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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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There's a whole paragraph or two dedicated to it in the (in-game) manual!

The in-game manual!? Says it all!

Anyway, thanks for the help guys :P.

Had another very enjoyable evening on the game - finished sorting out all the alternate attires for everyone now. A great storyline is developing on Raw between a combination of CM Punk (WWE Champ), Alberto Del Rio (Rumble winner), Dolph Ziggler (US Champ) and of course...Zack Ryder. Who is actually the #1 Contender to the US Title! That might have something to do with me interfering in his match with Del Rio last week with Punk and helping him win.

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Finished my Create-a-Story today, can't upload it though. Damn servers.

Had an awesome Rumble in WWE Universe though. Sheamus (me), Orton, Nash and Miz were the final four. I eliminated Orton quickly, but the three remaining guys just kept going back and forth. Finally got a finisher and eliminated Nash, then went for Miz, but he used a finisher to break it and easily dropkicked me out of the ring since I'd been in forever. Miz wins, going to face CM Punk at Mania... except Punk lost the title to Nash in the Elimination Chamber. The plot thickens.

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Finished my Create-a-Story today, can't upload it though. Damn servers.

Had an awesome Rumble in WWE Universe though. Sheamus (me), Orton, Nash and Miz were the final four. I eliminated Orton quickly, but the three remaining guys just kept going back and forth. Finally got a finisher and eliminated Nash, then went for Miz, but he used a finisher to break it and easily dropkicked me out of the ring since I'd been in forever. Miz wins, going to face CM Punk at Mania... except Punk lost the title to Nash in the Elimination Chamber. The plot thickens.

PS3 or 360? If you're on PS3, I'd like to try that story out.

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I want to actually play and finish your story before I trade this in. I never did finish your Tag Team one on 10.

Whilst i'm here, I'm approaching Survivor Series in RTWM and so far i've enjoyed it. Some of the enforced stuff is a little frustrating but i've enjoyed the cast of characters i've been able to play as thus far (however fleeting some of that time was) and the story is pretty interesting, if a little strange since everyone seems to be heels.

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Finished my Create-a-Story today, can't upload it though. Damn servers.

Had an awesome Rumble in WWE Universe though. Sheamus (me), Orton, Nash and Miz were the final four. I eliminated Orton quickly, but the three remaining guys just kept going back and forth. Finally got a finisher and eliminated Nash, then went for Miz, but he used a finisher to break it and easily dropkicked me out of the ring since I'd been in forever. Miz wins, going to face CM Punk at Mania... except Punk lost the title to Nash in the Elimination Chamber. The plot thickens.

PS3 or 360? If you're on PS3, I'd like to try that story out.

360. Sorry buddy. Play it at a friends house though!

But yeah, story will be uploaded as soon as THQ gets their shit together.

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I finished of the Road To Wrestlemania thing. I liked it, although the backstage brawls became dull pretty quickly. The match at the end of the hero bit was really good though. I liked the hero story. The guy I made for it looked amazing. Shame I couldn't change that shitty music he had.

Really been doing RTW because I'm waiting to be able to downlaod wrestlers before I get my universe going.

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Turning the reversal sliders down slightly should help.

As for the stacking trophies, it's good that they'll just come with time - well, the Edge one, already got the others. It now looks like the most annoying one on the game could be the ''finisher in all 44 areas'' of backstage brawl. That or the ''crawl to the ropes whilst in a submission'' one, because you need to rely on the AI putting you in a suitable submission near the ropes. Hasn't happened to me yet.

Edit: I guess I'm letting D. Bryan do the lebell lock if it comes down to it...

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Hold it down for just that little bit longer. When I first did it, I was letting go too early. It's better to let go late. The only time I know I'm screwed now is when the blue bar is tiny, and far over to the right, giving me one chance to kick out before the ref counts the three.

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