

It is almost like you are trying to equate the FA ban to prison, and expect that someone who has 'done their time' has been rehabilitated and should be left to get on with things. To me at least, a bizarre way to look at things.

And if I knew someone who was arrested for hate crimes, I'd still consider them a racist after they'd served their time <_<

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Norwich are now winning away at Swansea :o

I'll just throw my two cents on the Suarez situation - he could have avoided nearly everything by just shaking Evra's hand, Evra was wrong to do what he did at the end, I suppose, but he had been the innocent party in all this. Suarez didn't get better through the game to be honest, he got his knickers in a twist when Rio clearly got the ball, (lol Jamie Redknapp, what a knob), he also belted the ball at the dugout for no reason at the half time whistle and then hammered the ball at Evra from point blank range in the second half aswell. All of this didn't help matters. Kenny looked genuinely rattled about everything that had happened, but I agree with Sir Alex, Suarez is a disgrace to his club after today's debarcle.

On the game itself, I thought Rio was fantastic, absolutely magnificent at the back. The other three did okay alongside him, and De Gea did well with the save at the end. Giggs was poor and showed his weaknesses on the left today, he needs to stay in the middle of the park from now on. Carrick and Scholes were solid, although I was suprised that Cleverley didn't replace Scholes for the last ten. Valencia looked dangerous all day as did Rooney and Welbeck, who again linked up very well with each other. Felt sorry for Hernandez though, did really well last week. Liverpool never really looked a threat, Gerrard was non-existant which made me smile, really glad for the three points and to be back on top, doubt we'll stay there after City's game tomorrow but you never know.

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Wow, Plubby. So, racial abuse and celebrating a massive win in front of your own supporters are 'identical'? Have you been drinking?

Where did the racial abuse in this match happen?



I honestly don't know how I can break this down any more than I already have, but i'll try. All I have said is that nothing Suarez has done gives Evra the right to do what he did. I'm not defending what Suarez did initially back when he was suspended. Nowhere in the text of what I have written even remotely implies that, and how dare ANYONE suggest that I was.

As I previously posted: If you look at this whole thing from Black-gate to tunnel at OT: One bout of cuntishness does not justify another in return. Suarez was charged, found guilty and served his time. Deservedly so. That should be the end of that. The FA knows a fuckton more about this than you do. It's great that we all hate racism, but we are not qualified to state that based on what happened, the matter is no longer closed. That's done now.

But then you look at this match in isolation. Evra, in what is a clear attempt to say "I wasn't happy with what you said. But let's allow bygones to be bygones; The FA has dealt with it, let's move on." attempted to shake Suarez's hand who refused. Clear Dick move.

Evra then went and pointedly celebrated in front of Suarez. He had an entire pitch to do it in, and he had already celebrated away from Suarez. This is equally disrespectful as Suarez's no-handshake. Evra does not get a free pass because Suarez was rude to him. I agree with what Hamster's point was (now that I do not misunderstand it) - it was clearly wrong to do what he did, but I can see why he did it.

You can't have it both ways. You can't continue to vilify Suarez and canonize Evra, just because Suarez called him a NGH or whatever. This is showing a lack of respect to the FA's disciplinary process.

You also can't selectively accuse people of disrespect. In today's match - what they did to each other was equally wrong, and it is foolish to suggest otherwise.

How can you look at the event in isolation though when clearly the refusal of a handshake shows that Suarez does not think the matter is over?

I have already addressed this in the paragraph above the part of my post you refer to. AND the first post I made today in this thread. When I speak of isolation, I mean I deem today's events to be "fair bump; play on", as we say in Australia. Or to use hockey parlance "you guys both got your shots in, let's not make this any more of this. It should be out of your systems now".

So, as you illustrate, perhaps Suarez does not see that the matter is over. So for the third time today...That still doesn't give Evra the right to do what he did. That doesn't make him right to do it. Suarez is still not right, and Suarez is still wrong for saying what he did all those weeks ago.

All my point is, and all my point ever was, is that Evra did to Suarez today was wrong.


I honestly don't get that. Yeah, he got banned, yes her served his time, but people surely still have the right to think that anyone, ANYONE that steps onto a football pitch and commits and act of racism is worthy of negative opinion.

I wasn't trying to say that Suarez is cool with me now. He would still have to have shown maturity and a willingness to work hard for his club (which he then didn't do, in all fairness). His reputation as a man is tarnished for me, but as a footballer it is repairable. I do hold a negative opinion of him as a person now.

Again; All I am saying is that what Suarez did does not make Evra right. Most of what I have seen on this is an outpouring of emotive response that what Suarez did to Evra at the beginning of the game was wrong, and what Evra did to Suarez at the end makes him a hero.

No it fucking doesn't. These two acts (Number 1: Suarez's no-shake; Number 2: Evra's Celebration) are identical to each other. Suarez's is looked on as worse because he's done wrong in the past.

This whole thing derailed when some people decided that the two events I was *actually* referring to were Number One: Evra's celebration; Number Two: Suarez's racist comments.

Conclusion: Is anyone fucking surprised to learn that it was Baddar who first did this?

All my minus one are belong to you.

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Wow, Plubby. So, racial abuse and celebrating a massive win in front of your own supporters are 'identical'? Have you been drinking?

Where did the racial abuse in this match happen?



I honestly don't know how I can break this down any more than I already have, but i'll try. All I have said is that nothing Suarez has done gives Evra the right to do what he did. I'm not defending what Suarez did initially back when he was suspended. Nowhere in the text of what I have written even remotely implies that, and how dare ANYONE suggest that I was.

As I previously posted: If you look at this whole thing from Black-gate to tunnel at OT: One bout of cuntishness does not justify another in return. Suarez was charged, found guilty and served his time. Deservedly so. That should be the end of that. The FA knows a fuckton more about this than you do. It's great that we all hate racism, but we are not qualified to state that based on what happened, the matter is no longer closed. That's done now.

But then you look at this match in isolation. Evra, in what is a clear attempt to say "I wasn't happy with what you said. But let's allow bygones to be bygones; The FA has dealt with it, let's move on." attempted to shake Suarez's hand who refused. Clear Dick move.

Evra then went and pointedly celebrated in front of Suarez. He had an entire pitch to do it in, and he had already celebrated away from Suarez. This is equally disrespectful as Suarez's no-handshake. Evra does not get a free pass because Suarez was rude to him. I agree with what Hamster's point was (now that I do not misunderstand it) - it was clearly wrong to do what he did, but I can see why he did it.

You can't have it both ways. You can't continue to vilify Suarez and canonize Evra, just because Suarez called him a NGH or whatever. This is showing a lack of respect to the FA's disciplinary process.

You also can't selectively accuse people of disrespect. In today's match - what they did to each other was equally wrong, and it is foolish to suggest otherwise.

How can you look at the event in isolation though when clearly the refusal of a handshake shows that Suarez does not think the matter is over?

I have already addressed this in the paragraph above the part of my post you refer to. AND the first post I made today in this thread. When I speak of isolation, I mean I deem today's events to be "fair bump; play on", as we say in Australia. Or to use hockey parlance "you guys both got your shots in, let's not make this any more of this. It should be out of your systems now".

So, as you illustrate, perhaps Suarez does not see that the matter is over. So for the third time today...That still doesn't give Evra the right to do what he did. That doesn't make him right to do it. Suarez is still not right, and Suarez is still wrong for saying what he did all those weeks ago.

All my point is, and all my point ever was, is that Evra did to Suarez today was wrong.

Which I believe all of us, including Sir Alex Ferguson agreed with, Evra shouldn't have done it. All I said was that celebrating after the whistle close to Suarez was the lesser of two evils by comparison to the refusal of the handshake, which as Fergie said could have started a riot. Maybe if the incidents were the other way round I could agree, but I just can't begrudge Evra for his reaction.

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