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What have you been playing this week?


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I just started playing Brink, borrowed it from a friend and my reaction to it is eh... I like it and I enjoy playing it... but I'm pretty sure once I complete both sides of the campaign I probably won't touch it again until it's on sale used for 10 bucks or so.

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Started Uncharted on Crushing last night. For some reason it's easier than I thought it would be, it just takes patience and use of brutal combo.

Also started Civ 5 which wasn't as fun as I'd hoped, but I did just dive in. Hoping a custom game tonight will encourage me to play it more.

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Top Spin 4 - Managed to win my first Masters tournament, by going through Nadal in the Quarters, Djokovic in the Semis, and then Roddick in the final. There may have been fist pumping.

Fallout 3: GOTY Edition - I got this, to play all the add ons I missed. I have instead spent the past week/2 weeks just going around and doing a whole bunch of side-missions. Also, Gauss Rifle > *

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Downloaded TF2 but have zero experience with PC Multiplayer FPS games apart from a breif week run on Counterstrike a couple of years back. I must say that it is so much fun. My computer can't really handle the game if too much is going on and will lag but it's not too bad. Been playing Capture the Flag servers which seem the most fun. Soldiers seem to be my class of choice though I'll switch it around if I notice a lack of one class in a round (e.g. Medic or Engineer)

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I got FF Dissidia for my PSP. It's pretty good, terrible tutorial though. I still have barely any idea what I'm doing or what a lot of the functions are. But the whole idea and the presentation is amazing, playing as Cloud and hearing the overworld theme is a nice call back. The only problem is that I've finally reached my first real fight against Sephiroth and I can't do anything against him. That and I think they would have been better off adding more characters from the better known games. I'm sure there's a few people out there that like playing as Cecil and the random thing from FFXI, but I'm sure there's a lot more people that would have appreciated them adding Cid ( :shifty: ) or Auron or someone like that.

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I've been getting back into Disgaea 2 after a little bit of a break. I have two more fights to go, and then I am done!

Problem is....the enemies are waaaayyy too strong. My party is anywhere between mid 50's and mid 60's, and the mosters are 70-80s, with the final boss being 90. PLUS, the second final stage basically has a time limit, which will suck balls. So, I just need to level up! A lot. 15ish levels should be enough, I think.

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Fallout: New Vegas. The single buggiest game I have ever played in my life. At the point I'm at it's crashing every twenty minutes tops. It's a pity, too, because as a game with that aside it's amazing.

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Mass Effect 1....Cause why the fuck not!!!! haha

I got it awhile ago in a sale along with Saints Row 2 and Assassins Creed 2 because I had the urge to play the first game again and then continue the new character into Mass Effect 2.

Rashad Shepard and his split personality GO!!!!

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Fallout: New Vegas. The single buggiest game I have ever played in my life. At the point I'm at it's crashing every twenty minutes tops. It's a pity, too, because as a game with that aside it's amazing.

Really? I must be the odd one out....I very rarely have any bugs in New Vegas.

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Fallout: New Vegas. The single buggiest game I have ever played in my life. At the point I'm at it's crashing every twenty minutes tops. It's a pity, too, because as a game with that aside it's amazing.

Really? I must be the odd one out....I very rarely have any bugs in New Vegas.


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Fallout: New Vegas. The single buggiest game I have ever played in my life. At the point I'm at it's crashing every twenty minutes tops. It's a pity, too, because as a game with that aside it's amazing.

Really? I must be the odd one out....I very rarely have any bugs in New Vegas.


Wasn't there supposed to be a problem with an update or a patch for the game that causes it to crash?

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Fallout: New Vegas. The single buggiest game I have ever played in my life. At the point I'm at it's crashing every twenty minutes tops. It's a pity, too, because as a game with that aside it's amazing.

Really? I must be the odd one out....I very rarely have any bugs in New Vegas.


Wasn't there supposed to be a problem with an update or a patch for the game that causes it to crash?

Could be. I downloaded a patch on... Friday? But if anything it's just gotten truly awful on Saturday and Sunday. I seriously couldn't enter The Strip without the game freezing, so I had to revert to an earlier save with two hours less gameplay on it.

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I started playing Unreal Tournament on the 360 last night, and I bloody love it. I can't believe I never picked it up before, I used to love the original on the PC. Only downsides so far are the lack of post-game stats (but I guess they weren't really en vogue when UT came out) and virtually nothing by way of character customization. It's also one of the very few games I'm actually a beast on, haven't had a single negative K/D yet :D

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