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WWE '12

Guest rasko

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Randy Orton and Alex Riley had a match on NXT and at the end Mason Ryan/Alberto Del Rio and Husky Harris all came out and stared Orton down from the top of the ramp, could be an interesting new stable that i'll have to create in the game now.

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So far my favourite ending to a match, saw my CAW go for his codebreaker finisher on Orton, who shoved him off and into the corner. Orton charged in, I sidestepped, he crashed, stumbled out, and turned into an RKO for the win.

Simply Fantastic :D

Also Wade Barrett is currently my WHC thanks to help from Alberto Del Rio....who just won Money in the Bank. Oh Goodie.

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I've just found WWE '12 while tidying up the piles of mail downstairs. Apparently it arrived and no one told me, so fuck everyone in my house for seeing an Amazon packet and not realising it is something I am waiting for.

Just when I was regretting the purchase as well.

Installing/downloading update now.

Also, I don't know it has been mentioned but the Wrestling Revolution Project is looking for guys to make CAWs, Logos, etc so people can recreate it on WWE '12. Will be cool to do if it gets off the ground.

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I like the game so far, however... I haven't played a WWE game since SVR2009 but I have to say, the Pin system in 12 is really a problem. Completely takes the "grab a controller and play" feel away from the game. The TNA game did this same thing. Great system for grappling, submissions and everything else but the pin system isn't practical and can screw you out of a win cause you didn't master one mini-game.

Not to mention, on a 32 inch TV I can barely read/see the pin meter. I don't get how developers have to fix what's not already broken.

Edited by Universal
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So what exactly is everybody doing with their brand/show customization? Leaving it the way it is or changing it up? I switched Superstars to NXT and for the first 5 months of my game I played my own little "Legends NXT" season with Brock Lesnar, Vader, Ax, Smash, Animal, and Ricky Steamboat. Pretty much just gave me an excuse to use the legends a bit while keeping them away from the main roster. Brock ultimately won as I had planned, and he's now on the Raw roster and the game immediately made him #1 contender to the WWE Title, which I like.

I'll run more NXT seasons with FCW guys/indy guys/etc. once I'm able to actually download people consistently, but until then NXT is just being run like Superstars for now.

For PPVs, I switched Fatal 4 Way to Clash of the Champions and TLC to Starrcade. When Clash started I got the appropriate "PPV intro" for it visually, however the voiceover guy still said "AND NOW WWE PRESENTS FATAL 4 WAY!" plus commentary alludes to it being Fatal 4 Way as well.

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So what exactly is everybody doing with their brand/show customization? Leaving it the way it is or changing it up? I switched Superstars to NXT and for the first 5 months of my game I played my own little "Legends NXT" season with Brock Lesnar, Vader, Ax, Smash, Animal, and Ricky Steamboat. Pretty much just gave me an excuse to use the legends a bit while keeping them away from the main roster. Brock ultimately won as I had planned, and he's now on the Raw roster and the game immediately made him #1 contender to the WWE Title, which I like.

I'll run more NXT seasons with FCW guys/indy guys/etc. once I'm able to actually download people consistently, but until then NXT is just being run like Superstars for now.

For PPVs, I switched Fatal 4 Way to Clash of the Champions and TLC to Starrcade. When Clash started I got the appropriate "PPV intro" for it visually, however the voiceover guy still said "AND NOW WWE PRESENTS FATAL 4 WAY!" plus commentary alludes to it being Fatal 4 Way as well.

Running RAW as WCW and Smackdown as ECW. Superstars is now Tribute to the Troops but I just sim through it. Haven't changed any PPVs yet, but that will change once the servers start working correctly

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I am astounded that they have somehow made the use of managers even WORSE. Last year, you'd go for a pin and the other guy's manager would cause the distraction. The ref would look at him before he even caused said distraction. And after 3 formulaic rounds of this the manager would be ejected. Now, I played as Bourne (with Kofi) against Dolph (with Swagger)...Swagger was getting his ass kicked by Kofi halfway up the freaking ramp, and still when I went for the cover Charles Robinson turned to stare at the ramp fight on cue. It took me about 12 tries knocking Swagger off the apron before he was ejected. What a joke.

Good to see Mark Henry, the WHC, in the #1 Contender's Match for the WHC too...genius booking.

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I like that the first thing I do I go to Superstar threads and redesign all the wrestlers I care about. ADR, Barrett, Sheamus, Cena, Sin Cara, Mark Henry, Undertaker, Vader, Cody Rhodes and Christian all now have 2 or 3 extra attires each.

I am WWE '12's Gok Wan.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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I don't think Road to WrestleMania is as bad as people made it out to be, least not for the same reasons. I'm okay with the story leading me along (even if it's very unsatisfying).

1st Storyline spoiler below

The Elimination Chamber match with Sheamus is ridiculous. You have to eliminate every entrant past Cena before the next entrant comes out, while Cena is still in the match. It mostly turns into a 2 on 1 handi-cap match where you have to beat one of the specific opponents in a matter of about 3-4 minutes. First real place in the mode so far that seems rather unfair, especially since I only have it on Easy.

Wouldn't be so frustrating if you didn't have to re-do every part of the match again.

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Heads up for Universe: not that it's a common occurence, but if you book a 6 man ladder match at any point, it'll automatically turn the winner into Mr. Money in the Bank.

Only discovered it because I'm on MITB now and I turned all of the participants to be SmackDown guys and simmed. R-Truth won MITB, outlasting Miz, DiBiase, Goldust, Rhodes, and Mason Ryan. R-Truth was then listed as Mr. Money in the Bank.

I decided to book a Raw MITB as well, figuring I'd give the winner a title match at some point even though there is technically only one Mr. MITB in the game. Christian won over McIntyre, Morrison, Kofi, Bourne, and Zack Ryder. However, CHRISTIAN is now listed as Mr. Money in the Bank instead of R-Truth. Not a big deal, as it has the same effect and it just means Truth will have a regular match whereas Christian can use the cheap cash in animation. Just figured I'd throw it out there for anybody planning on doing two MITBs like I did.

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I like the game so far, however... I haven't played a WWE game since SVR2009 but I have to say, the Pin system in 12 is really a problem. Completely takes the "grab a controller and play" feel away from the game. The TNA game did this same thing. Great system for grappling, submissions and everything else but the pin system isn't practical and can screw you out of a win cause you didn't master one mini-game.

Not to mention, on a 32 inch TV I can barely read/see the pin meter. I don't get how developers have to fix what's not already broken.

Same here. Every single match so far the first time I get pinned I lose.

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Guest Hatchet

It gets a lot more frustrating as RTWM mode goes on. I don't agree with Game Informer basing their entire review on RTWM mode, but I see their problem with it. It sucks. If anybody bought the game for that mode, they'll hate it.

And I researched my own answers to the questions I asked earlier about those achievements (win 3 titles w/ CAW and win 5 titles w/ CAW). Apparently, you can't set up the title matches yourself. It has to be done legit.

Also, according to XBox360Achievements.org, all of those "one session" achievements really mean is that it has to be done on one profile. You don't have to do it in one sitting.

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It gets a lot more frustrating as RTWM mode goes on. I don't agree with Game Informer basing their entire review on RTWM mode, but I see their problem with it. It sucks. If anybody bought the game for that mode, they'll hate it.

And I researched my own answers to the questions I asked earlier about those achievements (win 3 titles w/ CAW and win 5 titles w/ CAW). Apparently, you can't set up the title matches yourself. It has to be done legit.

Also, according to XBox360Achievements.org, all of those "one session" achievements really mean is that it has to be done on one profile. You don't have to do it in one sitting.

Thank goodness. I was wondering why THQ wanted me to overheat my X-Box trying to get those silly achievements. That makes a whole lot more sense but the wording is suspect.

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RTWM sucks so much dick. I played for an hour, decided to just bite the bullet and pay the 99 cents to unlock everything. What a horrid system.

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So Booker T, Kevin Nash, and Alberto Del Rio are battling it out in a feud on Raw to determine the #1 contender. What's the WWE Champion Big Show up to, you ask? Just having a little feud with Zack Ryder and Santino Marella on Superstars. Oh, and David Otunga just got involved.

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I had an awesome match with Triple H, as CM Punk. I hit a Go To Sleep, but he kicked out. He hit a Pedigree, but I kicked out. He got another finisher (I had one banked but hadn't been able to use it yet) and I reversed his Pedigree, giving me two finishers. I hit one Go To Sleep, and went for a second one to "be sure" of the win, but he slid out, giving him a finisher. He hits the Pedigree for the win. It reminded me why I play this game on Easy still!

I am terrible at pins. I have only kicked out of one (during the HHH & CM Punk match) and that was after Jack Swagger randomly interfered (and storyline lead to nothing) and blocked the referee for 15 seconds :blush:

Still enjoying the game. I don't strand too much from what WWE books. I wish there ws more to do with the tag team division. The game broke up my Air Boom tag team I made without ever teaming together .. they are still listed as allies, though.

I'm also a week away from Elimination Chamber and Sin Cara has turned twice.

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