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The 2011/12 Gary Speed Memorial Thread


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Terrible from Jones, gotta give full credit to Newcastle though they played very well tonight. They never gave us any time on the ball and the front men held the ball up brilliantly. Gutted for us like but I guess the injuries and lack of quality in midfield has finally caught up with us.

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Hahaha. Amazing.

"Just thrown away our title chances" is a brilliant knee-jerk reaction from a mate, but I couldn't be happier if that was the case. Ba-rilliant game for Newcastle and all I hope for now is that Spurs score like 14 goals and overtake United next game >_>.

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I'm soaking wet but happy happy happy, three nil against a 12 man Man Utd team is a good Wednesday nights footie for me. Just hoping the missus followed my advice to let the new baby watch her first game on tv tonight...

Still not predicting glory but if we keep playing like that there's no reason we can't scrape the Europa if it goes down to 7th.

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Actually looks pretty nice, signed the deal for the next two seasons so no Sports Direct on the shirts. Phew.

Watching bits back on Sky now, Dembas interview is amazing, though I've never heard any of our fans singing 'feed the sheep...'.

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