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The 2011/12 Gary Speed Memorial Thread


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The attack is just one dimensional without Suarez and that's really the problem Liverpool had tonight. It's hoof the ball at Andy Carroll from the edge of the area and hope for the best. Only Kuyt really supported him, that one time. Adam does bugger all except try to be Steven Gerrard. Downing falls into the category of wingers like Aiden McGeady and Aaron Lennon who lack any kind of end product for all the running they do, at least a good chunk of the time. Henderson doesn't do very much.

I imagine in a perfect world Gerrard would be just behind a front two of Suarez and Carroll with Downing and Henderson knocking in crosses and Suarez feeding off Carrol's scraps/turning defenders inside out in the box (something he doesn't do nearly enough because the way things have gone has seemingly pushed him deeper) with Gerrard behind to whack long shots and through balls. But it hasn't really worked out for injuries and suspensions yet. Suarez can play more than Carroll and can involve and set people up as well as score, which means Liverpool can attack with bit more fluidity when he plays. With Carroll on his own, the wide players go into over drive and Carroll gets isolated and people bemoan him as a waste of money. It's not 100% his fault, Charlie Adam isn't going to give him much and knocking crosses from deep isn't always going to work no matter how Glen Johnson tries it. Downing could do hell of a lot better with his distribution. I can give Enrique and Bellamy props for going a bit deeper with their runs from time to time.

The attacking system Dalglish had in his head has been messed up by injuries and suspensions in the main and I think Liverpool do need to continue to work on a better plan for playing Andy Carroll than just hoof and hope. I'd certainly like a bit more pace going forward and maybe someone who could fill the gap left by Lucas a bit better than Jay Spearing and Charlie Adam will.

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Kind of glad I went out instead of watching last night's game now. It adds pressure on Utd getting a result at Newcastle tonight, but that won't be easy. Hopefully, we can get an early-ish goal and go from there, like in many of our away games already this season.

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Good solid 1-0 win for us. Glad I didn't go though, apparently WBA just parked the bus. Boring result grinded out.

Representatives of John Terry are taking legal advice after an image resembling the England football captain appeared on cigarette packs in India.

The blurred head-and-upper-body image appears above the words Smoking Kills.

The Indian Express said it was part of an anti-smoking drive. The government's Directorate of Visual Publicity said it was unclear why the image was used.

A spokesman for Elite Management, which represents John Terry, told the BBC no consent had been given.

His statement read: "It's been brought to our attention that an image of our client has been used on some cigarette packaging without our consent or knowledge. We've now instructed our legal team to investigate this matter."

The Indian Express quoted KS Dhatwalia, additional secretary of the Directorate of Visual Publicity, as saying: "We sent the creative to the health ministry and they then cleared it and circulated it.

"But how Terry's picture got to be used is not clear."

However, another official at the directorate told Reuters news agency that the matter "has got nothing to do with John Terry", adding: "It was purely a piece of artistic imagination and I don't know why an issue is being created."

The Chelsea and England captain is at present fighting a legal battle over racist comments allegedly made towards footballer Anton Ferdinand during a Premier League game.

The 31-year-old was charged with a racially aggravated public order offence after Chelsea's 1-0 defeat at Queens Park Rangers on 23 October.

He strenuously denies the charges.

The Indian government has blundered before on advertising.

In 2010, Indian officials apologised after a government advertisement included an image of a Pakistani ex-air force chief alongside prominent Indians.

Also in 2010, India's government devised an advertising campaign for its Commonwealth Games athletes set against the backdrop of aircraft vapour trails featuring the national colours. However, the colours were of Italy's red, white and green rather than India's orange, white and green.

Also that year, the state of Meghalaya had to withdraw school textbooks that featured pictures of Jesus Christ holding a cigarette and a can of beer.

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Sandro out AGAIN?! Poor lad. He's not had a decent run of fitness since we bought him.

Not so distraught about Gallas because Dawson's back in full training. At this rate we won't be selling so much in January. If that means we keep Corluka (because he can play central) then I'll be overjoyed. Kranjcar had better stay too.

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Fiver says that Liverpool finally concede that this year is not going to be 'their year'.

There's a graph that's (apparently) been going around the internet for years showing the cycle of Liverpool's season. It predicts that on December 25th the title bid is dead and January onwards it's "building for next year". It's startlingly accurate.


We are a work in progress

The internet, knowing everything since 25th December 1990. :P

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I'm curious as to the Villa fans reactions to McLeish seen as though we are just over half way through the season. Right man for the job? I mean while you lot are in 13th you are only 2 points of 9th. (Although Everton do have two games in hand)

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Good grief Wigan are horrific. Loved the town, love their style of football and love Martinez but their fans, oh my. By the 80th minute you could read the 'DW' on the South Stand.

Can't believe we scored 4 goals like. We are the slowest and most awesome counter attacking side ever. It's all done at like 2mph but by jove is it working!

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Wigan have always had problems with people coming to the games though for years now. I dunno what it is whether its the fact no one gives a shit in Wigan because it's a rugby town, ticket prices (Although I'm pretty sure they have the cheapest in the Prem). The fact that it was a Tuesday night game probably didn't help either.

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Rugby town, proximity to Liverpool and Man Utd as well. Spoke to people after the game and a lot of blokes where saying they didn't care about Wigan and supported one of them two. Prices are good, was £20 for my ticket so I doubt home tickets would have been more expensive. Got hotel, train and match ticket for under £80. Can see why I want them to stay in the Premier League with prices like that!

Shame, they're a good club. Bloody hate that they have a guy with a drum in the crowd though. Sicko.

Edited by IAceI
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Can't believe Barton lost the appeal. Sure he's a dickhead and you're almost waiting for him to kick off, but it was a coming together that none of the officials saw and I'm not entirely convinced that he did use his head, and that's after numerous replays. Unless they found a better angle or whatever, but the FA is shit and make decisions based on whatever they feel like (Wolves' player that got sent off, Milijas was it?) so it's hardly a surprise.

Edit: Agreed with matt. Bolton and Wigan for relegation. Fuck Coyle ¬_¬.

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