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The Apprentice - Series 7


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The problem was that even the Wired pitch wasn't really 'won' by the girls, it was just that the guy doing it was incredibly touchy - and probably a Daily Mail reader - so the boys were never going to win that one. It's a shame that the task was basically swung by a bit of a tosser.

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I watched the first 45 seconds, got extremely bored with the... overpronounced... really... slow... emphasis... on... every... word... styles that all these hot air balloons talk in and turned it off.

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Glad he didn't fire Leon and Glenn because they've been fairly interesting/entertaining characters so far. Alex looked like he could've turned into somebody fun to watch if he ever got motivated but based on the evidence so far I'm glad he went. And how annoying is Edna? Ugh.

Can't believe the girls won with a name like "Ampi Apps" either. I was convinced that would lose it for them.

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The problem I had with the second episode was that the guys worked well as a team, all got on bored with decisions, worked well to promote the app and essentially got stiffed. The girls had a terrible product (although Slangatang wasn't exactly great), were constantly in-fighting, refusing to talk about conflicts, not getting on board or really raising objections and had terrible pitches. Basically, if I had to pick folk to face the boardroom at the end, I'd have had real trouble picking three from the guys team, but I'd have had to ask for at least two more slots for the girls.

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Jim is the fucking Boss.

Also, this. Jim is the man. I hope he keeps up this kind of from because he comes across as really likeable, too. Just hope he hasn't peaked early this soon, because we've definitely seen that happen over the past few series.

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I think the issue, as Sir Alan said, was that the boys didn't reach a global market. Region dialects is only going to score with people from the UK, while I imagine there are dickheads world-wide who would find Ampi Apps funny. Wired was a huge factor too, I don't know where Alan Sugar was coming from when he said it didn't matter.

I take back what I said about Leon, he seems okay actually. Thought he did a very good job leading the team, but he made a mistake bringing Glenn back in. Don't think anyone could really fault his leadership - they were all behind the app and if he had said no to it and they still lost he'd have everyone on the back about not picking something they were all behind. That is the game though, I guess.

Glenn is a rottweiler in the boardroom though, I look forward to seeing more outbursts from him. He and Tom remain my favourite characters. Ellie is also.

Much hate for Edna and Susan. Jesus Christ. I'm hoping one will get sent to the boys team next week, just to separate them.

Look forward to next week's episode. I love the shopping list tasks, brings out the best and worst of candidates. Don't know why it is coming so soon in the series though, it is normally one of the last challenges.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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I think Melody might make it a long way in to the season. She's probably been the most competent of the girls so far and they went out of the way to make her look good and gave her a lot to say while Edna was delivering that bizzare pitch.

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The way Jim got Leon to change who he was taking into the boardroom was brilliant. It's like he holds control without even having to be project manager. Him and Melody seem the two best at this point.

I loved the bit where, just after making Leon change his mind, Jim said to Glenn "he's made his decision!" when Glenn was trying to convince Leon to change his mind again.

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"Did you have an APPle?" That guy is such a dick.

Leon isn't actually bad at all; his mistake was just choosing to back an APP which didn't have global appeal. Jim is really good, Glenn might be; I like Tom if only for being the most polite Apprentice candidate EVER (and for some hilariously silly APP ideas)

Right people have been fired so far. The first guy was clueless and the second (Alex was it?) didn't do anything and was a smarmy cunt to boot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So is anybody still watching this? :shifty:

Glad that Edna went last time. Just an annoying person who didn't need to be on my TV. Luckily nobody I've really liked has gone so far, probably a by-product of Lord Sugar firing people he couldn't see himself in a partnership with rather than those actually at fault. I'll do the customary emoticon ladder now :shifty:


Susan - she's just so cute! I thought it was her time to go last night but as the episode progressed she came off quite well

Tom - I've got the impression he's absolutely useless but he's hilarious so he gets let off. The only person who realised what an awful idea "every dog" was as well

Leon - good for a laugh but probably not a serious contender

Glenn - single-handedly won the pet food task it seems even though everybody laughed at him... the "see their light" line was pretty shite though :lol:


Jim - the Jedi stuff is thoroughly entertaining but he's coming off as a bit of a wanker more and more. I'll be interested to see what happens when he takes the helm though

Melody - balancing her naturally annoying personality with some pretty good business sense so far

Helen - she's won six times but I don't remember seeing much of her. Still, she seems like a pretty nice person... maybe too nice


Zoe - mixed feelings. According to the BBC website she's 26... what?! Looks way older. Has a horrible way about her when she argues as well


Natasha - seems like a right cunt

Why are the women always so much more annoying than the men? Am I just a misogynist or what?

Edited by Pesci
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Still like all of the women, whereas I'm not too crazy about any of the guys, barring Tom, who as you said is just hilarious. Jim is kind of just there, certainly entertaining to watch, his argument with the builder last night was great, thought he was on the verge of hitting him at one stage.

No problem with Edna going, but I'm surprised Zoe survived, because really that loss was all down to her. She did fuck all and fucked up both potential job offers, while also making out that Susan was an utter idiot for saying what she said, when in fact she actually wasn't.

Though I'm not sure who I'm really rooting for this year, there's no major standout for me like last year with Stella. I'd probably say Helen is somebody I wouldn't mind seeing win, she's been pretty good so far and at least doesn't come across as an utter twat like a few of them.

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I'm a big fan of Tom and Glenn, though I doubt either will win. Leon I also like, and he has the best chance out of the boys, I think. I both hate and love Jim, I like watching him but I can't wait till he gets destroyed by some embarressing mistake. Of the girls, it doesn't matter because Ellie went the other week :crying:, but I think Helen is in a very strong position having lead Logic to their first win. None of the rest really jump out at me, except Susan who I find terribly annoying.

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Loving Jim and Tom, I think they're fantastic to watch together; but I really feel Sugar can't wait to rip Jim apart. I don't know her name, I think it's meoldy. But her voice is the most fucking annoying thing ever. I just want her to go as soon as possible.

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