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The Witcher 2

Gongsun Zan

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If you're a fan of RPGs, you owe it to yourself to buy this game. I've barely finished the (lengthy) opening, and already I'm in love. The amount of attention given to the writing and world building is off the scale -- the first ten minutes alone simply blows Dragon Age completely out of the water in terms of presentation. Combat is brutal yet fair, and there's a real satisfaction in winning each fight. Graphics wise, I'd put it right up there with Crysis as to how pretty it is (the trailer doesn't do it justice). Easily the most amazing opening to a game I've played in years, and I don't make that statement lightly. The lack of media coverage it's receiving is a disgrace, really.

Also it's got uncensored boobies. Nuff said.

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Combat is real-time but influenced by stats, and you control one character instead of a party. The ability tree is split into magic, swordsmanship, and alchemy (basically lets you brew potions that grant powerful buffs) though I haven't really explored much of it.

Non-combat gameplay is pretty similar though: you're given free reign to wander about towns and their surrounding areas (once you're past the prologue) and do quests at your leisure/chase the main plot. Dialogue is virtually identical (you pick a general statement, character says the rest). I've not played far enough to determine how important the player choices are, but by going by the previews and it's predecessor I wouldn't be surprised if choice plays a large part in the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just 360? That sucks. What's the point in releasing a game previously only available on PC to JUST the 360? If you're going to sell it to a console, why not just sell it to both?

Both? Both?


How many consoles are on the market?

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